Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 1994, vol. 48 fasc.3
SGI Code | Article |
72193 | CANUTI-P., CASAGLI-N., FOCARDI-P., GARZONIO-C.A. Lithology and slope instability phenomena in the basin of the Arno River pp. 739 - 754 [PDF] [Buy] |
72194 | TACCONI-P. The fluvial dynamics of the Arno River. 1.Methodology and study project pp. 755 - 764 [PDF] [Buy] |
72195 | RODOLFI-G. The Bilancino Reservoir on the River Sieve and its influence on the natural environment pp. 765 - 776 [PDF] [Buy] |
72196 | ARU-A., BALDACCINI-P., VACCA-S. The role of pedology in basin plans pp. 777 - 783 [PDF] [Buy] |
72197 | PRANZINI-G. Water resources of the Arno Basin pp. 785 - 794 [PDF] [Buy] |
72198 | FABBRI-P., PRIANTE-M., SUPPO-M. Methodological approach for integrated management of water resources in hydrographic basins pp. 795 - 803 [PDF] [Buy] |
72199 | FOCARDI-P., GARZONIO-C.A., VANNOCCI-P. Slope stability studies on a typical area of the upper Arno Valley pp. 805 - 812 [PDF] [Buy] |
72200 | BARAZZUOLI-P., SALLEOLINI-M. Evaluation of surface water and groundwater resources in watershed planning: comparison between various estimation methods in Southern Tuscany pp. 813 - 817 [PDF] [Buy] |
72201 | AMICI-R., BERSANI-P. Basin plan of Tiber River: the contribution of geomorphology to the territorial planning pp. 819 - 823 [PDF] [Buy] |
72202 | BARAZZUOLI-P., BOSCO-G., NANTE-N., RAPPUOLI-D., SALLEOLINI-M. The aquifer of Mount Amiata (Southern Tuscany): evaluation of the perennial yield and its quality pp. 825 - 832 [PDF] [Buy] |
72203 | BERTOCCI-R., CANUTI-P., CASAGLI-N., GARZONIO-C.A., VANNOCCI-P. Large-scale complex slope movements at La Verna Mountain pp. 833 - 840 [PDF] [Buy] |
72204 | BERTOCCI-R., CANUTI-P., GARZONIO-C.A. Slope failures in the historical town of San Miniato al Tedesco (Lower Arno Valley, Pisa) pp. 841 - 849 [PDF] [Buy] |
72205 | CANUTI-P., CENCETTI-C., BIOLCATI RINALDI-M., TACCONI-P. The fluvial dynamics of the Arno River. 2.Historical evolution of the Arno River bed pp. 851 - 864 [PDF] [Buy] |
72206 | CANUTI-P., GABBANI-G., GARZONIO-C.A., PRANZINI-G., VANNOCCI-P., AGATI-L., BONCIANI-S. Hydrogeomorphology and slope instability in the Upper Valdarno (Tuscany) pp. 865 - 871 [PDF] [Buy] |
72207 | CASAGLI-N., FOCARDI-P., GARDUNO-V.H., GARZONIO-C.A., TARCHIANI-U., VANNOCCI-P. Large-scale complex slope movements at Sasso di Simone-Mt.Simoncello pp. 873 - 880 [PDF] [Buy] |
72208 | CASTELLUCCI-P., DONI-A. Geological surveys of the seal of the hydroelectric basin of Vicaglia (Northern Apennines) pp. 881 - 889 [PDF] [Buy] |
72209 | CENCETTI-C., CANUTI-P., BIOLCATI RINALDI-M., TACCONI-P. The fluvial dynamics of the Arno River. 4.Map of the morphological-sedimentary and human characteristics of the Arno River Bed and alluvial plain (Table 7 "Montevarchi") pp. 891 - 908 [PDF] [Buy] |
72210 | CERIANI-M., FOSSATI-D., OTTENZIALI-L., PADOVAN-N. Geological risk and territory planning in the commune of Valdisotto, High Valtellina, Province of Sondrio - Italy pp. 909 - 915 [PDF] [Buy] |
72211 | CERIANI-M., LAUZI-S., PADOVAN-N. Rainfalls and debris flows in the Alpine Area of Lombardia Region - Central Alps - Italy pp. 917 - 921 [PDF] [Buy] |
