Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2010, vol. 11 fasc.2
SGI Code | Article |
42282 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessione 12. pp. 383 - 430 [PDF] [Buy] |
42283 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessioni 13-16. pp. 431 - 562 [PDF] [Buy] |
42284 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessioni 17-20. pp. 563 - 676 [PDF] [Buy] |
42286 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessioni 21-24. pp. 677 - 764 [PDF] [Buy] |
44500 | AMANTI-M., CATALANO-G. Landslides in urban areas: the eastern slope of the Monteverde hill in Rome pp. 564 - 565 [PDF] [Buy] |
44502 | BARONI-C., MANNUCCI-P., BRUSCHI-G., RIBOLINI-A. Geomorphological map and model of the Carrara Marble Basins (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 568 - 568 [PDF] [Buy] |
44503 | BEHESHTIRAD-M., SARVATI-M.R., NOORMANDIPOOR-N. Landslide hazard zonation using multiple regression (Iran) pp. 569 - 570 [PDF] [Buy] |
44504 | BUDETTA-P., LOMBARDO-G., NAPPI-M. Application of the Rockfall Hazard Rating System midified to a road affected by high traffic intensity pp. 571 - 572 [PDF] [Buy] |
44505 | CASCINI-L., DI NOCERA-S., MATANO-F., CALVELLO-M., CUOMO-S., FERLISI-S. On the reliability of the landslide inventory mapping: the case study of Monte Albino, Nocera Inferiore (southern Italy) pp. 573 - 574 [PDF] [Buy] |
44506 | CASTAGNA-S.E.D., MANDRONE-G. Lithotechnical characterization for debris flow triggering analysis in South - Western Alps (Cuneo - Italy). pp. 575 - 576 [PDF] [Buy] |
44507 | CASTALDI-F., CHIOCCHINI-U., PORTOGHESI-L. Evaluation of reforestation effects through multitemporal investigation in drainage basins affected by badland erosion, Radicofani (Tuscany) pp. 577 - 578 [PDF] [Buy] |
44508 | D'AMATO AVANZI-G., DUCHI-S., GALANTI-Y., GIANNECCHINI-R., LO PRESTI-D. Gotechnical characterization of the Macigno Fm. debris by dynamic penetration tests in the Serchio River basin (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 579 - 580 [PDF] [Buy] |
44509 | D'AMATO AVANZI-G., FALASCHI-F., GIANNECCHINI-R., MERCHETTI-D., POCHINI-A., PUCCINELLI-A. Geomechanical features and landslide susceptibility of rock formations in Northern Tuscany (Italy) pp. 581 - 582 [PDF] [Buy] |
44516 | D'AMATO AVANZI-G., GALANTI-Y., GIANNECCHINI-R. The landslides triggered by the December 2009 meteorological events in North - Western Tuscany (Italy): firsts results pp. 583 - 584 [PDF] [Buy] |
44517 | D'AMATO AVANZI-G., MARCHETTI-A., DE ROSA -A. Slope stability analysis of the S. Maria in Castello sanctuary’s rock (Vecchiano, Tuscany, Italy): geomechanical characterization and distinct elements numerical modeling pp. 585 - 585 [PDF] [Buy] |
44518 | DE WAELE-J., SANNA-L., COSSU-A., CABRAS-S. The use of flash flood events in fluviokarst canyons to evidence loosing reaches through hydrological modeling and empirical peak flow estimation pp. 586 - 587 [PDF] [Buy] |
44519 | DEL PRETE-S., DI CRESCENZO-G., SANTO-A., DI IORIO-L. The event of November 10, 2009 at Casamicciola on the island of Ischia. a report on the interaction between flooding and landslides pp. 588 - 588 [PDF] [Buy] |
44520 | FARABOLLINI-P., MENTONI-M., ALLEGREZZA-M. The multi - disciplinary approach to studying the evolution of landslides: the examples of Pescacci flow in the Miocene - Pliocene Marchean pre - apennine (central Italy) pp. 589 - 589 [PDF] [Buy] |
44521 | FEDERICI-P.R., PUCCINELLI-A., D'AMATO AVANZI-G., FALASCHI-F., GIANNECCHINI-R., POCHINI-A., RAPETTI-F., RIBOLINI-A. Assessing landslide hazard: the slope instability hazard map of the Castelnuovo di Garfagnana territory (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 590 - 591 [PDF] [Buy] |
44522 | GIANNECCHINI-R., D'AMATO AVANZI-G. Historical data and flood/landslide hazard: main results in the Versilia River basin (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 592 - 593 [PDF] [Buy] |
44523 | GIANNECCHINI-R., DAMILANO-D., PUCCINELLI-A. Critical rainfall thresholds for triggering rapid shallow landslides in the Eastern Ligurian Riviera (Italy) pp. 594 - 595 [PDF] [Buy] |
44524 | GUARINO-P.M., NISIO-S. Sinkhole hazard in urban areas. A case study from Naples (Italy) pp. 596 - 597 [PDF] [Buy] |
44525 | IOVINE-G., PELLEGRINO-A., TERRANOVA-O. Debris - flow susceptibility assessment in the “Costa Viola” mountain ridge (southern Calabria): the Favazzina study area pp. 598 - 599 [PDF] [Buy] |
44526 | LADISA-G., TODOROVIC-M., TRISORIO LIUZZI-G. The evaluation of a new ESAs approach for the assessment of desertification risk in Apulia region (southern Italy) pp. 600 - 600 [PDF] [Buy] |
44527 | MARAGA-F., ANSELMO-V., BELLARDONE-G., DUTTO-F., FILIPPI-F., PELLEGRINI-L. Characters of fluvial risk in Po alluvial plain pp. 601 - 602 [PDF] [Buy] |
44528 | NARDI-R., FALASCHI-F., SADUN-S., COSCINI-N., DEL SEPPIA-N., COLMAN-M., DI GRAZIA -A., QUILICI-F., D'AMATO AVANZI-G., GIANNECCHINI-R., PUCCINELLI-A. Riverbed and floodplain evolution in the Serchio River Basin pp. 603 - 603 [PDF] [Buy] |
44529 | NISIO-S. Sinkholes: new cases. Some examples from Umbria region (Italy) pp. 604 - 605 [PDF] [Buy] |
44530 | PELLEGRINO-A., LA PIETRA-T. Impact and benefit of a comined approach based on the use of multi - interferometric analysis (acquisition of ERS - ENVISAT PS) applied to a pre - existing landslide inventory pp. 606 - 607 [PDF] [Buy] |
44531 | TARALLO-A., RAPOLLA-A., DI NOCERA-S., MATANO-F., PAOLETTI-V. Grade - 2 zonation on susceptibility to seismic - induced lanslides in the Irpinia - Sannio areas, southern Apennines, Italy pp. 608 - 609 [PDF] [Buy] |
44532 | TERRANOVA-O., GARIANO-S., IAQUINTA-P., IOVINE-G. An attempt to model the relationships between rainfall and landslide occurrence in Calabria pp. 610 - 611 [PDF] [Buy] |
44534 | AMATO-V., AUCELLI-P.P.C., CESARANO-M., PAPPONE-G., PETROSINO-P., ROSSKOPF-C.M., ERMOLLI-E.R. New chrono - stratigraphic data on the Boiano basin infilling (Molise, Italy) pp. 614 - 615 [PDF] [Buy] |
44535 | BARTOLINI-C., STEFANELLI-C.T., CAPEZZUOLI-E., SANDRELLI-F.F. The minor semi - graben of the Elsa River upper reach: a hydrographic puzzle pp. 616 - 617 [PDF] [Buy] |
44537 | BASILI-R., D’AMBROGI-C. Provenance of the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines) infill: implications for the long - term activity of Mt. Gorzano fault pp. 618 - 619 [PDF] [Buy] |
44538 | CALAMITA-F., SATOLLI-S., DI DOMENICA-A. Quaternary intermontane basins in the Central Apennines inherited from pre - thrusting normal faults pp. 620 - 621 [PDF] [Buy] |
44539 | DI NEZZA-M., DI FILIPPO-M., FERRI-F. Gravity features of the Middle Aterno Valley pp. 622 - 622 [PDF] [Buy] |
44540 | FERRI-F., EULILLI-V., PUZZILLI-L.M., CALCATERRA-S., PULSINELLI-C. Geophysical Surveys in some intermountain basins of the Central Appennines pp. 623 - 624 [PDF] [Buy] |
44541 | GIACCIO-B., GALLI-P., MESSINA-P.P., FALCUCCI-E., GALADINI-F., GORI-S., SCARDIA-G. Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the past 1 Myr in the L’Aquila 2009 mesoseismic region, central Apennine pp. 625 - 626 [PDF] [Buy] |
44542 | MELELLI-L., BARCHI-M., BROZZETTI-F., LUPATTELLI-A., MIRABELLA-F., PAZZAGLIA-F., PUCCI-S., SACCUCCI-L. Morphotectonic evolution of High Tiber Valley (Umbria, Italy) related to an active low angle normal fault segmentation pp. 627 - 628 [PDF] [Buy] |
44543 | SABATO-L., TROPEANO-M., ONOFRIO-V. Quaternary lacustrine sedimentation in the Sant’Arcangelo Basin (Southern Apennines) pp. 629 - 630 [PDF] [Buy] |
44544 | AIELLO-G., MARSELLA-E., RUGGIERI-S. Three - dimensional magnetic and seismic reconstruction of the “Torre del Greco” volcanic structure (Vesuvius, Naples Bay) pp. 632 - 633 [PDF] [Buy] |
44545 | BOSCHETTO-R., ZANINI-M. Pedologic variability of soils in volcanic substrates: the case of Mount Artemisio pp. 634 - 634 [PDF] [Buy] |
44546 | CARLINO-S., CUBELLIS -E., DELIZIA-I., LUONGO-G. The opening of the natural harbour of Ischia (Italy) pp. 635 - 636 [PDF] [Buy] |
44547 | CARLINO-S., SOMMA-R. Factors controlling volcano - dynamic of large calderas: the example of Campi Flegrei (Southern Italy) pp. 637 - 638 [PDF] [Buy] |
44548 | FOURMENTRAUX-C., METRICH-N., BERTAGNINI-A., ROSI-M. Eruptive processes in the Averno 2 eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy): constraints based on geochemistry of bulk pumices, glassy matrices and melt inclusions pp. 639 - 639 [PDF] [Buy] |
44549 | ISAIA-R., MARIANELLI-P., SBRANA-A. Caldera unrest prior to intense volcanism in Campi Flegrei (Italy) at 4.0 ka .B. P.: implications for caldera dynamics and future eruptive scenarios pp. 640 - 640 [PDF] [Buy] |
44550 | LUONGO-G., CARLINO-S., CUBELLIS -E., OBRIZZO-F. Conceptual model of shallow magma feeding system for Ischia Island (Italy) pp. 641 - 642 [PDF] [Buy] |
44551 | MELE-D., SULPIZIO-R., DELLINO-P., LA VOLPE-L. Stratigraphy and eruptive dynamics of a long - lasting Plinian eruption of Somma - Vesuvius: the Pomici di Mercato (8900 years B. P.) pp. 643 - 643 [PDF] [Buy] |
44552 | OBRIZZO-F., DE MARTINO-P., DE NATALE-G., PINGUE-F., TAMMARO-U., TROISE-C., CAPUANO-P. Unrest at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy) during the last decade pp. 644 - 645 [PDF] [Buy] |
44553 | SBRANA-A., FULIGNATI-P., MARIANELLI-P. Fast exhumation of a magmatic - hydrothermal system in a resurgent caldera environment. The example of Ischia Island (Italy) pp. 646 - 647 [PDF] [Buy] |
