Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 1998, vol. 52
SGI Code | Article |
12201 | BERTELLI-L., MAZZOTTI-A. Planning and acquisition of the NVR CROP-03 seismic profile pp. 9 - 21 [PDF] [Buy] |
12202 | BERTELLI-L., STORER-P., MAZZOTTI-A. Processing strategies for the NVR CROP-03 seismic profile pp. 23 - 31 [PDF] [Buy] |
12203 | ZANZI-L. Static correction estimation; results and near-surface models for the CROP-03 profile pp. 33 - 44 [PDF] [Buy] |
12204 | STUCCHI-E.E., ZANZI-L. ESP experiments along CROP profiles (03 and 18); remarks on the optimal source-receivers configuration pp. 45 - 53 [PDF] [Buy] |
12205 | ZANZI-L. Expanding spread experiments; data processing and contributions pp. 55 - 66 [PDF] [Buy] |
12206 | DE FRANCO-R., PONZIANI-F., BIELLA-G., BONIOLO-G., CAIELLI-G., CORSI-A., MAISTRELLO-M., MORRONE-A. DSS-WAR experiment in support of the CROP-03 project pp. 67 - 90 [PDF] [Buy] |
12207 | MORGANTE-A. Modeling of synthetic seismic sections in structurally complex areas pp. 91 - 100 [PDF] [Buy] |
12208 | BURLINI-L., TANCREDI-S. Experimental study of the seismic properties of Isola d'Elba metamorphic basement (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 101 - 110 [PDF] [Buy] |
12209 | MORELLI-C. Lithospheric structure and geodynamics of the Italian peninsula derived from geophysical data; a review pp. 113 - 122 [PDF] [Buy] |
12210 | MARSON-I., CERNOBORI-L., NICOLICH-R., STOKA-M., LIOTTA-D.D., PALMIERI-F., VELICOGNA-I. CROP-03 profile; a geophysical analysis of data and results pp. 123 - 137 [PDF] [Buy] |
12211 | GUALTERI-L., DE FRANCO-R., MAZZOTTI-A. A velocity model along the CROP 03 profile derived from expanding spread experiments pp. 139 - 152 [PDF] [Buy] |
12212 | CAMELI-G.M., DINI-I., LIOTTA-D. Brittle/ductile boundary from seismic reflection lines of southern Tuscany (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 153 - 162 [PDF] [Buy] |
12213 | GUALTERI-L., CASSINIS-R. The deep structure of the Northern Apennines imaged by ray tracing depth migration of near vertical seismic data pp. 163 - 173 [PDF] [Buy] |
12214 | CASSINIS-R., CASSINIS-R., PIALLI-G., PIALLI-G. Seismic response and crustal characters of the CROP 03 transect; a comparison with NVR profiles of Cenozoic belts pp. 175 - 191 [PDF] [Buy] |
12215 | PONZIANI-F., DE FRANCO-R., BIELLA-G. Geophysical reinterpretation of 1974 and 1978 DSS experiments along CROP profile pp. 193 - 203 [PDF] [Buy] |
12216 | GUALTERI-L., ZAPPONE-A. Hypothesis of ensialic subduction in the Northern Apennines; a petrophysical contribution pp. 205 - 214 [PDF] [Buy] |
12217 | GUALTERI-L., DE FRANCO-R., BIELLA-G. Crustal structure in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea; a contribution from air gun shots recorded on land pp. 215 - 224 [PDF] [Buy] |
12218 | LAROCCHI-L., GUALTERI-L., CASSINIS-R. 2D lithospheric gravity modelling along the CROP 03 profile pp. 225 - 230 [PDF] [Buy] |
12219 | SCARASCIA-S., CASSINIS-R., FEDERICI-F. Gravity modelling of deep structures in the northern-central Apennines pp. 231 - 246 [PDF] [Buy] |
12220 | CAPUTO-M., LANG-R.A., ESPOSITO-L. The stress field of the crust in the Piombino-Cesenatico Northern Apennines section pp. 247 - 257 [PDF] [Buy] |
12221 | FREPOLI-A., AMATO-A., MARIUCCI-M.T., MONTONE-P. Active stress along the CROP 03 section pp. 259 - 266 [PDF] [Buy] |
12222 | FEDERICO-C., PAUSELLI-C. Thermal evolution of the Northern Apennines (Italy) pp. 267 - 274 [PDF] [Buy] |
12223 | MONGELLI-F., PIALLI-G., ZITO-G. Tectonic subsidence, heat flow and uplift in Tuscany; a new geodynamic and geothermal approach pp. 275 - 282 [PDF] [Buy] |
12224 | MANZELLA-A., RUGGIERI-G., GIANNELLI-G., PUXEDDU-M. Plutonic-geothermal systems of southern Tuscany; a review of the crustal models pp. 283 - 294 [PDF] [Buy] |
12225 | DE ANGELIS-M., FIORDELISI-A., MANZELLA-A., ZAJA-A. Two-dimensional analysis of a magnetotelluric profile in the CROP-03 area in southern Tuscany pp. 295 - 304 [PDF] [Buy] |
12226 | MONGELLI-F., PALUMBO-F., PUXEDDU-M., VILLA-I.M., ZITO-G. Interpretation of the geothermal anomaly of Larderello, Italy pp. 305 - 318 [PDF] [Buy] |
12227 | SINISCALCHI-A., D'ORSI-R., IULIANO-T., PATELLA-D. A magnetotelluric study along a SW-NE transect in northern Umbria pp. 319 - 325 [PDF] [Buy] |
12228 | GUALTERI-L., AUGLIERA-P., EVA-C., CASSINIS-R. Integration of active and passive seismic investigation; constraints on the geodynamics of the Northern Apennines pp. 327 - 336 [PDF] [Buy] |