72212 | GARGINI-A., PRANZINI-G. Map of protection against pollution of acquifers in the Middle Valdarno (Florence-Prato-Pistoia Plain) pp. 923 - 928 [PDF] [Buy] |
72213 | GIANNINI-R., CHESSA-M. A method for surveying and recording geological disarrangements. An integrated plan of Mount Amiata hydraulic-forest management (Regione Toscana, C.M. of the Mt.Amiata and of the Mt.Cetona) pp. 929 - 934 [PDF] [Buy] |
72214 | SABATO-L. Human impact on alluvial environments in Calabria (Southern Italy) pp. 935 - 941 [PDF] [Buy] |
72215 | TACCONI-P., CANUTI-P., CENCETTI-C., BIOLCATI RINALDI-M. The fluvial dynamics of the Arno River. 3.Sedimentary characteristics pp. 943 - 956 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps
Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 1994, vol. 48 fasc.2
SGI Code | Article |
72147 | MARTINI-I., SAGRI-M. The Late Miocene-Pleistocene extensional basins of the Northern Apennines: facies distribution and basin fill architecture pp. 375 - 380 [PDF] [Buy] |
72148 | MASINI-F., FICCARELLI-G., GIMENO TORRENTE-D. Late Villafranchian and the earliest Galerian mammal faunas from some intermontane basins of North-Central Italy pp. 381 - 389 [PDF] [Buy] |
72149 | ASSORGIA-A., BARCA-S., FARRIS-M., RIZZO-R., SPANO-C. The Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic successions in the Monastir-Furtei sector (Southern Campidano - Sardinia) pp. 391 - 397 [PDF] [Buy] |
72150 | GNACCOLINI-M., GELATI-R., FALLETTI-P., CATRULLO-D. Sequence stratigraphy of the "Langhe" Oligo-Miocene succession, Piedmont Tertiary Basin, Northern Italy pp. 399 - 400 [PDF] [Buy] |
72151 | LIOTTA-D. Structural features of the Radicofani Basin along the Piancastagnaio (Mt. Amiata)-S.Casciano dei Bagni (Mt.Cetona) cross section pp. 401 - 408 [PDF] [Buy] |
72152 | BOSSIO-A., COSTANTINI-A., SALVATORINI-G., TERZUOLI-A. The Neogene of the Ribolla area (Grosseto): preliminary results pp. 409 - 414 [PDF] [Buy] |
72153 | BENVENUTI-M., BERTINI-A., ROOK-L. Facies analysis, Vertebrate paleontology and palinology in the Late Miocene Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin (Southern Tuscany) pp. 415 - 423 [PDF] [Buy] |
72154 | BOSSIO-A., CERRI-R., MAZZEI-R., SALVATORINI-G., SANDRELLI-F. The neoautochtonous succession of the Spicchiaiola-Pignano area, East of Volterra (Southern Tuscany, Italy) pp. 425 - 430 [PDF] [Buy] |
72155 | BERTINI-A. Palynological investigations on Upper Neogene and Lower Pleistocene sections in Central and Northern Italy pp. 431 - 443 [PDF] [Buy] |
72156 | DOMINICI-S., BENVENUTI-M. Litho- and biofacies in a Pliocene succession (C. S.Lorenzo, S.Miniato, Pisa) pp. 445 - 445 [PDF] [Buy] |
72157 | CAPUANO-N., PAPPAFICO-G. Estuarine and shoreface-foreshore sedimentation in the Pliocene Epiligurian Basin, Northern Marche, Italy pp. 447 - 457 [PDF] [Buy] |
72158 | ANELLI-L., GORZA-M., PIERI-M., RIVA-M. Subsurface well data in the Northern Apennines (Italy) pp. 461 - 471 [PDF] [Buy] |
72159 | DEIANA-G., PIALLI-G. The structural provinces of the Umbro-Marchean Apennines pp. 473 - 484 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps |
72160 | MATTEI-M., FUNICIELLO-R., KISSEL-C., LAJ-C. Strike-slip tectonics and Neogene bloc rotation in Central Italy pp. 485 - 497 [PDF] [Buy] |
72161 | GHELARDONI-R. Transverse tectonics of the Apennine Chain: surface evidence of lithospheric kinematic phenomena pp. 499 - 500 [PDF] [Buy] |