44554 | SOMMA-R., WIERSBERG-T., FEDELE-A., DE NATALE-G. Continuous in situ measurements of gases at Pisciarelli - Phelgrean Field pp. 648 - 649 [PDF] [Buy] |
44555 | SULPIZIO-R., ZANCHETTA-G., BENOIT-C., DELLINO-P., MELE-D., INSINGA-D., PATERNE-M., SIANI-G., SANTACROCE-R. Evaluating the regional volcanic ash hazard of Neapolitan volcanoes from geological data pp. 650 - 651 [PDF] [Buy] |
44556 | TASSI-F., VASELLI-O., TEDESCO-D., POREDA-R. Submarine and sub - aereal gas discharge from the Phlegrean Fields (southern Italy): geochemical clues for a common hydrothermal - magmatic source pp. 652 - 653 [PDF] [Buy] |
44557 | ASCIONE-A., MAZZOLI-S., PIGNALOSA-A., VALENTE-E., ZATTIN-M. Pliocene - Quaternary uplift of the Southern Apennines: constraints from geomorphological, apatite fission tracks and (U - Th)/He data pp. 656 - 657 [PDF] [Buy] |
44558 | BALESTRIERI-M.L., OLIVETTI-V., STUART-F.M., FACCENNA-C., VIGNAROLI-G. Middle Miocene out - of - sequence thrusting and successive exhumation in the Peloritani Mts, Sicily: late stage evolution of an orogen unraveled by apatite fission - track and (U - Th)He thermochronometry pp. 658 - 659 [PDF] [Buy] |
44559 | CATALANO-S., TORTORICI-G., ROMAGNOLI-G. Late Quaternary marine terracing and fault displacement in eastern Sicily: two distinct modes of faulting - induced deformation pp. 660 - 660 [PDF] [Buy] |
44560 | DELLA SETA-M., TROIANI-F. Geomorphological response of flu and coastal terraces to Quaternary tectonics and climate in the northern Marche coastal area (central Italy) from geostatistical topographic analysis pp. 661 - 662 [PDF] [Buy] |
44561 | DI FIORE-G., FOX-M., HERMANN-F., MASSIRONI-M., ZATTIN-M. Thermochronological modeling of the western Lepontine Dome pp. 663 - 664 [PDF] [Buy] |
44562 | FACCENNA-C., BECKER-T.W. Dynamic Topography and microplate motion in the Mediterranean pp. 665 - 665 [PDF] [Buy] |
44563 | MORTICELLI-M.G., LO PRESTI-D., ANTONIOLI-F., MONACO-C., SULLI-A., ZUCCARELLO-A. Spatial extent of vertical tectonic motions in northern Sicily using Holocene and Last Interglacial sea level markers: a case study between Acquedolci and Capo d’Orlando. pp. 666 - 667 [PDF] [Buy] |
44564 | BUONO-G. Toarcian (late Early Jurassic) Thethyan Brachiopods: palaeobiogeography and response to palaeoenvironmental variations pp. 488 - 488 [PDF] [Buy] |
44565 | BUONO-G., FAMIANI-F. The Pliensbachian Brachiopod fauna of Case Canepine (Monti Martani, Umbria) in the contest of Liassic carbonate platforms of Tethys pp. 489 - 489 [PDF] [Buy] |
44566 | BUONO-G., MELLA-L.-.F., METCALFE-B., SCHEMM GREGORY-M., TWITCHETT-R. Testing brachiopod faunal turnovers across the Permian - Triassic (P - Tr) and Triassic - Jurassic (Tr - J) mass extinctions events pp. 490 - 490 [PDF] [Buy] |
44567 | CAPEZZUOLI-E., BROGI-A., GANDIN-A., OZKUL-M. Migration of banded travertine during the evolution of the tectonically controlled Cukurbag tavertine fissure - ridge (Pamukkale, Denizzli Basin, Turkey) pp. 491 - 492 [PDF] [Buy] |
44568 | ESPOSITO-S., DI FIORE-V., FERRERI-V., D'ARGENIO-B. Paleoclimatic record of the terminal Pleistocene in a stalagmite from Southern Italy pp. 493 - 494 [PDF] [Buy] |
44569 | GANDIN-A. Travertine and calcareous tufa: distinctive fabrics and related isotopic signatures pp. 495 - 495 [PDF] [Buy] |
44570 | GIORDANO-N., CIARAPICA-G., BERTINELLI-A., RIGO-M. Different depositional environment in the Lagonegro Basin during the Norian - Rhaetian time interval (Southern Apennines, Italy). pp. 496 - 497 [PDF] [Buy] |
44571 | KHASAR-K., KHASAR-K. Coral Assemblages of Mobarak Formation in the Vali - Abad, North Iran pp. 498 - 498 [PDF] [Buy] |
44572 | MASSINI-M., RICCI-M., BARBIERI-M., PICCINI-L., BERTINI-A. Palaeoenvironmental evidence from sedimentological and palynologic data of the late Quaternary cave - fills in the Buca dell’Onice (Massa, Italy) pp. 499 - 499 [PDF] [Buy] |
44573 | PIGNATTI-J.S., FREZZA-V., BENEDETTI-A., CARBONE-F., MATTEUCCI-R. Present - day carbonate - siliclastic sedimentation and foraminiferal assemlbages along the coast of southern Somalia and Northern Kenya pp. 500 - 501 [PDF] [Buy] |
44574 | RICCI-C., LANFRANCHI-A., JADOUL-F., RUSCIADELLI-G. Quantitative analysis of ancient reefs: looking for a correct approach. A case study from the reef facies of Mt. Bardia formation (Late Tithonian - Berriasian, Easter Sardinia) pp. 502 - 503 [PDF] [Buy] |
44575 | RICCI-M., BERTINI-A., CAPEZZUOLI-E., FAUQUETTE-S., FEDI-M., HORVATINCIC-N., SANDRELLI-F.F. Quaternary calcareous tufa and travertine in Tuscany (central Italy): paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions pp. 504 - 504 [PDF] [Buy] |
44577 | RUSCIADELLI-G.G., RICCI-C., LATHUILIERE-B. The Ellipsactinia limestones of the Marsica area (Central Apennines): a reference zonation model for Upper Jurassic Intra - Tethys reefs complexes pp. 505 - 505 [PDF] [Buy] |
44578 | BADINO-V., BLENGINI-G.A., FORNARO-M., GIULIANI-A. The needs for mineral rwa materials for the sustainables production in the international framework pp. 508 - 509 [PDF] [Buy] |
44579 | BALDASSARRE-G., PALUMBO-N. Difficult coexistence of extractive planning of dimensional stones in the quarrying activity and territorial planning in Apulia pp. 510 - 510 [PDF] [Buy] |
44580 | BECCARIS-G., SCOTTI-E., PRANDI-S., DI CEGLIA-F. Asbestos control in Ligurian ophiolites pp. 511 - 512 [PDF] [Buy] |
44581 | BEZZON -P., BUSO-G., CALLEGARI-I., COLONNA-T., GUASTALDI-E., MANTOVANI-F., MARIANI-S., MASSA-G., ROSSI ALVAREZ-C., SHYTI-M., XHIXHA-G. Preliminary results for the characterization of the radiological levels of rocks in Tuscany Region pp. 513 - 514 [PDF] [Buy] |
44582 | BONCIANI-F., CALLEGARI-I., CARMIGNANI-L., FARINELLI-A., GRAZZINI-L., GUASTALDI-E., IANNINI-M., SFALANGA-A., VITI-C. Multidisciplinary procedure for estimating the amount of asbestos in the environmental and natural hazard assessment by fiber release; case study in the south of the Arno river, Tuscany pp. 515 - 516 [PDF] [Buy] |
44583 | BONETTO-S., RICCI-R., SACERDOTE-I. Raw materials for lime, concrete and gypsum production in Italy pp. 517 - 518 [PDF] [Buy] |
44584 | BOZZOLA-G., DINO-G.A., FORNARO-M., LORENZI-A. Technological innovations and secondary raw materials obtained from a virtuous management of wastes connected to mining activities: the examples of Gruppo Minerali Maffei S. p. A. pp. 519 - 520 [PDF] [Buy] |
44585 | CARMIGNANI-L., CONTI-P., MASSA-G., DISPERATI-L., SALVINI-R., MANCINI-S., LORENZONI-V., COLONNA-T., GUASTALDI-E., TROTTA-M., RICCUCCI-S., FRANCIONI-M., MARTINELLI-L. Underground marble quarrying in the Alpi Apuane, M. te Altissimo pp. 521 - 521 [PDF] [Buy] |
44586 | CARMIGNANI-L., CONTI-P., MASSA-G., VASELLI-L., MANCINI-S., SFALANGA-A., FARINELLI-A., IANNINI-M. Maps and database of marble and quarry activities of the Alpi Apuane (Tuscany) pp. 522 - 523 [PDF] [Buy] |
44587 | CASCONE-G., CASINI-A. The karst area and the preindustrial mines of the Campiglia Marittima Ridge (LI - Tuscany) pp. 524 - 525 [PDF] [Buy] |
44588 | CASSONE-G., GHIRIBELLI-B. The archaelogical area of San Gaetano di Vada (LI): lithological and petrographic characterization of marble artefacts from HORREA and thermal baths pp. 526 - 527 [PDF] [Buy] |
44589 | CASTELLI-D., GAGGERO-L., MAZZOLENI-P., ROCCHI-S. The classification of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and the UNI/CEN terminology of natural stones pp. 528 - 529 [PDF] [Buy] |
44590 | CUCCURRU-S., MAMELI-P., BRUNDU-A. Building materials of the prehistoric altar of Monte d’Accoddi (Sassari - Italy) pp. 530 - 531 [PDF] [Buy] |
44591 | GIONCADA-A., LEONI-L., LEZZERINI-M. Effect of thermal stress on hydric dilatation of clay - bearing stone materials: preliminary experiments on some “Macigno” sandstones pp. 532 - 533 [PDF] [Buy] |
44592 | DONDI-M. Brick clays in Italy: deposits and trends 1960 - 2010 pp. 534 - 534 [PDF] [Buy] |
44593 | GOMEZ SERITO-M. The restoration of the stone between theory and needs pp. 535 - 536 [PDF] [Buy] |
44594 | IABICHINO-G., CRAVERO-M. Geomechanical monitoring and stress measurements in open pit and underground marle quarries pp. 537 - 538 [PDF] [Buy] |
44595 | LAGAZZO-A., BOTTER-R., CABELLA-R., LEZZERINI-M. Decomposition - sintering dilatometer method to study the effect of limestones impurities on lime microstructure pp. 539 - 540 [PDF] [Buy] |
44596 | MANCINI-S. The historical marbles in Tuscany: a proposal of a new method of classification pp. 541 - 542 [PDF] [Buy] |
44597 | MARINI-C., NAITZA-S., GRANITZIO-F. Mineral resources and economic availability of Industrial Minerals and Rocks in Italy pp. 543 - 544 [PDF] [Buy] |
44598 | MATTEOLI-S., NIRTA-G., LIVI-E. The detailed geological field analysis as a powerful tool deposit evaluation and quarry development: case studies from Tunisia and Egypt pp. 545 - 545 [PDF] [Buy] |
44599 | NOVEMBRE-D., GIMENO-D., DI SABATINO-B. Experimentals results from a pilot plant for the ammonia removal from superficial waste waters by the use of an Italian volcanic zeolitite pp. 546 - 547 [PDF] [Buy] |
44600 | NOVEMBRE-D., PASCULLI-A., PACE-C., GIMENO-D., DI SABATINO-B. Sinthesys of sodalite from natural kaolinite: a way to simulate the loss in wheigt of chlorine during the synthesis process by an analytical and mathematical modeling pp. 548 - 549 [PDF] [Buy] |