12229 | AMATO-A., AZZARA-R., BASILI-A., CHIARABBA-C., CIACCIO-M.G., CIMINI-G.B., DI BONA-M., FREPOLI-A., HUNSTAD-I., LUCENTE-F.P., MARGHERITI-L., MARIUCCI-M.T., MONTONE-P., NOSTRO-C., SELVAGGI-G. Geodynamic evolution of the Northern Apennines from recent seismological studies pp. 337 - 343 [PDF] [Buy] |
12230 | MARGHERITI-L., NOSTRO-C., AMATO-A., COCCO-M., LUCENTE-F., RUSSO-R.M. Tectonic implications of deep seismic anisotropy along the CROP 03 profile pp. 345 - 351 [PDF] [Buy] |
12231 | CIACCIO-M.G., CIMINI-G.B., AMATO-A. Tomographic images of the upper mantle high-velocity anomaly beneath the Northern Apennines pp. 353 - 364 [PDF] [Buy] |
12232 | CARMINATI-E., GIUNCHI-C., SABADINI-R. Numerical modeling of the dynamics of the Northern Apennines pp. 365 - 380 [PDF] [Buy] |
12233 | BARCHI-M.R., MINELLI-G., PIALLI-G. The CROP 03 profile; a synthesis of results on deep structures of the Northern Apennines pp. 383 - 400 [PDF] [Buy] |
12234 | COLI-M. Considerations on the crustal modelling along the CROP-3 profile pp. 401 - 412 [PDF] [Buy] |
12235 | CASSANO-E., ANELLI-L., CAPPELLI-V., LA TORRE-P. Interpretation of Northern-Apennine magnetic and gravity data in relation to the profile CROP-03 pp. 413 - 425 [PDF] [Buy] |
12236 | DECANDIA-F.A., LAZZAROTTO-A., LIOTTA-D., CERNOBORI-L., NICOLICH-R. The CROP 03 traverse; insights on post-collisional evolution of Northern Apennines pp. 427 - 439 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps |
12237 | MORGANTE-A., BARCHI-M.R., D'OFFIZI-S., MINELLI-G., PIALLI-G. The contribution of seismic modeling to the interpretation of the CROP 03 line pp. 441 - 455 [PDF] [Buy] |
12238 | DOGLIONI-C., MONGELLI-F., PIALLI-G. Boudinage of the Alpine Belt in the Apenninic back-arc pp. 457 - 468 [PDF] [Buy] |
12239 | MATTEI-M., SPERANZA-F., SAGNOTTI-L., FUNICIELLO-R., FACCENNA-C. Paleomagnetic constraints to the tectonic evolution of the northern Italian peninsula pp. 469 - 478 [PDF] [Buy] |
12240 | FRANCESCHINI-F. Evidence of an extensive Pliocene-Quaternary contact metamorphism in southern Tuscany pp. 479 - 492 [PDF] [Buy] |
12241 | ROSSETTI-F., FACCENNA-C., JOLIVET-L., FUNICIELLO-R. Structural evolution of the Giglio Island, northern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) pp. 493 - 512 [PDF] [Buy] |
12242 | BOSSIO-A., COSTANTINI-A., FORESI-L., LAZZAROTTO-A., MAZZANTI-R., MAZZEI-R., PASCUCCI-V., SALVATORINI-G., SANDRELLI-F.F., TERZUOLI-A. Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary evolution in the western side of the Northern Apennines (Italy) pp. 513 - 525 [PDF] [Buy] |
12243 | BARCHI-M.R., DE FEYTER-A., MAGNANI-M.B., MINELLI-G., PIALLI-G., SOTERA-M. Extensional tectonics in the Northern Apennines (Italy); evidence from the CROP 03 deep seismic reflection line pp. 527 - 538 [PDF] [Buy] |
12244 | BONCIO-P., BROZZETTI-F., PONZIANI-F., BARCHI-M., LAVECCHIA-G., PIALLI-G. Seismic and extensional tectonics in the northern Umbria-Marche Apennines pp. 539 - 555 [PDF] [Buy] |
12245 | BARCHI-M., DE FEYTER-A.J.J., MAGNANI-M.B., MINELLI-G., PIALLI-G., SOTERA-B.M. The structural style of the Umbria-Marche fold and thrust belt pp. 557 - 578 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps |
12246 | ARUTA-G., BRUNI-P., CIPRIANI-N., PANDELI-E. The siliciclastic turbidite sequences of the Tuscan domain in the Val di Chiana-Val Tiberina (eastern Tuscany and north-western Umbria) pp. 579 - 593 [PDF] [Buy] |
12247 | COSTA-E., PIALLI-G., PLESI-G. Foreland basins of the Northern Apennines; relationships with passive subduction of the Adriatic lithosphere pp. 595 - 606 [PDF] [Buy] |
12248 | ALBERTI-M., DECANDIA-F.A., TAVARNELLI-E. Kinematic evolution of the outer zones of the Northern Apennines, Italy; the contribution of sequential cross-section balancing techniques pp. 607 - 616 [PDF] [Buy] |
12249 | DE DONATIS-S., INVERNIZZI-C., LANDUZZI-A., MAZZOLI-S., POTETTI-M. CROP 03; a structure of the Montecalvo in Foglia-Adriatic Sea segment pp. 617 - 630 [PDF] [Buy] |
12250 | CAPOZZI-R., LANDUZZI-A., ZANOLI-S. Neogene evolution of the Apennine foothill structures from northern Marche to eastern Romagna pp. 631 - 646 [PDF] [Buy] |
12251 | ARGNANI-A. Structural elements of the Adriatic foreland and their relationships with the front of the Apennine fold-and-thrust belt pp. 647 - 654 [PDF] [Buy] |