72162 | BONINI-M., CERRINA FERONI-A., MARTINELLI-P., MORATTI-G., VALLERI-G. The Intramessinian angular unconformity within the Radicondoli Syncline (Siena, Tuscany, Italy): structural and biostratigraphical preliminary data pp. 501 - 507 [PDF] [Buy] |
72163 | DECANDIA-F.A., ELTER-P., LAZZAROTTO-A., LIOTTA-D., SPALLONE-S., STEA-B. Structural features of the Castell'Azzara Mountains pp. 509 - 513 [PDF] [Buy] |
72164 | BENDKIK-A., BOCCALETTI-M., BONINI-M., POCCIANTI-C., SANI-F. Structural evolution of the outer Apennine Chain (Firenzuola-Città di Castello sector and Montefeltro area, Tuscan-Romagnan and Umbro-Marchean Apennine) pp. 515 - 522 [PDF] [Buy] |
72165 | LANDUZZI-A. Relationships between the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation of the inner Romagna Units and the Ligurids (Italy) pp. 523 - 534 [PDF] [Buy] |
72166 | LAVECCHIA-G.G., BARCHI-M., BROZZETTI-F. Recent tectonics and active stress field in the Umbria-Marche Apennines pp. 535 - 537 [PDF] [Buy] |
72167 | CALAMITA-F., PIERANTONI-P.P. The Mt.Cavallo-Mt.Primo Thrust (Umbro-Marchean Apennines) pp. 539 - 539 [PDF] [Buy] |
72168 | CALAMITA-F., PIZZI-A. Recent and active extensional tectonics in the Southern Umbro-Marchean Apennines (Central Italy) pp. 541 - 548 [PDF] [Buy] |
72169 | CALAMITA-F., PIERANTONI-P.P. Structural setting of the Southern Martani Mountains (Umbrian Apennines: Central Italy) pp. 549 - 557 [PDF] [Buy] |
72170 | BARCHI-M., BROZZETTI-F. The role of fault reactivation processes in the Pliocene-Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Umbria-Marche Apennines pp. 559 - 560 [PDF] [Buy] |
72171 | CORRADO-S., MONTONE-P. Attitude data, lineaments and deformational styles of carbonate platform and slope domains in the Central Apennines pp. 561 - 571 [PDF] [Buy] |
72172 | ARGNANI-A., BORTOLUZZI-G., FAVALI-P., FRUGONI-F., GASPERINI-M., LIGI-M., MARANI-M., MATTIETTI-G., MELE-G. Foreland tectonics in the Southern Adriatic Sea pp. 573 - 578 [PDF] [Buy] |
72173 | ABBATE-E., BALESTRIERI-M.L., BIGAZZI-G., NORELLI-P., QUERCIOLI-C. Fission-track datings and recent rapid denudation in Northern Apennines, Italy pp. 579 - 585 [PDF] [Buy] |
72174 | CIPRIANI-C., FRANZINI-M. Tuscany's mineralogical collections pp. 589 - 599 [PDF] [Buy] |
72175 | DALL'AGLIO-M., MARINELLI-G. Geochemical provinces, minerogenetic processes and environment pp. 601 - 611 [PDF] [Buy] |
72176 | LATTANZI-P., BENVENUTI-M., COSTAGLIOLA-P., TANELLI-G. An overview on recent research on the metallogeny of Tuscany, with special reference to the Apuane Alps pp. 613 - 625 [PDF] [Buy] |
72177 | PANDELI-E.E., GIANELLI-G., PUXEDDU-M., ELTER-F.M. The Paleozoic basement of the Northern Apennines: stratigraphy, tectono-metamorphic evolution and alpine hydrothermal processes pp. 627 - 654 [PDF] [Buy] |
72178 | VERRUCCHI-C., PANDELI-E.E., MINISSALE-A., ANDREOTTI-P., PAOLIERI-M. New data for the geochemical characterization of the Tuscan Paleozoic Sequences (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 655 - 666 [PDF] [Buy] |
72179 | ZUFFARDI-P. The iron deposits of the Elba Island (Italy): remarks for a metallogenic discussion pp. 667 - 667 [PDF] [Buy] |