44601 | PRIMAVORI-P. State of the art of dimension stones sector in Italy. A synopsis pp. 550 - 551 [PDF] [Buy] |
44602 | PUCCINI-A., CUCCURRU-S., SECHI-D., OGGIANO-G., MANTOVANI-F., XHIXHA-G., MARIANI-S. Natural radioactivity in Sardinian granite dimension stones pp. 552 - 553 [PDF] [Buy] |
44603 | SAVOCA-D. Strategic proposals for the implementation of a national non - energy raw - materials policy pp. 554 - 554 [PDF] [Buy] |
44604 | TOMASI-A. The sustainable developmente and the administration of the porphiry quarries in the Province of Trento (Provincia Autonoma di Trento) pp. 555 - 556 [PDF] [Buy] |
44605 | VOLA-G. Geo-petrographic and lito-applicative characterization of the Zandobbio “marble” from lower Val Cavallina, Bergamo pp. 557 - 558 [PDF] [Buy] |
44606 | VOLA-G., ALCIATI-L., DI MAJO-E., FIORA-L. Geo-petrographic and lito-applicative characterization of the Volpinite “marble” (Bardiglio of Bergamo), from lower Val Camonica pp. 559 - 560 [PDF] [Buy] |
44607 | VOLA-G., RISPOLI-C., MORRA-V., DE GENNARO-M. Petrographic quantitative analysis of pozzolanic mortars from ancient Roman marine concrete cores, drilled by Romacons team pp. 561 - 562 [PDF] [Buy] |
44608 | GUZZETTI-F., FIORUCCI-F., ARDIZZONE-F., CARDINALI-M., ROSSI-M., MONDINI-A.C., REICHENBACH-P., SANTANGELO-M., VALIGI-D. Landslide volumes and evaluation of landslide mobilization rates in an area in Umbria, central Apennines pp. 668 - 669 [PDF] [Buy] |
44609 | LO PRESTI-V., MORTICELLI-M.G., ANTONIOLI-F., SULLI-A., CATALANO-R. The Brolo Island, a lentil in the “Ocean” pp. 670 - 671 [PDF] [Buy] |
44610 | MOLIN-P., SPERINI-S., SCOTTI-V.N., GRECU-F. The topography of the Romanian Carpathians: the interaction of mantle dynamics, crustal tectonics and surface processes pp. 672 - 673 [PDF] [Buy] |
44611 | SANTORO-E., FERRANTI-L., MONACO-C., BENEDETTI-L. Dating marine depositional terraces along the Ionian coast of Northern Calabria with 36Cl surface exposure dating pp. 674 - 675 [PDF] [Buy] |
44612 | STOCCHI-P., VAN DER WAL -W., VERMEERSEN-B., VAN DER WAL-R. Glacio-hydro-isostatic adjustement in Fennoscandia: a review about numerical approaches, Earth rheology and ice-sheet modeling pp. 676 - 676 [PDF] [Buy] |
44685 | ANDREUCCI-B., JANKOWSKI-L., MAZZOLI-S., SZANIAWSKI-R., ZATTIN-M. An example of two stages exhumation of a thrust and fold belt from the thermochronology of Western Carpathians pp. 384 - 385 [PDF] [Buy] |
44686 | ARMIENTI-P., PERINELLI-C. Cenozoic thermal evolution of lithospheric mantle in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): the Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains pp. 386 - 386 [PDF] [Buy] |
44687 | BALESTRIERI-M.L., PANDELI-E.E., CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C. Age and temperature constraints on metamorphism and exhumation of the Tuscan Metamorphic Units, Northern Apennines, Italy pp. 387 - 388 [PDF] [Buy] |
44688 | BERTOLI-L., MASSIRONI-M., VISONA'-D., CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C. Lithological discrimination in collisional belt through Remote Sensing: a case study (Burauri granite; Western Nepal, Hymalayas) pp. 389 - 390 [PDF] [Buy] |
44689 | BROGI-A., LIOTTA-D. From normal to strike-slip faults during exhumation processes: the case of the eastern Elba Island (inner Northern Apennines) pp. 391 - 391 [PDF] [Buy] |
44690 | BROGI-A., GIORGETTI-G., REGOLI-R. Mg-carpholite bearing quartz veins and HP-LT mineralogical assemblages in the exhumated siliciclastic units of the Monticiano-Roccastrada Ridge (inner Northern Apennines) pp. 392 - 392 [PDF] [Buy] |
44691 | CAROSI-R., LEONI-L., PAOLUCCI-F., PERTUSATI-P.C., TRUMPY-E. Deformation and illite crystallinity in metapelitic rocks from the Mandas area, in the Nappe Zone of the Variscan belt of Sardinia pp. 393 - 394 [PDF] [Buy] |
44692 | CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., BARTOLI-F. The South Tibetan Detachment on the Northern slope of Mt. Cho Oyu (Southern Tibet, China) pp. 395 - 396 [PDF] [Buy] |
44693 | CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., RAI-S.M., BORSANI-A., IACCARINO-S. Geological field trip in the Kaligandaki Valley (Central Nepal) by the Italian Group of Himalayan Geology pp. 397 - 398 [PDF] [Buy] |
44903 | ARGNANI-A., MAZZARINI-F., BISSON-M., BONAZZI-C., ISOLA-I. Deformation of Mount Etna substrate: hints from offshore seismic reflection profiles pp. 678 - 679 [PDF] [Buy] |
44904 | ?-?., STORTI-F. Microstructural and petrophysical characterization of a coseismic (?) fault zone in poorly lithified sands from the Crotone basin pp. 680 - 680 [PDF] [Buy] |
44905 | CAPUTO-R., BIANCA-M., D’ONOFRIO-R. Ionian marine terraces of Southern Italy: insights into the quaternary tectonic evolution of the area pp. 681 - 682 [PDF] [Buy] |
44907 | FERRANTI-L., ANTONIOLI-F., ANZIDEI-M., MONACO-C., STOCCHI-P. The timescale and spatial extent of vertical tectonic motions in Italy: insights from coastal tectonic studies pp. 683 - 684 [PDF] [Buy] |
44908 | FERRARIS-A., FEDERICO-L., CRISPINI-L. Integration of structural and geomorphological data from the Western Ligurian Alps: creation of a GIS database and inferences for the morphotectonics of the area pp. 685 - 686 [PDF] [Buy] |
44909 | MONACO-C., ANTONIOLI-F., FERRANTI-L., SPAMPINATO-C.R., SCICCHITANO-G. The contriution of coseismic deformation to relative sea level change during the Holocene: examples from the coastal areas of north - eastern Sicily and southern Calabria pp. 689 - 690 [PDF] [Buy] |
44910 | ORIOLI-S., RISTUCCIA-G.M., MONACO-C., GUELI-A.M., STELLA-G., TROJA-S.O., GIUNTA-G. Luminescence chronology of Pleistocene marine terraces of the Sant’Agata di Militello coastal sector (north - eastern Sicily) pp. 691 - 691 [PDF] [Buy] |
44911 | SANTORO-E., FERRANTI-L., MONACO-C., BURRATO-P., MAZZELLA-M.E., MORELLI-D. Uplift and folding of Pleistocene marine terraces along the Ionian Sea coast of northern Calabria: field analysis and model results pp. 692 - 693 [PDF] [Buy] |
44913 | VADACCA-L., CARMINATI-E. 2D and 3D numerical simulations of the present - day state of stress of the active Ferrara fold - and thrust belt pp. 694 - 695 [PDF] [Buy] |
44914 | AMADORI-C., GROSSI-F. The “Ardito Desio” geopaleontological museum of Rocca di Cave (Prenestini Mountains, Latium): an example of Earth science didactics and education pp. 698 - 698 [PDF] [Buy] |
44915 | BATTISTI-G. Teaching geography of energy, not just an educational issue pp. 699 - 700 [PDF] [Buy] |
44916 | DE WAELE-J. Teaching resources in speleology and karst: a set of useful online powerpoint lectures created by the Italian Speleological Society pp. 701 - 702 [PDF] [Buy] |
44917 | GIURCO-G., STOPPA-M. The didactics of geosciences at secondary schools: state of the art and future perspectives pp. 703 - 704 [PDF] [Buy] |
44918 | MICCADEI-E., MISCIA-S., D'ALESSANDRO-L., IMPICCIATORE-M., PIACENTINI-T., PREZIUSO-M., ESPOSITO-G. Geoscience for the challenge of the technical and scientific knowledge at the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti - Pescara pp. 705 - 706 [PDF] [Buy] |
44919 | PELLEGRINO-A. An enchanted garden called “Planet Earth” pp. 707 - 708 [PDF] [Buy] |
44920 | STOPPA-M. The didactics of geosciences at the university: the experience of the P. I. D. D. AM. standing workshop pp. 709 - 709 [PDF] [Buy] |
44921 | AIELLO-G., MARSELLA-E., DI FIORE-V., D’ISANTO-C. The Salerno Valley (Campania continental margin, Italy): stratigraphic and structural styles and morpho-bathymetry of a Pleistocene half - graben pp. 712 - 713 [PDF] [Buy] |
44922 | BALDANZA-A., BIZZARRI-R., LUCCIONI-I. Resedimentation evidences in the Early Pleistocene Camerano section (Ancona, Marches, Central Italy) pp. 714 - 715 [PDF] [Buy] |
44923 | BOTTINI-C., COHEN-A., ERBA-E., JENKYNS-H.C. The Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a: excess volcanogenic CO2 triggering ocean acidification, biocalcification crisis, fertilization, accelerated weathering pp. 716 - 716 [PDF] [Buy] |
44924 | BRACONE-V., AUCELLI-P.P.C., ROSSKOPF-C.M., AMOROSI-A. Stratigraphy and tetono - sedimentary evolution of the periadriatic basin between Trigno and Fortore rivers (Southern Apennines) pp. 717 - 718 [PDF] [Buy] |
44926 | CALDA-N., MOLINARI-F.C. Low - enthalpy geothermal reservoirs in the buried thrust front of the Apennines: exploration in the alluvial plain south of Parma pp. 719 - 720 [PDF] [Buy] |
44927 | CANNATA-D., SANTANTONIO-M. Jurassic paleogeography and Neogene faulting at Corno di Catria (Marche, northern Apennines) pp. 721 - 722 [PDF] [Buy] |
44928 | CANTARELLI-V., ALDEGA-L., CORRADO-S., INVERNIZZI-C., CASAS - SAINZ-A. Late Paleozoic evolution of the Aragòn - Béarn Basin (Western Pyrenees): insight from thermal indicators pp. 723 - 724 [PDF] [Buy] |
44929 | CORNAMUSINI-G., IELPI-A. Provenance, depositional and palaeogeographic insights from the coarse - disorganised deposits of the Macigno turbidite systems (late - Oligocene-early Miocene,Northern Apennines) pp. 725 - 726 [PDF] [Buy] |
44930 | DECARLIS-A., DALLAGIOVANNA-G., LUALDI-A., MAINO-M., SENO-S. Basin analysis and tectonostratigraphy: an integrated approach to decipher the Ligurian Alps godynamics pp. 727 - 728 [PDF] [Buy] |
44931 | FABBI-S., SANTANTONIO-M. A megaclastic basin - fill Jurassic succession at Montagna dei Fiori (Abruzzo, Italy) pp. 729 - 730 [PDF] [Buy] |
