How to search in Library

All material of the society's Library is contained in the catalog online freely available from this site.

The following are possible ways to search:

  1. Browse or search for articles of the Italian Geological Society. Within the Italian Geological Society publications, you can view an article if you know the volume (or year of publication) and the file of the journal in which it was published. It is also possible to search for an article by searching by author, year, etc. To access the search page click here .
  2. Browse or search for a map of the Italian Geological Society. Within the Italian Geological Society publications, you can view the cards attached to various articles. It is also possible to search for an article by searching by author, year, etc. To access the search page click here .
  3. Search the library's journals. You can search through the journals that the Geological Society received in Exchange by corresponding scientific societies, italian and foreign. This list indicates which volumes and what files are available, but does not indicate which items are contained within a file. If you are interested in an item in a file which is available should contact directly the staff of the documentation centre ( To access the search page click here.
  4. Search in library books. You can search through the books that the Geological Society received in Exchange by corresponding scientific societies, italian and foreign. This list indicates which volumes are available, but does not indicate which items are contained within a volume. Those interested in an article on a volume that is available, should contact directly the staff of the documentation centre ( To access the search page click here.
  5. Search for a Library card. You can search through the geological and geothematic maps that the geological society has received in Exchange the corresponding scientific societies, italian and foreign. For these cards is not available the option of online viewing. To access the search page click here.