72180 | LUGLI-S. The magnesite in the Upper Triassic Burano Evaporites of the Secchia River Valley (Northern Apennines): petrographic evidence of a hydrothermal-metasomatic system pp. 669 - 674 [PDF] [Buy] |
72181 | DE SIENA-C., VASELLI-O. Pedological, mineralogical and geochemical investigations of ophiolitic soils from Lanciaia-Montecastelli Pisano (Tuscany - Italy) pp. 675 - 680 [PDF] [Buy] |
72182 | ORLANDO-A., CONTICELLI-S., MANETTI-P., VAGGELLI-G. The basement of the Northern Vulsinian Volcanic District as inferred from the study of crustal xenoliths from the Torre Alfina lavas, Viterbo, Central Italy pp. 681 - 688 [PDF] [Buy] |
72183 | PALLADINO-D.M., AGOSTA-E., FREDA-C., SPAZIANI-S., TRIGILA-R. Volcanological and petrographical features of the Valentano-Marta-La Rocca area (Southern Vulsini, Central Italy) pp. 689 - 690 [PDF] [Buy] |
72184 | ADABBO-M., CAPPELLETTI-P., DE GENNARO-M., GRANATO-A., LANGELLA-A. Zeolites from ignimbrites of the Vulsini Volcanic District pp. 691 - 693 [PDF] [Buy] |
72185 | MACERA-P., BRUNO-A. Geochemical and isotopic (Sr-Nd) investigation on the Mt.Capanne Pluton (Elba Island) and its mafic enclaves pp. 695 - 697 [PDF] [Buy] |
72186 | BENVENUTI-M., MORELLI-F., CORSINI-F., MASOTTI-A., LATTANZI-P., TANELLI-G. New isotopic data on the pyrite (Cu-Pb-Zn) deposit of Campiano (Southern Tuscany) pp. 699 - 705 [PDF] [Buy] |
72187 | GIANELLI-G. Brittle-ductile transition in geothermal systems: a contribution from the Tuscan geothermal fields pp. 707 - 713 [PDF] [Buy] |
72188 | GIANELLI-G., PUXEDDU-M. Geological comparison between Larderello and the Geysers geothermal fields pp. 715 - 717 [PDF] [Buy] |
72189 | COSTAGLIOLA-P., BENVENUTI-M., LATTANZI-P., TANELLI-G. Uplift path of metamorphic terranes in the Apuane Alps: evidence from fluid inclusions in the Pollone deposit pp. 719 - 723 [PDF] [Buy] |
72190 | FIORI-M., GRILLO-S.M., MARCELLO-A., PRETTI-S. Mineral resources of the Oligocene-Miocene volcanic district of Monastir-Furtei (Southern Campidano, Sardinia) pp. 725 - 730 [PDF] [Buy] |
72191 | BENVENUTI-M., MORELLI-F., LATTANZI-P., RUGGIERI-G., TANELLI-G. Mineralogy, textures and mineral chemistry of Au-Ag veins at Rossano, Calabrian-Peloritan Arc (Calabria, Italy) pp. 731 - 735 [PDF] [Buy] |
72192 | PANSINI-M., COLELLA-C., DE GENNARO-M., LANGELLA-A. Natural zeolites in environmental preservation: an innovative strategy for chromium removal pp. 737 - 738 [PDF] [Buy] |
Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 1994, vol. 48 fasc.1
SGI Code | Article |
72107 | DECANDIA-F.A., LAZZAROTTO-A., MICHELUCCINI-M., MORETTI-A. Commemoration of Enzo Giannini pp. 1 - 4 [PDF] [Buy] |
72108 | AIELLO-I.W. Key beds in the Tuscan Cherts of the Lima Valley and adjoining areas (Tuscan Sequence, Northern Apennines) pp. 101 - 107 [PDF] [Buy] |
72109 | PAGLIAZZI-L., SANI-M., TAMBURINI-L. Sedimentary structures in the "Versilia Breccias" (Apuane Alps, Northern Apennines) pp. 109 - 113 [PDF] [Buy] |
72110 | ABBATE-E., BORTOLOTTI-V., PASSERINI-P., PRINCIPI-G., TREVES-B. Oceanisation processes and sedimentary evolution of the Northern Apennine Ophiolite Suite: a discussion pp. 117 - 136 [PDF] [Buy] |
72111 | PICCARDO-G.B., RAMPONE-E., VANNUCCI-R., CIMMINO-F. Upper mantle evolution of ophiolitic peridotites from the Northern Apennine: petrological constraints to the geodynamic processes pp. 137 - 148 [PDF] [Buy] |