44932 | GUGLIOTTA-C. “Inner” and “outer” wedge - top sequences in the Late Miocene Sicilian Foreland Basin System; inferences from the Upper Tortonian - Lower Messinian Terravecchia Fm. of NW Sicily pp. 731 - 732 [PDF] [Buy] |
44933 | GUGLIOTTA-C., AGATE-M. Tectonically - enhanced deposition in the Late Tortonian Scillato Basin (N Sicily): a sequence stratigraphic view pp. 733 - 734 [PDF] [Buy] |
44934 | GUGLIOTTA-C., MORTICELLI-M.G. Evidences of a polyphasic tectonics in a sedimentary asin development above an orogenic belt; the Scillato Basin Study case (N Sicily) pp. 735 - 736 [PDF] [Buy] |
44935 | GUGLIOTTA-C., AVELLONE-G., MORTICELLI-M.G., AGATE-M. Constraining the onset and development of “deep - seated” tectonics in the Sicilian thrust belt; field data from northern Sicily pp. 737 - 738 [PDF] [Buy] |
44936 | KHASAR-K., KEBRIAEE - ZADEH-M.R. Lower carboniferous biostratigraphy, paleoecology and biogeography of balast section, north of Damghan, Iran pp. 739 - 739 [PDF] [Buy] |
44937 | KHASAR-K., REZVAN NIA-F., KEBRIAEE - ZADEH-M.R., KHASAR-K. Corals association in the Mobarak formation, section of South Vali - Abade, in Marzan - Abad (North Iran) pp. 740 - 740 [PDF] [Buy] |
44938 | MARTINI-I., ALDINUCCI-M., SANDRELLI-F. Sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Pliocene strata of the northern Siena Basin (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 741 - 741 [PDF] [Buy] |
44939 | TROPEANO-M., SABATO-L., CILUMBRIELLO-A., PIERI-P. Stratigraphic architecture of basin - margin deposits in the Bradanic Through: changes in geodynamics vs. sea - level changes pp. 742 - 743 [PDF] [Buy] |
44940 | VALLONI-R., CALDA-N. Source - Basin Relations in the Miocene Turibidites of the Apennines (Italy) pp. 744 - 745 [PDF] [Buy] |
44941 | BRANDANO-M., TOMASSETTI-L., BOSELLINI-F., MAZZUCCHI-A. Depositional model and paleodepht reconstruction of a coral - rich, mixed siliciclastic - carbonate system: the Burdigalian of Capo Testa (Northern Sardinia, Italy) pp. 748 - 749 [PDF] [Buy] |
44942 | CHIARELLA-D., LONGHITANO-S.G., SPALLUTO-L., TROPEANO-M. The bryomol carbonate factory of a mixed depositional system in the Gelasian thrust - top setting of Acerenza (south - Apennines, Italy) pp. 750 - 751 [PDF] [Buy] |
44943 | DE MURO-S., BATZELLA-T., DE FALCO-G., PORTA-M. Sedimentological map of Bonifacio Strait inner shelf pp. 752 - 753 [PDF] [Buy] |
44944 | DEMURO-S., KALB-C., IBBA-A., FERRARO-F., FERRARA-C. Sedimentary processes, morphodynamics and sedimentological map of “Porto Campana” SCI beach (Domus De Maria - SW Sardinia) pp. 754 - 755 [PDF] [Buy] |
44948 | DE MURO-S., PUSCEDDU-N., KALB-C. Sedimentological map of the seafloor between Porto Bozzo Bay Capo Ferro NE Sardinia pp. 756 - 757 [PDF] [Buy] |
44949 | FREZZA-V., BALDASSARRE-A., GAGLIANONE-G., MATEU - VICENS-G., BRANDANO-M. Sediments and foraminiferal assemblages in Posidonia Oceanica seagrass: two cases in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea (Latium, Italy) pp. 758 - 759 [PDF] [Buy] |
44950 | GANDIN-A. Tectonic control on the sedimentary architecture of Early Mesozoic mixed siliciclastic - carbonate Pseudoverrucano successions (southern - Tuscany, Italy) pp. 760 - 760 [PDF] [Buy] |
44951 | TOMASSETTI-L., BRANDANO-M., BOSELLINI-F. Burdigalian coral facies of Eastern Bonifacio basin (southern Corsica) pp. 761 - 761 [PDF] [Buy] |
44952 | TROPEANO-M., SABATO-L., SPALLUTO-L. Mixed litho - bioclastic carbonates in Apulia (southern Italy) pp. 762 - 763 [PDF] [Buy] |
44953 | TROPEANO-M., SPALLUTO-L., CARANNANTE-G., MORETTI-M., SABATO-L., SIMONE-L. Present - day sedimentation on Apulia shelf (southern Italy): mixed vs. carbonate environments pp. 764 - 764 [PDF] [Buy] |
45587 | CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., RUBATTO-D., VISONA'-D. South Tibtetan Detachement activity constrained at 13 - 14 Ma by syntectonic leucogranite emplacement in Laya region, Western Bhutan pp. 399 - 400 [PDF] [Buy] |
45588 | CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., RUBATTO-D., BERTOLDI-L., FRASSI-C., VISONA'-D., PERTUSATI-P.C. Occurrence of a large leucogranite body intruding the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence in Western Nepal during Early Miocene: insights on the exhumation mechanisms of the Himalayan belt pp. 401 - 402 [PDF] [Buy] |
45589 | CASINI-L., CUCCURRU-S., MAINO-M., OGGIANO-G. Exhumation rates in the Sardinian Variscides from granite thermobarometry pp. 403 - 404 [PDF] [Buy] |
45590 | CONTI-P., MASSA-G., CARMIGNANI-L. Tectonics of the southern Alpi Apuane (northern Apennines): evidence for large scale low - angle normal faulting during Tertiary extension pp. 405 - 406 [PDF] [Buy] |
45591 | CRUCIANI-G., FRANCESCHELLI-M., GROPPO-C. P -T evolution of Punta Orvili metabasite, NE Sardinia, Italy: some constraints from pseudosection modelling pp. 407 - 408 [PDF] [Buy] |
45592 | CRUCIANI-G., FRANCESCHELLI-M., MASSONNE-H.J. Metamorphic evolution of gabbro and acidic volcanics from Nurra, northwestern Sardinia pp. 409 - 410 [PDF] [Buy] |
45593 | DALLAGIOVANNA-G., GAGGERO-L., MAINO-M., SENO-S., TIEPOLO-M. U - Pb chronological constraints for the late - and post - orogenic episodes in the Ligurian Variscides pp. 411 - 412 [PDF] [Buy] |
45594 | FRASSI-C., CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., PERTUSATI-P.C., BERTOLDI-L., VISONA'-D. Quartz microstructural and petrofabrics constraints in the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline (Lower Dolpo, Western Nepal) pp. 413 - 414 [PDF] [Buy] |
45595 | GASCO-I., BORGHI-A., GATTIGLIO-M. Structural and metamorphic evolution across the Internal Crystalline Massifs vs Piedmont Zone boundary (Western Alps) pp. 415 - 416 [PDF] [Buy] |
45596 | GROPPO-C., ROLFO-F., CAROSI-R., FRASSI-C., MONTOMOLI-C., PERTUSATI-P.C., VISONA'-D. Crustal anatexis in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of Eastern Nepal: constraints on the P - T evolution of the Barun Gneiss pp. 417 - 418 [PDF] [Buy] |
45597 | MONTOMOLI-C., CAROSI-R., CARULLI-A., APPEL-E., DUNKL-I., LEISS-B., ELBAY-R., LIN-D. Geometry, kinematics, and non coaxiality of the flow in the Tibetan Sedimentary Sequence during the activity of the South Tibetan Detachment System (southern Tibet, China): insight into the exhumation of the Himalayan belt pp. 419 - 420 [PDF] [Buy] |
45598 | MOSCA-P., GROPPO-C., ROLFO-F. Structural and metamorphic architecture of the Himalayan in the Kangchenjunga area (far - Eastern Nepal) pp. 421 - 422 [PDF] [Buy] |
45599 | PERTUSATI-P.C., LOMBARDO-B., CAROSI-R., FRASSI-C., GROPPO-C., IACOPINI-D., MOLLI-G., MONTOMOLI-C., MUSUMECI-G., ROLFO-F., VISONA'-D. Geological map of Chomolungma, Cho - Oyu and Makalu area (Nepal - Tibet) pp. 423 - 423 [PDF] [Buy] |
45600 | RODA-M., MAROTTA-A.M., SPALLA-M.I. Whic are the driving factors to facilitate exhumation during active subduction? Suggestions by numerical modelling. pp. 424 - 425 [PDF] [Buy] |
45601 | SATOLLI-S., VIANDANTE-M.G., CALAMITA-F. Constrain by low - temperature thermochronometers in the evolution of the Central Apennines pp. 426 - 427 [PDF] [Buy] |
45602 | TANGOCCI-F., BALESTRIERI-M.L., BENVENUTI-M. A detrital apatite fission - track study on the sedimentary successions of the Valdelsa and Mugello basins, Northern Apennines, Italy pp. 428 - 429 [PDF] [Buy] |
45603 | VILLA-I.M., VEZZOLI-G., GARZANTI-E., BARDINI-S. Himalayan detrital geochronology: tectonic modelling or petrological equilibrium? pp. 430 - 430 [PDF] [Buy] |
45604 | MAZZELLA-M.E., FERRANTI-L., PALANO-M., MATTIA-M., OLDOW-J.S.S., CATALANO-R., D'ARGENIO-B., GUEGUEN-E., MARSELLA-E., MONACO-C., ORRU'-P., AVELLONE-G., MORTICELLI-M.G., MASCHIO-L., SANTORO-E., SPAMPINATO-C.R., SCICCHITANO-G. Active deformation in southern Italy from GNSS velocities: updates results of the PTGA pp. 687 - 688 [PDF] [Buy] |
46354 | BALSAMO-F., STORTI-F. Structural and petrophysical evolution of extensional faults in high-porosity sands from the Crotone basin, south Italy pp. 432 - 432 [PDF] [Buy] |
46355 | BETTELLI-G. Olistostromes and their importance for interpreting the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts: the example of the Northern Apennines, Italy pp. 433 - 434 [PDF] [Buy] |
46356 | BOLIS-G., CALABRO'-G., FELTRE-R., MAZZARELLI-M. Tectonic evolution and petroleum system of the Reggane and Akabli Basins (Algeria) pp. 435 - 435 [PDF] [Buy] |
46357 | CARUBELLI-P., GHIELMI-M., BOCCA-P., PUGLIESE-A., RENNA-M.R., SCOLA-V. Lower Pliocene sedimentary evolution of Bradanic Foredeep in the Val D’Agri subsurface area (Southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 436 - 437 [PDF] [Buy] |
46358 | DALLA VALLE-G., GAMBERI-F., TRINCARDI-F., ROCCHINI-P., ERRERA-A., BAGLIONI-A.R. Finding sand on muddy slopes: how can the study of the modern seafloor improve the predictive power of 3D seismic analysis pp. 438 - 438 [PDF] [Buy] |
46359 | FANTONI-D. The Po Plain laboratory thirty years after Pieri & Groppi (1981) pp. 439 - 440 [PDF] [Buy] |
46360 | GHELARDONI-R. Ricordo di Marco Pieri pp. 441 - 442 [PDF] [Buy] |
46362 | GHIELMI-M., AMORE-C., BERTAMONI-M., RAZZOLI-M. Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary evolution of the Piticci Oil Gas Field area (Lucano Basin, Bradanic Foredeep, Italy) pp. 443 - 444 [PDF] [Buy] |
46363 | PINI-G., CAMERLENGHI-A., OGATA-K., FESTA-A., CODEGONE-G., LUCENTE-F.P., URGELES-R. Olistostromes, mélanges and mass-transport deposits pp. 445 - 446 [PDF] [Buy] |
