Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, 2005, vol. speciale n. 4
Cod.SGI | Articolo |
31588 | VAI-G.B. Rationale and recurrences pp. 5 - 7 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31589 | CASTELLARIN-A. Renzo Sartori’s death in Raimondo Selli’s twentieth memorial pp. 9 - 13 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31799 | PATACCA-E., SCANDONE-P. The Geological Map of Sannio and Surrounding Areas by Raimondo Selli (Scale 1:100,000). A precious collection of still current data pp. 17 - 30 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31800 | CRESCENTI-U. Stratigrafia del pozzo S. Croce 1 (Molise) pp. 31 - 36 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31801 | AMORE-F.O., BONARDI-G., DI STASO-A., CIAMPO-G., DE CAPOA-P., MORABITO-S., RUGGIERO-E., SGROSSO-I. The progress of knowledge about the Miocene successions of the Southern Appennines following Selli’s papers of 1957 and 1962 pp. 37 - 44 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31802 | RIZZO-G., PILUSO-E., MORTEN-L. Tonalitic to trondhjemitic dykes within metabasic lower-crust rocks, Serre Massif, Calabrian-Peloritan arc pp. 45 - 52 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31803 | BROGI-A. Contractional structures as relicts of the Northern Appennines collisional stage recorded in the Tuscan nappe of the Mt. Amiata geothermal area (Italy) pp. 53 - 65 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31804 | CONTI-S., PANINI-F., GUBERTINI-A. Seep-carbonates from te Oltrepo Pavese area (Northern Appennines, middle-late Miocene) pp. 67 - 76 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31805 | IRACE-A., DELA PIERRE-F., CLARI-P.A. “Normal” and “chaotic” deposits in the Messinian Gessoso-solfifera Fm. at the north-eastern border of the Langhe domain (Tertiary Piedmont basin) pp. 77 - 85 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31806 | TRAMONTANA-M., RAFFAELLI-G., SAVELLI-D.D., MATTIOLI-M., FERRI-L. Sedimentary petrography of upper Messinian sandstones in the coastal area of Northern Marche (Italy) pp. 87 - 93 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31807 | CAPEZZUOLI-E., FORESI-L., SALVATORINI-G.F., SANDRELLI-F.F. New data on the Middle Pliocene sedimentation in the southern Valdelsa basin (Siena, Italy) pp. 95 - 103 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31808 | MASSA-B., DI BUCCI-D., TORNAGHI-M.E., ZUPPETTA-A. Geological survey of Quaternary deposits in the 1688 Sannio earthquake epicentral area (Benevento, Italy) pp. 105 - 117 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31809 | SAVELLI-C. Post-Eocene calcalkaline activity and basin opening in the western and central Mediterranean region: implications for magma source metasomatism linked to Hercynian orogeny pp. 119 - 125 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31810 | MASCLE-J., LONCKE-L., CAMERA-L. Geophysical evidences of fluid seepages and mud volcanoes on the Egyptian continental margin (Eastern Mediterranean) pp. 127 - 134 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31811 | CURZI-P.V., CASTELLARIN-A.A., VAI-G.B., ZITELLINI-N. EPILOGUE. Generation handover in the Italian marine geology: from Raimondo Selli to Renzo Sartori / EPILOGO. Raimondo Selli e Renzo Sartori una staffetta generazionale della geologia marina italiana pp. 135 - 140 [PDF] [Acquista] |