Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 2007, vol. 126 fasc.3
SGI Code | Article |
39397 | CORADINI-M. The origin of the Moon: a critical review pp. 439 - 447 [PDF] [Buy] |
39398 | FLAMINI-E. The exploration of the Solar System in Italy. A cornerstone: the Cassini-Huygenes mission to Saturn and Titan pp. 449 - 457 [PDF] [Buy] |
39399 | MANTOVANI-E., VITI-M., BABBUCCI-D., TAMBURELLI-C. Major evidence on the driving mechanism of the Tyrrhenian-Apennines arc-trench-back arc system from CROP seismic data pp. 459 - 471 [PDF] [Buy] |
39400 | CARRUBA-S., CASNEDI-R., FELLETTI-F. Sedimentary evolution in a migrating foredeep basin:geometry and facies analysis of the massive sandy bodies of the Cellino Formation, Lower Pliocene Periadriatic Foredeep (Central Apennines, Italy) pp. 473 - 485 [PDF] [Buy] |
39401 | BALESTRO-G., PIANA-F. The representation of knowledge and uncertainty in databases of GIS geological maps pp. 487 - 495 [PDF] [Buy] |
39402 | BUONANNO-A., PERTUSATI-S., ZUPPETTA-A. Structural evolution of the Fortore Unit (Southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 497 - 510 [PDF] [Buy] |
39403 | BROZZETTI-F. The Umbria Preapennines in the Monte Santa Maria Tiberina area: a new geological map with stratigraphic and structural notes pp. 511 - 529 [PDF] [Buy] |
39404 | ARTONI-A. Growth rates and two-mode accretion in the outer orogenic wedge-foreland basin system of Central Apennine (Italy) pp. 531 - 556 [PDF] [Buy] |
39405 | BRUNI-P., CIPRIANI-N., NEBBIAI-M., PAPINI-M. Dati litostratigrafici e petrografici delle arenarie silicoclastiche del complesso di Canetolo affiorante tra le Cinque Terre e la Val di Magra (Paleocene-Oligocene sup., Appennino settentrionale) pp. 557 - 565 [PDF] [Buy] |
39406 | RICCHETTI-E., PALOMBELLA-M. Production of Geological Lineament Map of Southern Italy using Landsat 7 ETM+ Imagery pp. 567 - 572 [PDF] [Buy] |
39407 | BAIONI-D. Drainage basin asymmetry and erosion processes relationship through a new representation of two geomorphic indices in the Conca river (Northern Apennines) pp. 573 - 579 [PDF] [Buy] |
39408 | BIAGIONI-F., FEDERICI-P.R., PAPPALARDO-M. Contributo alla conoscenza dei terrazzi marini della Liguria fra Genova Nervi e Camogli pp. 581 - 586 [PDF] [Buy] |
Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 2007, vol. 126 fasc.2
SGI Code | Article |
38970 | VAI-G.B. Origine e prospettive della Società Geologica Italiana. I 125 anni della SGI: quale passato e quale futuro? pp. 131 - 157 [PDF] [Buy] |
38971 | CENTAMORE-E., DI MANNA-P., ROSSI-D. Kinematic evolution of the Volsci Range: a new overview pp. 159 - 172 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps |
38972 | POMONI-PAPAIOANNOU-F., PHOTIADES-A. Chlorozoan VS foramol carbonate sedimentary systems in an Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous Pelagonian margin: Rhodiani area (West Macedonia, Greece) pp. 173 - 180 [PDF] [Buy] |
38973 | DE PIPPO-T., PENNETTA-M., TERLIZZI-F., VALENTE-A. Principali tipi di falesia nella Penisola Sorrentina e nell’Isola di Capri: caratteri e lineamenti morfoevolutivi pp. 181 - 189 [PDF] [Buy] |
38974 | ROTOLO-S.G., LA FELICE-S., MANGALAVITI-A., LANDI-P. Geology and petrochemistry of the recent (<25 ka) silicic volcanism at Pantelleria Island pp. 191 - 208 [PDF] [Buy] |
38975 | LAVECCHIA-G.G., DE NARDIS-R., VISINI-F., FERRARINI-F., BARBANO-M.S. Seismogenic evidence of ongoing compression in eastern-central Italy and mainland Sicily: a comparison pp. 209 - 222 [PDF] [Buy] |
38976 | ZAGHLOUL-M.N., DI STASO-A., DE CAPOA-P., PERRONE-V. Occurrence of upper Burdigalian silexitebeds within the Beni Ider Flysch Fm. In the Ksar-es-Seghir area (Maghrebian Flysch Basin, Northern Rif, Morocco): stratigraphic correlations and geodynamic implications pp. 223 - 239 [PDF] [Buy] |
38977 | CAVALCANTE-F., FIORE-S., LETTINO-A., PICCARRETA-G. Illite-smectite mixed layers insicilide shales and piggy-back deposits of the Gorgoglione Formation (Southern Apeninnes): geological inferences pp. 241 - 254 [PDF] [Buy] |
38978 | MILLI-S., MOSCATELLI-M., STANZIONE-O., FALCINI-F. Sedimentology and physical stratigraphy of the Messinian turbidite deposits of the Laga Basin (central Apennines, Italy) pp. 255 - 281 [PDF] [Buy] |