46364 | PUCCINELLI-A., D'AMATO AVANZI-G., PERILLI-N. A new interpretation of the log of the Pontremoli 1 drilling (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 447 - 448 [PDF] [Buy] |
46365 | SCALERA-A. Biogenic and abiogenic hydrocarbons in Italy pp. 449 - 450 [PDF] [Buy] |
46366 | SELLA-M. Arc of the Sun, la forza comunicativa di Giovanni Flores, pioniere geologo pp. 451 - 452 [PDF] [Buy] |
46367 | STORTI-F., BALSAMO-F., CAPPANERA-F., TOSI-A. Jointing and faulting as a record of stress field variability at the tip of a salt ridge: the deformation pattern of the chalk at Laegerdorf, NW Germany pp. 453 - 453 [PDF] [Buy] |
46368 | BARBAFIERI-M., TASSI-F. Phytoremediation tecnologies to remediate contaminated area. The case study of Cecina river sediments contaminated by boron pp. 456 - 457 [PDF] [Buy] |
46369 | BOTTI-E., DONATIO-D., GEMELLI-C., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-A., ROCCHI-G.F. Occurrence of fibrous minerals from Northern Apennine ophiolites: comparison among three different tectonic settings pp. 458 - 459 [PDF] [Buy] |
46370 | BULLERI-E., IACOPINI-D., DOVERI-M., MARINI-A., NISI-B., TASSI-F. Tetrachloroethylene contamination on drinking water wells field in Pianura Padana pp. 460 - 461 [PDF] [Buy] |
46371 | DONATIO-D., MARRONI-M., ROCCHI-G.F. Estimate of fibrous mineral content in asbestos-bearing rocks from southern Tuscany: a case study pp. 462 - 463 [PDF] [Buy] |
46372 | DUCCI-A., SELLERINO-M. Natural background concentrations for some ions in groundwater of the Campania region pp. 464 - 465 [PDF] [Buy] |
46373 | FRANCESCHINI-F., LATERZA-V. Chromium and nickel occurrence in soils and sediments of Cecina Valley, Italy pp. 466 - 467 [PDF] [Buy] |
46374 | GAGGERO-L., ISOLA-I. Assessment of asbestos content in serpentinites: from field analysis to a quantatitative expression pp. 468 - 469 [PDF] [Buy] |
46375 | MARRONI-M., BOTTI-E., PANDOLFI-A., PARISI-A., ROCCHI-G.F., BOTTI-F., DONATIO-D., GEMELLI-C., ROSSI-A. CaMAm: asbestos mapping and characterization in the ophiolites from Tuscany pp. 470 - 471 [PDF] [Buy] |
46376 | MENICHETTI-S., BONI-S. Natural background level in Tuscan groundwater bodies monitored for Water Framework Directive 2000/60 pp. 472 - 473 [PDF] [Buy] |
46377 | PENNISI-M., DI GREGORIO-E., CARBONE-S., VITTORI ANTISARI-L. Boron concentration in humic and fulvic acids of soil epipedon in San Vitale pinewood (Ravenna, Italy) pp. 474 - 475 [PDF] [Buy] |
46378 | PETACCIA-R., RUSI-S. Natural origin hydrocarbon contamination in waters of carbonatic domains of Abruzzi Apennines pp. 476 - 477 [PDF] [Buy] |
46379 | SARVATI-M.R. Geomorphology of Konarsiah salt dome in south east of Firouzabad Province, Fars, Iran pp. 478 - 478 [PDF] [Buy] |
46380 | VITTORI ANTISARI-L., CARBONE-S., VIANELLO-G., PENNISI-M., BRACCESI ADORNI-A., AVIANI-U., PETRINI-R. Isotope geochemistry to assess water quality in artificial canal network from the Ravenna coastal plain (Italy) pp. 479 - 480 [PDF] [Buy] |
46381 | AMODIO-S. Barremian-Aptian shallow-water carbonates of Monte Faito (Sorrento Peninsula, southern Italy). Microstratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy pp. 482 - 483 [PDF] [Buy] |
46382 | ANZALONE-E., D'ARGENIO-B., FERRERI-V. Intrinsic feedbacks and external controls on travertine productivity pp. 484 - 484 [PDF] [Buy] |
46383 | BROGI-A.A., CAPEZZUOLI-E., BURACCHI-E., BRANCA-M., VOLTAGGIO-M. The tectonic control on the deposition of Pleistocene continental carbonates in the Sarteano area (southern Tuscany) pp. 485 - 486 [PDF] [Buy] |
46384 | BUONO-G. Dimerelloidea (Brachiopoda): a chemosynthetic-based life style monophyletic group? pp. 487 - 487 [PDF] [Buy] |
Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2010, vol. 11 fasc.1
SGI Code | Article |
42279 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessioni 5-8. pp. 111 - 224 [PDF] [Buy] |
42281 | MARRONI-M., ROSI-M. 85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana, Pisa 6-8 Settembre 2010. Sessioni 9-11. pp. 225 - 381 [PDF] [Buy] |
44284 | AMORE-F.O.O., SANTINI-U., SGROSSO-I. Biostratigraphic dating as a useful tool for the reconstruction of Central and Southern Apennine evolution pp. 226 - 227 [PDF] [Buy] |
44285 | ANDREINI-G., PARISI-G. Lithological and palaentological records of the Maiolica Formation in Umbria - Marche Apennines (Italy) pp. 228 - 229 [PDF] [Buy] |
44286 | BONCIANI-F., CORNAMUSINI-G., CALLEGARI-I., CONTI-P., MARTELLI-L., CARMIGNANI-L. Contribution of the CARG Project to the reconstruction of the mode and time of the emplacement of the “Coltre della Val Marecchia” pp. 230 - 231 [PDF] [Buy] |
44287 | AA.VV.-.. The Passignano sul Trasimeno sheet of the 1:50.000 scale Geological Map of the Italy: new insights about the Northern Apennine geology from CARG Project results pp. 232 - 233 [PDF] [Buy] |
44288 | BOSCHERINI-A., MOTTI-A., NATALI-N., SIMONE-G. Geological and geothematic cartography of Regione Umbria: the impulse of CARG project and its application pp. 234 - 234 [PDF] [Buy] |
44289 | BOSCHERINI-A., MOTTI-A., NATALI-N., SIMONE-G. Geothematic cartography applications in Regione Umbria pp. 235 - 235 [PDF] [Buy] |
44290 | BRUNI-P., CECCHI-G. Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units of the Plio - Pleistocene basins of the upper catchement of the Arno (Tuscany): a proposal pp. 236 - 237 [PDF] [Buy] |
44291 | BRUNI-P., CIPRIANI-N., NEBBIAI-M., PANDELI-E. The modal analysis as a stratigraphic tool to discriminate the perisutural Oligocene and Miocene turidite successions of the Northern Apennines pp. 238 - 239 [PDF] [Buy] |
44292 | BRUNI-P., PANDELI-E., REALE-V. The biostratigraphic signal of the calcareous turibidites of Macigno and Falterona Sandstone (Northern Apennines) pp. 240 - 241 [PDF] [Buy] |
44293 | CALZIA-P., SALE-V., MUNDULA-F., FUNEDDA-A., SARRIA-E., CIONI-R. The volcanic deposits of the new geological map of the Nuoro - Orosei area (Sardinia, Italy) pp. 242 - 242 [PDF] [Buy] |
44294 | CARBONE-S., LENTINI-F. The CARG Project in Southern Apennines and Sicily: a contribution for the knowledge of the geological features pp. 243 - 244 [PDF] [Buy] |
44295 | AA.VV.-.. The contribute of the “Regione Toscana Project of Geological Mapping” for the realization of geological sheets 1:50.000 scale pp. 245 - 246 [PDF] [Buy] |
44296 | CARMIGNANI-L., BONCIANI-F., CALLEGARI-I., CONTI-P., CORNAMUSINI-G., GIANNETTI -L., MASSA-G., MORINI-D., PIRRO-A. Geothematic regional geodatabases for the compilation of geological maps ia areas of relevant interest: the Coltre of Marecchia Valley (PU), the Iglesiente region (CA) and the Stazzemese area (LU) pp. 247 - 247 [PDF] [Buy] |
44297 | CARMIGNANI-L., CONTI-P., D'AMATO AVANZI-G., MASSA-G., PERILLI-N., PUCCINELLI-A. Mapping (1:50,000) of a key sector of the northern Apennines and new results achieved in the frame of the CARG project pp. 248 - 248 [PDF] [Buy] |
44298 | CAROSI-R., FRASSI-C., MONTOMOLI-C., NANNINI-D., PERTUSATI-P.C. Sheet 273 - Pisa: a database for samples used in structural analyses pp. 249 - 250 [PDF] [Buy] |
44299 | CASCELLA-A., LIRER-F., CESARANO-M., PAPPONE-G. Integrated stratigraphy of the middle - upper Miocene deposits of San Bartolomeo Formation, cropping out whithin the geological map n. 405 Campobasso (Molise, Ssouthern Italy) pp. 251 - 252 [PDF] [Buy] |
44300 | CATANZARITI-R., PERILLI-N. Calcareous nannofossil biohorizons of late Paleocene - middle Eocene in the Mt. Penice Flysch (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 253 - 254 [PDF] [Buy] |
44301 | CATANZARITI-R., PERILLI-N. Calcareous nannofossil distribution pattern and nannonobihorizons from Upper Cretaceous sedimentary successions of northern Apennines (Italy) pp. 255 - 255 [PDF] [Buy] |
44302 | CERRINA FERONI-A., ABBATE-E., BAMBINI-A.M., BOSSIO-A., CATANZARITI-R., DA PRATO-S., ELLERO-A., FORESI-L., LAZZAROTTO-A., MARRONI-M., MASETTI-G., NIRTA-G., PALANDRI-S., PANDOLFI-L., PRINCIPI-G., REALE-V., ZANCHI-B. The Atlas of biostratigraphy data. A necessary integration to the 1:10000 geological map of Tuscany pp. 256 - 257 [PDF] [Buy] |
44335 | CERRINA FERONI-A., PIGNONE-R. The outlook for the geological map in Italy, from “paper” to “digital” pp. 258 - 258 [PDF] [Buy] |
44336 | CIARAPICA-G., DAL PIAZ-G.V., PASSERI-L. Late Triassic microfossils in the Roisan zone, Austroalpine Dent Blanche - Mont Mary nappe system, NW - Alps pp. 259 - 260 [PDF] [Buy] |
44337 | CIPRIANI-N., PACINI-M., PANDELI-E. The siliciclastic turbidite units of the Mt. Civitella - Mt. Elmo area (Mt. Amiata, south - eastern Tuscany): geological setting, petrographic composition and regional correlations pp. 261 - 262 [PDF] [Buy] |
44338 | DE RITA-D., GROPPELLI-G.G., VEZZOLI-L. Mapping Volcanoes: Tools, results and perspectives pp. 263 - 264 [PDF] [Buy] |
44339 | DIANO-G., BONAMICO-A., DEBENEDETTI-A., GIORDANO-G. Three - dimensional reconstruction of the main unconformities of the Colli Albani stratigraphy and deposit volume calculations pp. 267 - 268 [PDF] [Buy] |
44340 | FIORASO-G., IRACE-A., MOSCA-P., PIANA-F., TALLONE-S., BELLINO-L. The activities of CNR IGG in CARG project: maps, databases and IT to improve geological data quality pp. 269 - 269 [PDF] [Buy] |
44341 | FIORENTINO-A., GIOVAGNOLI-M., PICHEZZI-R.M., ROSSI-M.M. Biostratigraphy results within the Italian Geological Mapping CARG Project pp. 270 - 271 [PDF] [Buy] |