72112 | BECCALUVA-L., COLTORTI-M., DOSTAL-J., SACCANI-E., SERRI-G., SIENA-G., SIENA-F., VACCARO-C. High-Ti and Low-Ti magmatic affinities from Tethyan Ophiolites pp. 149 - 150 [PDF] [Buy] |
72113 | CORTESOGNO-L., GAGGERO-L., MOLLI-G. Ocean floor tectono-metamorphic evolution in the Piedmont-Ligurian Jurassic Basin: a review pp. 151 - 163 [PDF] [Buy] |
72114 | MESSIGA-B., SCAMBELLURI-M., TRIBUZIO-R. Petrological approach to the dynamics of high pressure nappes: combined investigations on the eclogitic metagabbros of the Ligurian Alps, North Western Italy pp. 165 - 177 [PDF] [Buy] |
72115 | MARRONI-M. Deformation path of the Internal Ligurid Units (Northern Apennines, Italy): record of shallow-level underplating in the Alpine accretionary wedge pp. 179 - 194 [PDF] [Buy] |
72116 | BORTOLOTTI-V., CELLAI-D., MARTIN-S., PRINCIPI-G., TARTAROTTI-P., VAGGELLI-G. Ultramafic rocks from the Eastern Elba Island Ophiolites (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) pp. 195 - 202 [PDF] [Buy] |
72117 | RICCARDI-M.P., TRIBUZIO-R., CAUCIA-F. Amphibole evolution in the metagabbros from East Ligurian Ophiolites (Northern Apennines, Italy): constraints on the ocean-floor metamorphism pp. 203 - 208 [PDF] [Buy] |
72118 | CAPPONI-G., CORTESOGNO-L., GAGGERO-L., GIAMMARINO-S. New structural and petrographic data on the Franco Cape, Giglio Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy) pp. 209 - 210 [PDF] [Buy] |
72119 | MACCANTELLI-M. Stratigraphy of the Ligurian formations in the Montecatini Val di Cecina area (Southern Tuscany) pp. 211 - 215 [PDF] [Buy] |
72120 | GARDIN-S., MARINO-M., MONECHI-S., PRINCIPI-G. Biostratigraphy and sedimentology of Cretaceous Ligurid Flysch: palaeogeographical implication pp. 219 - 235 [PDF] [Buy] |
72121 | CARMIGNANI-L., FANTOZZI-P.L., GIGLIA-G., KLIGFIELD-R., MECCHERI-M. Tectonic inversion from compression to extension: the case of the Metamorphic Complex and Tuscan Nappe in the Apuane Alps (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 23 - 29 [PDF] [Buy] |
72122 | FONTANA-D., SPADAFORA-E., DE STEFANI-C., STOCCHI-S., TAFEO-F., VILLA-G., ZUFFA-G.G. The Upper Cretaceous Helminthoid Flysch of the Northern Apennines: provenance and sedimentation pp. 237 - 250 [PDF] [Buy] |
72123 | BRUNI-P., CIPRIANI-N., PANDELI-E.E. New sedimentological and petrographical data on the Oligo-Miocene turbiditic formations of the Tuscan Domain pp. 251 - 260 [PDF] [Buy] |
72124 | CONTI-S., GELMINI-R. Miocene-Pliocene tectonic phases and migration of foredeep-thrust belt system in the Northern Apennines pp. 261 - 274 [PDF] [Buy] |
72125 | BASSETTI-M.A., RICCI LUCCHI-F., ROVERI-M. Physical stratigraphy of the Messinian post-evaporitic deposit in Central-Southern Marche area (Apennines, Central Italy) pp. 275 - 288 [PDF] [Buy] |
72126 | FAZZINI-P., GARDIN-S. Hypothesis for the evolution of External Ligurids in Southern Tuscany and Northern Latium pp. 289 - 293 [PDF] [Buy] |
72127 | DE NARDO-M.T. Chaotic units outcropping between the Termina di Castione and Tassobbio Valleys (Parma and Reggio Emilia Apennines) pp. 295 - 299 [PDF] [Buy] |