38979 | NOTARO-P. Some remarks about the Miocene-Pliocene tectonics in the Amantea Basin, Calabria, S. Italy pp. 283 - 289 [PDF] [Buy] |
38981 | DRAMIS-F., GALADINI-F., GALLI-P., VITTORI-P. Seismic Geomorphology. Special Section - Selected papers presented at the 23rd GNGTS Congress, Rome, 14-16 December 2004 pp. 291 - 292 [PDF] [Buy] |
38982 | ASCIONE-A., CAIAZZO-C., CINQUE-A. Recent faulting in Southern Apennines (Italy): geomorphic evidence, spatial distribution and implications for rates of activity pp. 293 - 305 [PDF] [Buy] |
38983 | BLUMETTI-A.M., GUERRIERI-L. Fault-generated mountain fronts and the identification of fault segments: implications for seismic hazard assessment pp. 307 - 322 [PDF] [Buy] |
38984 | DELLE DONNE-D., PICCARDI-L., ODUM-J.K., STEPHENSON-W.J., WILLIAMS-R.A. High-resolutionshallow reflection seismic image and surface evidence of the Upper Tiber Basin active faults (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 323 - 331 [PDF] [Buy] |
38985 | PORFIDO-S., ESPOSITO-E., GUERRIERI-L., VITTORI-E., TRANFAGLIA-G., PECE-R. Seismically induced ground effects of the 1805, 1930 and 1980 earthquakes in the Southern Apennines, Italy pp. 333 - 346 [PDF] [Buy] |
38986 | GALLI-P., SCIONTI-V., SPINA-V. New paleoseismic data from the Lakes and Serre faults: seismotectonic implications for Calabria (Southern Italy) pp. 347 - 364 [PDF] [Buy] |
38987 | GORI-S., DRAMIS-F., GALADINI-F., MESSINA-P. The use of geomorphological markers in the footwall of active faults for kinematic evaluations: examples from the central Apennines pp. 365 - 374 [PDF] [Buy] |
38988 | GUERRIERI-L., TATEVOSSIAN-R., VITTORI-E., COMERCI-V., ESPOSITO-E., MICHETTI-A.M., PORFIDO-S., SERVA-L. Earthquake environmental effects (EEE) and intensity assessment: the INQUA scale project pp. 375 - 386 [PDF] [Buy] |
38989 | KOKKALAS-S., PAVLIDES-S., KOUKOUVELAS-I., GANAS-A., STAMATOPOULOS-L. Paleoseismicity of the Kaparelli fault (eastern Corinth Gulf): evidence for earthquake recurrence and fault behavior pp. 387 - 395 [PDF] [Buy] |
38990 | MAGLIULO-P., RUSSO-F., VALENTE-A. Tectonic significance of geomorphological features in the Telesina Valley (Campanian Apennines) pp. 397 - 409 [PDF] [Buy] |
38991 | SILEO-G., GIARDINA-F., LIVIO-F., MICHETTI-A.M., MUELLER-K., VITTORI-E. Remarks on the Quaternary tectonics of the Insubria Region (Lombardia, NW Italy, and Ticino, SE Switzerland) pp. 411 - 425 [PDF] [Buy] |
38992 | SPINA-V., GALLI-P., TONDI-E., CRITELLI-S., CELLO-G. Kinematics and structural properties of an active fault zone in the Sila Massif (Northern Calabria, Italy) pp. 427 - 438 [PDF] [Buy] |
Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 2007, vol. 126 fasc.1
SGI Code | Article |
38007 | VENERANDI-L. Ni-Co-As-Sb bearing deposits in the black-shales of the Paleozoic Basement of Sardinia pp. 3 - 10 [PDF] [Buy] |
38008 | PUTIGNANO-M.L., RUBERTI-D., TESCIONE-M., VIGLIOTTI-M. Evoluzione tardo quaternaria del margine casertano della Piana Campana (Italia meridionale) pp. 11 - 24 [PDF] [Buy] |
38009 | MECCHERI-M., BELLAGOTTI-E., BERRETTI-G., CONTI-P., DUMAS-F., MANCINI-S., MOLLI-G. The Mt. Altissimo marbles (Apuane Alps, Tuscany): commercial types and structural setting pp. 25 - 35 [PDF] [Buy] |
38010 | MARTINO-C. Stima dei tassi di scorrimento delle faglie ed evoluzione tettonica quaternaria della valle del Melandro (Appennino campano-lucano) pp. 37 - 53 [PDF] [Buy] |
38011 | BRANDANO-M.M., VANNUCCI-G., MATEU-VICENS-G. Le alghe rosse calcaree come indicatori paleoambientali: l'esempio della rampa carbonatica Laziale-Abruzzese (Burdigaliano, Appennino centrale) pp. 55 - 69 [PDF] [Buy] |
38012 | SUSINI-S., DE DONATIS -M., GALLERINI-G. Continent-ocean boundary along the western sector of the South Scotia Ridge pp. 71 - 87 [PDF] [Buy] |
38013 | DE PIPPO-T., DONADIO-C., PENNETTA-M., TERLIZZI-F., VALENTE-A. Genesis and morphological evolution of Fusàro lagoon (Campania, southern Italy) in the Holocene pp. 89 - 100 [PDF] [Buy] |
38014 | PASQUALI-V., CASTORINA-F., CIPOLLARI-P., COSENTINO-D., LO MASTRO-S. I depositi tardo-orogenici della Valle Latina meridionale: stratigrafia e implicazioni cinematiche per l'evoluzione dell'Appennino centrale pp. 101 - 118 [PDF] [Buy] |
38015 | GATT-P.A. Controls on Plio-Quaternary foreland sedimentation in the Region of the Maltese Islands pp. 119 - 129 [PDF] [Buy] |