44342 | FORCI-A., LANGIU-M.R., TILOCCA-G. Back dating of some Pleistocene continental deposits in Northern Sardinia. Preliminary results pp. 272 - 273 [PDF] [Buy] |
44343 | FORLATI-F., FALLETTI-P., GIACOMELLI-L., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-L., OTTRIA-G., BERNARDESCHI-A., CATANZARITI-R., TAINI-A. The 196 Cabella Ligure Sheet of the 1:50.000 scale geological map of Italy: main results pp. 274 - 275 [PDF] [Buy] |
44344 | FORNACIARI-E., RAFFI-I., RIO-D., AGNINI-C., CATANZARITI-R. Updating the Paleocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Mediterranean region pp. 276 - 276 [PDF] [Buy] |
44345 | GARFAGNOLI-F., MENNA-F., NIRTA-G., PANDELI-E.E., PRINCIPI-G. The contact metamorphic aureole of the Mt. Capanne pluton: new data from the CARG project pp. 277 - 278 [PDF] [Buy] |
44346 | GIORDANO-G., THE CARG-T. Stratigraphy, volcano tectonics and evolution of the Colli Alani volcanic field pp. 279 - 280 [PDF] [Buy] |
44347 | LUCCHI-F., TRANNE-C.A., DE ASTIS-G. Areal distriution and stratigraphy of widespread pyroclastic Brown Tuffs in the Aeolian archipelago pp. 281 - 281 [PDF] [Buy] |
44354 | MICCADEI-E., PAROTTO-M., PRATURLON-A. CARG Project Foglio 378 Scanno: new contribution for the geological setting of Central Apennines pp. 282 - 283 [PDF] [Buy] |
44355 | MORELLI-C., BARGOSSI-G.M., MAROCCHI-M., PICCIN-G., MORETTI-A., MAIR-V. The Athesian volcanics: a spectacular example of caldera complex pp. 284 - 285 [PDF] [Buy] |
44356 | MORINI-D. The Geological Survey of Regione Toscana: from the Geological Map to digital geothematic Databases pp. 286 - 287 [PDF] [Buy] |
44357 | PANDELI-E.E., BORTOLOTTI-V., PRINCIPI-G. The Elba Island: an intriguing geological puzzle in the Northern Tyrrhenian sea pp. 288 - 289 [PDF] [Buy] |
44358 | PANDELI-E.E., SANTO-A., CANDIDO -M. The Neogene magmatism in the Northern Thyrrenian sea: setting and compositional data of the Monte Capo Stella dikes (Southern Ela Island, Tuscan Archipelago) pp. 290 - 291 [PDF] [Buy] |
44359 | PESCATORE-T., DI NOCERA-S., MATANO-F., PINTO-F. The Geological Sheet n. 419 “San Giorgio La Molara”: new data for the analysis of the Sannio segment of Southern Apennines (Italy) pp. 292 - 293 [PDF] [Buy] |
44360 | PIGNONE-R., ANGELELLI-A. The geological map of Emilia - Romagna Region from scale 1:10,000 to scale 1:250,000: scientific base, utility and future pp. 294 - 294 [PDF] [Buy] |
44361 | PRINCIPE-C., PAOLILLO-A., LUONGO-G., BISSON-M. Geological mapping inside densely populated volcanic areas. The examples of Torre del Greco and Ercolano (Vesuvius) pp. 295 - 296 [PDF] [Buy] |
44362 | PUCCINI-A., CUCCURRU-S., SECHI-D., OGGIANO-G., MANTOVANI-F., GERTI-X., MARIANI-S. Employement of portable gamma ray spectrometer in survey and mapping of intrusive complexes: a case study from the Buddusò pluton (Sardinia) pp. 297 - 298 [Buy] |
44363 | RIZZO-R., MUNDULA-F., CIONI-R. The new geological map of the San Pietro Island (Sardinia, Italy) pp. 299 - 300 [PDF] [Buy] |
44364 | ROMANELLI-S., LAVORINI-G., MORINI-D. The Subsoil Use Atlas of Regione Toscana: 2d mapping of criticalities due to normative overlaps pp. 301 - 302 [PDF] [Buy] |
44365 | BARCHI-M., ALVAREZ-W., SHIMABUKURO-D.H. Time - space evolution of a near classic thrust and fold belt in the outer part of the Northern Apennines pp. 304 - 305 [PDF] [Buy] |
44366 | BERNARDESCHI-A., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-L. Kinematic and timing constraints of the Villalvernia - Varzi line at the Apennine - Alpine boundary pp. 306 - 306 [PDF] [Buy] |
44367 | BERTOK-C., D'ATRI-A., MARTIRE-L., MOSCA-P., PIANA-F., CERRINA FERONI-A., ELLERO-A., CATANZARITI-R., MUSSO-A., PEROTTI-E., VARRONE-E. Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system - 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines pp. 307 - 308 [PDF] [Buy] |
44368 | BIANCHI-I., GIACOMUZZI-G., CHIARABBA-C., DISTEFANO-R., PIANA AGOSTINETTI-N., AMATO-A. The complex lithosphere structure of Central Apennines as revealed by combined Tomographic and Receiver Functions images pp. 309 - 309 [PDF] [Buy] |
44369 | BUCCI-F., NOVELLINO-R., GUGLIELMI-P., TAVARNELLI-E., PROSSER -G. Geology of the North - eastern margin of the High Agry Valley (western Basilicata, southern Italy) pp. 314 - 314 [PDF] [Buy] |
44370 | CAPUTO-S., POLI-M.E., ZANFERRARI-A. Neogene - Quaternary Tectonic Stratigraphy of the Eastern Southern Alps, NE Italy: geodynamic implications for Adria pp. 315 - 316 [PDF] [Buy] |
44371 | CARBONE-S., LENTINI-F., BARRECA-G. The Apenninic - Maghrebian orogen in Southern Apennines and Sicily: a multidisciplinary approach pp. 317 - 318 [PDF] [Buy] |
44372 | CERRINA FERONI-A. The Poggio La Torre Conglomerate (Enza Valley): an enigmatic ‘alpine’ deposit of the Northern Apennine Epiligurian Basin pp. 319 - 319 [PDF] [Buy] |
44373 | CERRINA FERONI-A., ELLERO-A., CATANZARITI-R., D'ATRI-A., IRACE-A., MOSCA-P., PIANA-F., VARRONE-D. Transpressive evolution of the Ligurian Alps - Northern Apennines system - 2: a perspective from the Northern Apennines pp. 320 - 321 [PDF] [Buy] |
44374 | CONTI-P., CORNAMUSINI-G., UCCELLETTI-F., BALDETTI-A. Stratigraphic and structural setting of the “Pseudoverrucano” lithofacies in southern Tuscany pp. 322 - 323 [PDF] [Buy] |
44375 | CORNAMUSINI-G., IELPI-A., BONCIANI-F., CALLEGARI-I., CONTI-P. Relationships among stratigraphy, fold - and - thrust structures and transversal tectonics in the northern Chianti Mountains (Northern Apennines) pp. 324 - 325 [PDF] [Buy] |
44376 | CORRADO-S., ZATTIN-M., ALDEGA-L. Burial and exhumation processes along the Apennine clain pp. 326 - 327 [PDF] [Buy] |
44377 | DEL BEN-A. Direction change of the Calabrian Arc: causes and effects pp. 328 - 329 [PDF] [Buy] |
44378 | DI DOMENICA-A., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F. Neogene - Quaternary polyphase inversion tectonics in the Central Apennines (Italy): Implications for seismic hazard assessment pp. 330 - 331 [PDF] [Buy] |
44379 | FELICI-F., PIERANTONI-P., TURCO-E. Geological and structural evolution of the Onshore - Offshore Murge and its tectonic implications (Adria/Apulia plate boundary, SE Italy) pp. 332 - 333 [PDF] [Buy] |
44380 | MALASOMA-A., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-L. High - pressure external continental units (HECU) belt at the boundary between Alpine and Hercynian Corsica: a Key for the understanding the Tertiary subduction and exhumation processes along the European plate margin pp. 334 - 335 [PDF] [Buy] |
44381 | MARTINI-I., BROGI-A.A., CAPEZZUOLI-E., SANDRELLI-F. Neotectonics in the inner Northern Apennines: evidence from late Quaternary alluvial sediments of the northern Siena Basin pp. 336 - 336 [PDF] [Buy] |
44382 | MENEGHINI-F., BOTTI-F., ALDEGA-L., BOSCHI-C., CORRADO-S., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-L. Hot fluid pumping along shallow level collisional thrusts: the Monte Rentella Shear Zone, Umbria Apennine, Italy pp. 337 - 338 [PDF] [Buy] |
44383 | MORATTI-G., BENVENUTI-M., SQUARCI-P. Messinian tectono - sedimentary evolution of the Volterra B (Northern Apennines) pp. 339 - 339 [PDF] [Buy] |
44384 | MUSUMECI-G., VASELLI-L. Neogene deformation in metamorphic units of eastern Elba island, (northern Apennine): insight from Calnchiole and Felciaio mylonitic marbles in the Porto Azzurro pluton contact aureole pp. 340 - 341 [PDF] [Buy] |
44385 | PERTUSATI-P.C., BONINI-L., MONTOMOLI-C. The Triassic evaporites of Sassalbo and Secchia Valley (Tuscan - Emilian Apennines): geometric and kinematic data pp. 342 - 342 [PDF] [Buy] |
44386 | PRINCIPI-G., BORTOLOTTI-V., PANDELI-E.E., GARFAGNOLI-F., MENNA-F., NIRTA-G. “Alpine Corsica and Northern Apennine: two orogenic complexes or the same? Arguments for discuss about” pp. 343 - 343 [PDF] [Buy] |
44387 | PUCCINELLI-A., CASCELLA-A., PERILLI-N. New stratigraphic constrains of the para-autochtonous Caporalino Sant’Angelo Unit belonging to the “Alpine Corsica” (Corte - Ponte Leccia area, Corsica) pp. 344 - 344 [PDF] [Buy] |
44388 | ROCCHI-S., DINI-A., WESTERMAN-D.S. Magma emplacement in a transfer zone: the Miocene mafic Orano dyke swarm of Elba Island, Tuscamy, Italy pp. 345 - 345 [PDF] [Buy] |
44389 | SANI-F., MAZZARINI-F., STUCCHI-E.E., TOGNARELLI-A., MUSUMECI-G. The Northern Tyrrhenian - northern Apennine system: constraints on the geodynamics setting from a new reprocessing and interpretation of seismic line M12A pp. 346 - 347 [PDF] [Buy] |
44390 | SATOLLI-S., AGOSTINI-S., TURTÙ-A., CALAMITA-F. Inversion tectonic in the Umbria - Marche region (Apennines, Italy): Preliminary results from a new paleomagnetic approach pp. 348 - 349 [PDF] [Buy] |
44391 | SCISCIANI-V., AGOSTINI-S., CALAMITA-F., CILLI-A., GORI-I., PACE-P., PALTRINIERI-W. The Neogene positive inversion of late Paleozoic - Triassic basins in the structural evolution of the Umria - Marche carbonate mountain ridge (northern Apennines) pp. 350 - 351 [PDF] [Buy] |
44392 | SPERANZA-F., CHIAPPINI-M. Magnetic anomalies and deep Apennine setting: towards a lower crustal perspective? pp. 352 - 353 [PDF] [Buy] |
44393 | TAVARNELLI-E., PASQUI-V., BUCCI-F., NOVELLINO-R., PROSSER -G. Oblique - slip fault growth by segment linkage: a case from Basilicata, southern Italy pp. 354 - 355 [PDF] [Buy] |
44394 | TURTÙ-A., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F., SPERANZA-F. Preliminary paleomagnetic analysis along the Olevano Androco fault zone pp. 356 - 357 [PDF] [Buy] |