72128 | CERRINA FERONI-A., MARTINELLI-P., OTTRIA-G. The units of the Middle Nure Valley tectonic structure (Northern Apennines): new structural and biostratigraphical data pp. 301 - 308 [PDF] [Buy] |
72129 | LABAUME-P., RIO-D. Relationships between the Subligurian Allochton and the Tuscan Foredeep Turbidites in the Bobbio Window (NW Apennines) pp. 309 - 315 [PDF] [Buy] |
72130 | FAZZUOLI-M., PANDELI-E.E., SANI-F. Considerations on the sedimentary and structural evolution of the Tuscan Domain since Early Liassic to Tortonian pp. 31 - 50 [PDF] [Buy] |
72131 | GHELARDONI-R. Northern Apennines epi- and peri-sutural sequences: an alternative paleogeographic hypothesis pp. 317 - 320 [PDF] [Buy] |
72132 | PANDELI-E.E., FERRINI-G., LAZZARI-D. Lithofacies and petrography of the Macigno Formation from the Abetone to the Monti del Chianti areas (Northern Apennines) pp. 321 - 329 [PDF] [Buy] |
72133 | BRUNI-P., CIPRIANI-N., PANDELI-E.E. Sedimentological and petrographical features of the Macigno and the Monte Modino Sandstone in the Abetone area (Northern Apennines) pp. 331 - 341 [PDF] [Buy] |
72134 | PERILLI-N. The Mt.Modino Olistostrome Auctorum (Appennino Modenese): stratigraphical and sedimentological analysis pp. 343 - 350 [PDF] [Buy] |
72135 | ANDREOZZI-M., DI GIULIO-A. Stratigraphy and petrography of the Mt. Cervarola Sandstones in the type area, Modena Province pp. 351 - 360 [PDF] [Buy] |
72136 | ARUTA-G. Stratigraphy of the Falterona and Cervarola Sandstones in the Cortona area (Arezzo, Northern Apennines) pp. 361 - 369 [PDF] [Buy] |
72137 | BASOLI-R., FONTANA-D. Provenance evolution of the Miocene Bismantova Formation (Modena Apennines) pp. 371 - 371 [PDF] [Buy] |
72138 | BERTINI-G., CAMELI-G.M., COSTANTINI-A., DECANDIA-F.A., DINI-I., ELTER-F.M., LAZZAROTTO-A., LIOTTA-D., PANDELI-E.E., SANDRELLI-F. Structural features of Southern Tuscany along the Monti di Campiglia-Rapolano Terme cross-section pp. 51 - 59 [PDF] [Buy] |
72139 | LUGLI-S. Petrography of quartz euhedra as a tool to provide indications on the geologic history of the Upper Triassic Burano Evaporites (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 61 - 65 [PDF] [Buy] |
72140 | COLI-M., FAZZUOLI-M. New data on the lithostratigraphy of the Morlungo-Monte Sagro (Apuan Alps): preliminary report pp. 67 - 70 [PDF] [Buy] |
72141 | CIARAPICA-G., PASSERI-L. The Tuscan Nappe in Northern Apennines: data, doubts, hypotheses pp. 7 - 22 [PDF] [Buy] |
72142 | COLI-M., FAZZUOLI-M., PINI-G. Structure and lithostratigraphy of the Marmi s.l. ("Carrara Marbles", Late Triassic-Liassic) in the Colonnata Valley (Apuan Alps) pp. 71 - 71 [PDF] [Buy] |
72143 | COSTANTINI-A., ELTER-F.M., PANDELI-E.E., PASCUCCI-V., SANDRELLI-F., TOGNONI-M. Geology of the Boccheggiano and Serrabottini areas (Grosseto) pp. 73 - 78 [PDF] [Buy] |
72144 | FAZZUOLI-M., BECARELLI-S., BURCHIETTI-G., FERRINI-G., GARZONIO-C.A., MANNORI-G., SANI-F., SGUAZZONI-G. A short outline of the geology of the Mesozoic inlier in the Lima Valley, Northern Apennines pp. 79 - 85 [PDF] [Buy] |
72145 | LEONI-L., LEZZERINI-M., SARTORI-F. Metamorphism of the Pseudoverrucano Complex (Southern Tuscany) pp. 87 - 87 [PDF] [Buy] |
72146 | MARCUCCI-M., GALDENZI-S., BALDANZA-A., NOCCHI-M. Age of the Monte Acuto Megabreccias at Monte Catria, Umbria-Marche Apennines pp. 89 - 99 [PDF] [Buy] |