44395 | VALENTI-V., ALBANESE-C., AGATE-M., SULLI-A., LOMBARDO-L. New insigth of shallow to intermediate crustal structures of the submerged Apenninic - Maghrebian chain (northern Sicily offshore) coming from the re - processing of the CROP M6A seismic reflection profile pp. 358 - 359 [PDF] [Buy] |
44396 | VANNUCCHI-P., REMITTI-F., BOSCHI-C., BETTELLI-G., DALLAI-L. Deformation and fluid circulation in an erosive subduction channel: constraints from structural and isotopic studies of the ancient analogue of the northern Apennines of Italy pp. 360 - 361 [PDF] [Buy] |
44397 | VIGNAROLI-G., ROSSETTI-F., RUBATTO-D., THOMAS-T., LISKER-F., PHILLIPS-D., FACCENNA-C. Exhumation of the Voltri Massif HP - units, Ligurian Alps pp. 362 - 363 [PDF] [Buy] |
44398 | ZAMPIERI-D., POLA-M., FABBRI-P. The fissure ridge of AbanoTerme (Padova) pp. 364 - 365 [PDF] [Buy] |
44399 | ZANCHETTA-S., D’ADDA-P., ZANCHI-A. 40Ar/39Ar dating of pseudotachylites: direct evidence of Cretaceous to Eocene compressions in the central Southern Alps pp. 366 - 367 [PDF] [Buy] |
44400 | CAPRAI-A., SCARSI-P. Geochemical surveillance of reactive gas from geothermal area of Pozzuoli Solfatara (Naples, Italy): chronological evolution and local ground displacement pp. 370 - 370 [PDF] [Buy] |
44401 | COMINA-C., GUGLIELMETTI-L., MANDRONE-G. Medium enthalpy geothermal fluids in the Argentera Massif: geochemical investigations for further geothermal exploration studies. pp. 371 - 372 [PDF] [Buy] |
44402 | COMINA-C., GUGLIELMETTI-L., MANDRONE-G. Thermal box: analogic modelling of thermal flow in satured and unsatured conditions and geophysical controls pp. 373 - 374 [PDF] [Buy] |
44403 | COMINA-C., GUGLIELMETTI-L., MANDRONE-G. Ultrasonic test in geothermal heat exchangers (BHE) to monitor grout integrity against migration of contaminants into grounds water system. pp. 375 - 376 [PDF] [Buy] |
44404 | DE NATALE-G., TROISE-C. The Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project: from volcanic risk mitigation to geothermal research pp. 377 - 377 [PDF] [Buy] |
44405 | PASQUINI-A., BURRINI-M., GUASTALDI-E., CORRIAS-N. Study of geological parameters and thermal properties of soil y measurements in situ and laboratory: thematic maps of thermal efficiency and conductivity of Tuscany Region pp. 378 - 379 [PDF] [Buy] |
44406 | UNGEMACH-P., ANTICS-M. Sustainable management of the Dogger geothermal Reservoir - Paris Basin pp. 380 - 381 [PDF] [Buy] |
44407 | BOTTI-F., MARRONI-M., PALANDRI-S., PANDOLFI-L., RICCHETTI-N. Evolution of the Oligocene - Miocene foredeep successions in the Toscana - Umria area: constraints from stratigraphical, biostratigraphical, and petrographical data pp. 310 - 311 [Buy] |
44408 | BUCCI-F., GUGLIELMI-P., ADURNO-I., NOVELLINO-R., TAVARNELLI-E., GUEGUEN-E., PROSSER -G. The structural and kinematic history of a complex fold - and - thrust belt: an example from western Basilicata, southern Italy pp. 312 - 313 [PDF] [Buy] |
44501 | BALLINI-A., MANNUCCI-G., LUSSANA-C. Weather and geotechnical monitoring at “Marco e Rosa De Marchi” resort (q. 3610 m), Guzza ridge - southern side of Pizzo Bernina (Alpi Retiche, Sondrio) pp. 566 - 567 [Buy] |
44613 | D’ALBORE-F., LUONGO-G. An analogue model of triple junction for the Neapolitan volcanism pp. 112 - 113 [PDF] [Buy] |
44615 | FEDORYSCHYN-O. Study of basic physical properties of rocks based on theory of stochastic inhomogeneous mediums pp. 114 - 115 [PDF] [Buy] |
44616 | LEPORE-S., SCARPATI-C. Transient behaviour simulation of large, explosive, and ignimbrite forming eruptions y a multiphase thermo - fluid dynamic model pp. 116 - 117 [PDF] [Buy] |
44617 | PASCULLI-A., AUDISIO-C., LOLLINO-G. Application of cellular automaton model for river morphological studies: CAESAR and the Pellice River (Piedmont, Italy) pp. 118 - 119 [PDF] [Buy] |
44618 | PASCULLI-A., NOVEMBRE-D. An empirical - analytical mathematical model to simulate the loss in weight of Cl during the synthesis processes of sodalite y the use of meta kaolinite pp. 120 - 121 [PDF] [Buy] |
44619 | RICCUCCI-S., SALVINI-R., FRANCIONI-M., MACHETTI-E. Application of distinct elements methods for rocky slope stability analysis in the Carrara Marble District (Apuan Alps) pp. 122 - 123 [PDF] [Buy] |
44620 | SALVINI-R., FRANCIONI-M., RICCUCCI-S. Slope stability analysis and rock fall simulation for the assessment of geological risk of a railroad line pp. 124 - 125 [PDF] [Buy] |
44621 | BORTOLOTTI-V., CHIARI-M., MARRONI-M., PANDOLFI-L., PRINCIPI-G., SACCANI-E. The Middle Triassic to Late Jurassic ophiolites along the Albania to Greece geotraverse: a tool for the reconstruction of the Mesozoic to Tertiary tectonic history of Dinaric - Hellenic Belt pp. 128 - 129 [PDF] [Buy] |
44622 | CHIARI-M., BORTOLOTTI-V., MARCUCCI-M., PHOTIADES-A., PRINCIPI-G., SACCANI-E. Radiolarian ages and geochemical data on the ophiolites from the Koziakas massif (Greece) pp. 130 - 130 [PDF] [Buy] |
44623 | LIBERI-F., SHIMABUKURO-D.H., PILUSO-E., WAKABAYASHI-J., ALVAREZ-W. The Diamante - Terranova retrograde lawsonite blueschist (Calabrian Arc): an Alpine P - T cold exhumation path pp. 131 - 131 [PDF] [Buy] |
44624 | MONTANINI-A., TRIBUZIO-R. Tectono - magmatic evolution of the External Ligurian mantle section (Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 132 - 133 [PDF] [Buy] |
44625 | PERRONE-V., DE CAPOA-P., DI STASO-A., PERROTTA-S., TIBERI-V. The stratigraphic succession of the Val Marecchia Nappe: insights into the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of northern Apennines pp. 134 - 134 [PDF] [Buy] |
44626 | PRELA-M. Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna from the cherts in Skenderbej region (Central Albania) pp. 135 - 135 [PDF] [Buy] |
44627 | PRELA-M. Occurrence of Jurassic radiolarian cherts in Kosova region pp. 136 - 136 [PDF] [Buy] |
44629 | SANFILIPPO-A., TRIBUZIO-R. Interplay between tectonic and magmatic events during exhumation of a gabbro - peridotite section to the seafloor (International Ligurian ophiolites) pp. 137 - 137 [PDF] [Buy] |
44630 | CRISTI SANSONE-M.T. Metadolerites from the Frido Unit ophiolites (Southern Apennines): oceanic and orogenic evolution pp. 138 - 139 [PDF] [Buy] |
44631 | CRISTI SANSONE-M.T., PROSSER-G., RIZZO-G., TARTAROTTI-P. Splperidotites from the Frido Unit ophiolites (Southern Apennine): evidence for oceanic metamorphism pp. 140 - 141 [PDF] [Buy] |
44632 | ADINOLFI FALCONE-R., FALGIANI-A., MANETTA-M., PARISSE-B., PAOLESSI-M., PETITTA-M., RUSI-S.S., SCIANNAMBLO-D., SPIZZICO-M., TALLINI-M. Co - seismic and post - seismic hydrogeological and hydrochemical response to the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake pp. 144 - 145 [PDF] [Buy] |
44633 | AMOROSI-A. Contrasting fluvial architecture in the middle - late Quaternary succession of the Po Plain: implications for acquifer stratigraphy pp. 146 - 147 [PDF] [Buy] |
44634 | ANTONUCCI-E., COSTANZO-C. Modeling and design of a groundwater remediation system by using recirculation of treated water: a case history. pp. 148 - 149 [PDF] [Buy] |
44640 | BAGGIO COMPAGNUCCI-A., CICORA-S., PALPACELLI-S., PIERANTONI-P.P. Geological - structural analisys and hydrogeology of carbonate ridge between Ambro and Fiastrone rivers (Umbria - Marche Appenine) pp. 150 - 151 [PDF] [Buy] |
44641 | BARROCU-G. Aquifers and integrated water resources management in coastal areas pp. 152 - 153 [PDF] [Buy] |
44642 | BIEMMI-S., BOCCARDO-D., CALI’-A., OSELLA-V. A sustainability decision support tool for remediation options with respect to the environmental, social, economical as well as technical dimensions pp. 154 - 154 [PDF] [Buy] |
44643 | CALLIGARIS-C., ZINI-L., TREU-F., IERVOLINO-D., LIPPI-F., CUCCHI-F. Ware sustainability in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Plain pp. 155 - 156 [PDF] [Buy] |
44644 | CAVALLI-E. Gis management of multiple data - sets for hydrostratigraphic reconstruction in alluvial plains. An example from the Adda - Lambro plain in Lombardy pp. 157 - 158 [PDF] [Buy] |
44645 | CHIOCCHINI-U., CASTALDI-F., BARBIERI-M., EULILLI-V. The hydrogeological model of the thermal fluids of Viterbo - Cimini Mountains area as a tool for their management pp. 159 - 160 [PDF] [Buy] |
44646 | CIMINO-A., CORNIELLO-A., DUCCI-D., OIENI-A. Analysis of the possibility of parameters reduction in SINTACS method pp. 161 - 162 [PDF] [Buy] |
44647 | CORNIELLO-A., DUCCI-D., MONTI-G.M. Overview of the hydrogeology of the “Conca di Acerno” (SA) pp. 163 - 164 [PDF] [Buy] |
44648 | DE WAELE-J. Monitoring water and underground flow in the gypsum karst areas of Emilia - Romagna region pp. 165 - 166 [PDF] [Buy] |
44649 | CERRINA FERONI-A., DA PRATO-S., ELLERO-A., LELLI-M., MARINI-L., MASETTI-G., NISI-B., RACO-B. A multidisciplinary approach for the management of the water resources hosted in the multi - layer coastal aquifers of Central - Southern Tuscany pp. 167 - 168 [PDF] [Buy] |
44650 | DOVERI-M., GIANNECCHINI-R., BUTTERI-R. The study of the seawater intrusion in the Versiliese - Pisan coastal plain (North - Western Tuscany) by means of hydrogeological, chemical and isotopic tools pp. 169 - 170 [PDF] [Buy] |
44651 | DOVERI-M., GIANNECCHINI-R., MUSSI-M., NICOTRA-I., PUCCINELLI-A. Pianosa Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy) groundwater: hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features of a very peculiar aquifer pp. 171 - 172 [Buy] |
44652 | FIORUCCI-A., COMINO-E., MENEGATTI-S. Translocation of Cr, Co and Pb from soil and water to forage plants and their accumulation capacity pp. 173 - 173 [PDF] [Buy] |
44653 | FIORUCCI-A., MOITRE-B. Hydrogeochemical study of the unconfined aquifer of Low Susa Valley pp. 174 - 174 [PDF] [Buy] |
44654 | FIORUCCI-A., VIGNA-B., CIVITA-M. Functioning and vulnerability of springs supplied by aquifers in debris - alluvial deposits (Ligurian Alps - Piedmont, Italy) pp. 175 - 176 [PDF] [Buy] |
44655 | GIANNECCHINI-R., MENICHINI-M., RACO-B., VITI-F. Hydrogeological and geochemical features of the sandy unconfined aquifer between Marina di Pisa and Calambrone (NW Tuscany) affected by seawater intrusion pp. 177 - 178 [PDF] [Buy] |
44656 | LORUSSO-S., TADDIA-G. Evidences of advective heat transport related to an open - loop groundwater heat pump plant (Turin, NW Italy) pp. 179 - 180 [PDF] [Buy] |
44657 | LODI-L.P., DE MAIO-M., FIORUCCI-A. Natural occurrance of sulphates in ground and surface waters in Aosta Plain (Italy) pp. 181 - 181 [PDF] [Buy] |
44658 | MENICHINI-M., RACO-B., DOTSIKA-E., MARINI-L., ROSI-M. Hydrochemistry and stable isotope for groundwater hydrodynamics analysis in a karst aquifer (Alpi Apuane, Italy) pp. 182 - 183 [PDF] [Buy] |
44659 | NISI-B., VASELLI-O., GIMENO-M.J., TASSI-F., ACERO-P., POREDA-R., RODRIGO - NAHARRO-J.A., DELGADO HUERTAS-A., PEREZ DEL VILLAR-L. Effects of deep saline CO2 - rich waters in the shallow aquifers from the Mazarròn - Ganuelas Tertiary basin (central - southern Spain) pp. 184 - 185 [PDF] [Buy] |
44660 | PIOVAN-S., MOZZI-P. Holocene stratigraphy of the south Venetian Plain: new insight data and correlations pp. 186 - 187 [PDF] [Buy] |
44661 | PISCIOTTA-A., CONTINO-A., CUSIMANO-G., FAVARA-R. Groundwater quality assessment of the Palermo Mts. pp. 188 - 188 [PDF] [Buy] |
44662 | ROSSETTO-R., BASILE-P., PISTOCCHI-C., SABBATINI-T., SILVESTRI-N., BONARI-E. Surface water and groundwater monitoring and numerical modeling of the southern sector of the Massaciuccoli Lake basin (Italy) pp. 189 - 190 [PDF] [Buy] |
44663 | ROSSETTO-R., BASILE-P., CEI-O., CEMPINI-N., SODINI-M. Groundwater numerical modeling of the Bientina - Cerbaie aquifer system as a tool for water management pp. 191 - 192 [PDF] [Buy] |
44664 | ROSSETTO-R., BORSI-I., SCHIFANI-C., BONARI-E., MOGOROVICH-P., PRIMICERIO-M. SID & GRID : hydroinformatics system for the management of the water resource pp. 193 - 194 [PDF] [Buy] |
44665 | ROSSI-V., AMOROSI-A., SARTI-G., ROMAGNOLI-R. Fluvial architecture of the Holocene succession in the Arno coastal plain pp. 195 - 195 [PDF] [Buy] |
44666 | SABATO-L., TROPEANO-M., BIANCA-M., CILUMBRIELLO-A., GALLIPOLI-M.R., GRIPPA-A., MUCCIARELLI-M. Detecting incised valleys in the subsurface of the Metaponto coastal plain (Southern Italy) pp. 196 - 197 [PDF] [Buy] |
44667 | CAVALLI-E. Gis management of multiple data - sets for hydrostratigraphic reconstruction in alluvial plains. An example from the Adda - Lambro plain in Lombardy pp. 157 - 158 [Buy] |
44668 | SAPPA-G., ROSSI-M. Natural contamination by arsenic and other trace elements in northern Latium volcanic aquifers: a serious problem for drinking water supply management pp. 198 - 199 [PDF] [Buy] |
44670 | SARTI-G., AMOROSI-A., ROSSI-V., GIACOMELLI-S. Reconstruction of multilayered aquifers from the Late Quaternary succession of the Arno coastal plain (Tuscany., Italy) pp. 200 - 201 [PDF] [Buy] |
44671 | SARTI-G., AMOROSI-A., ROSSI-V., GIACOMELLI-S., FUSANI-L. Mapping of a highly compressible lagoonal horizon in the Holocene of the Arno coastal plain: implications for proper urban planning in the city of Pisa pp. 202 - 203 [PDF] [Buy] |
44674 | SDAO-F., PARISI-S., KALISPERI-D., PANTELIS-S. Groundawater resource of the Geropotamos coastal aquifer of Crete, Greece: hydrochemical and isotopic analysis pp. 204 - 205 [PDF] [Buy] |
44675 | SEVERI-P. Geology and subsurface aquifers in Emilia - Romagna alluvial plain - Italy pp. 206 - 206 [PDF] [Buy] |
44676 | SOLLITTO-D. Hydrogeological modelling for groundwater resources management: a case study for the industrial water supply pp. 207 - 208 [PDF] [Buy] |
44677 | SUOZZI-E., DE MAIO-M., CIVITA-M. A GIS Tool to apply the hydrogeological inverse assessment pp. 209 - 209 [PDF] [Buy] |
44678 | VIGNA-B., FIORUCCI-A., BANZATO-C., CIVITA-M. Hydrodynamics, geochemistry, and vulnerability of springs fed by higly karstified aquifers (Ligurian Alps - Piedmont, Italy) pp. 210 - 211 [PDF] [Buy] |
44679 | AIELLO-G., MARSELLA-E. Gravitational instabilities on the continental slope off the Campania Region: two case histories in the Naples and Salerno Bays (Southern Tyrrhenian sea) pp. 214 - 215 [PDF] [Buy] |
44680 | BELLU-I., DEL SARTO-A., FRAU-I.L., PERNA-M., PIRRO-A., PUGNAGHI-F., RINDINELLA-A. Geothematic data sharing of the Tuscany municipal plans by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) pp. 216 - 217 [PDF] [Buy] |
44681 | BIANCONI-N., BONCIANI-F., CALLEGARI-I., GARDIN-L., MAGGIORE -R., MARI-R., MERCATI-F., MORINI-D., MOSCARDINI-R., NEVINI-I., NEVINI-R. Soil - landscape map of Arno River basin - a multidisciplinary approach pp. 218 - 218 [PDF] [Buy] |
44682 | CAMPO-V., BATTAGLINI-L., CARTA-R., CIPOLLONI-C., CAMPO-V., BATTAGLINI-L., CONGI-M.P., DELOGU-D., PORFIDIA-B., ROMA-M., VENTURA-R., ZONETTI-C. Ther interoperaility skill of the Portal of the Geological Survey of Italy pp. 219 - 220 [PDF] [Buy] |
44683 | CIULLI-A., MASSA-G., GIANNETTI -L., PASQUA-E., PERNA-M., MANETTI-F., MARSICO-N., BASTONE-M.F., COCCA-E., PANNACCI-F., PIRRO-A. A shared geodatabase for a landslides and Quaternary cover map of the Regione Toscana pp. 221 - 222 [PDF] [Buy] |
44684 | DAINELLI-P., PERSICO-A. Geological mapping in Morocco - A contribution from Italy pp. 223 - 224 [PDF] [Buy] |
44837 | CIARAPICA-G., DAL PIAZ-G.V., PASSERI-L. Late Triassic microfossils in the Roisan zone, Austroalpine Dent Blanche - Mont Mary nappe system, NW - Alps pp. 259 - 260 [Buy] |
44838 | CIARAPICA-G., DAL PIAZ-G.V., PASSERI-L. Late Triassic microfossils in the Roisan zone, Austroalpine Dent Blanche - Mont Mary nappe system, NW - Alps pp. 259 - 260 [Buy] |
44839 | BAGLIONE-M., D'AMATO AVANZI-G., D’INTIOSANTE-V., FABBRONI-P., GIANNECCHINI-R., MARCHETTI-D., PUCCINELLI-A., SALVETTI-A., TURRINI-G. The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (Central Italy): seismic microzonation of a severely hit area pp. 4 - 5 [PDF] [Buy] |
44840 | BLUMETTI-A.M., COMERCI-V., DI MANNA-P., GUERRIERI-L., MICHETTI-A.M., VITTORI-E. Morphotectonics and seismic hazard in the L’Aquila basin pp. 6 - 7 [PDF] [Buy] |
44841 | CESI-C., EULILLI-V., PUZZILLI-L.M. Electrical tomography supporting the geological model for seismic microzoning : application in the L’Aquila earthquake area pp. 10 - 11 [PDF] [Buy] |
44842 | DISPERATI-L., PIZZI-A., VIRDIS-S., GUASTALDI-E., RINDINELLA-A., BIGIO-T., BONANNO-C., BONCIANI-F., CALLEGARI-I., CIULLI-A., FRIUZABADÌ-D., GRAZZINI-L., LAPINI-M., PASCOLETTI-F.C., POMPOSO-G., RICCUCCI-S. Postseismic displacement field following the 6 April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake : relations between non - permanent GPS stations measurements and geological observations pp. 12 - 13 [PDF] [Buy] |
44843 | DOGLIONI-C., BARBA-S., CARMINATI-E., RIGUZZI-F. A model for the seismic cycle pp. 14 - 15 [PDF] [Buy] |
44844 | FALCUCCI-E., GORI-S., MORO-M., SAROLI-M., FUBELLI-G., GALADINI-F., FREDI-P. Holocene atctivity of the Subequana Valley - Middle Aterno - Valley normal fault system, south of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake epicentre: implications for seismic hazard in central Apennines pp. 16 - 17 [PDF] [Buy] |
44845 | FARABOLLINI-P., MICCADEI-E., CAVINATO-G.P., DE PARI-P., PIACENTINI-T. The 2009 Abruzzo earthquake: the role of Geomorphology and Quaternary geology for the prevention of seismic risk pp. 18 - 18 [PDF] [Buy] |
44846 | GALLI-P. Paleoseismology in Italy: latest from L’Aquila pp. 19 - 20 [PDF] [Buy] |
44847 | GALLI-P., CARDUCCI-T., ESPOSITO-G., NASO-G., PERONACE-E., QUADRIO-B. Earthquake and fault(s) in the Upper Ofanto Valley (Irpinia, southern Italy) pp. 21 - 22 [PDF] [Buy] |
44848 | GORI-S., GALADINI-F., GALLI-P., GIACCIO-B., MESSINA-P., SPOSATO-A., FALCUCCI-E., DRAMIS-F. Active normal faulting and large scale gravitational deformation: the case of the Mt. Morrone SW slopes (central Apennines, Italy) pp. 23 - 23 [PDF] [Buy] |
44849 | MESSINA-P. Quaternary geology and seismic hazard pp. 24 - 25 [PDF] [Buy] |
44850 | SALVI-S. The crustal deformation associated to the seismic cycle measured by DInSAR techniques: a starting point for the geological analysis pp. 26 - 26 [PDF] [Buy] |
44851 | SMITH-S.A.F., DI TORO-G., BILLI-A., SPIESS-R. Principal slip zones in limestone: microstructural characterization and implications for the seismic cycle pp. 27 - 28 [PDF] [Buy] |
44852 | TRIPPETTA-F., COLLETTINI-C., VINCIGUERRA-S., MEREDITH-P.G. Elastic properties evolution of the seismogenic Triassic Evaporites and implications for crustal modeling pp. 29 - 29 [PDF] [Buy] |
44853 | VANNOLI-P., BARBA-S., BASILI-R., BURRATO-P., FRACASSI-U., KASTELIC-V., TIBERTI-M.M., VALENSISE-G. The new release of the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, DISS 3.1.1 pp. 30 - 31 [PDF] [Buy] |
44854 | ZUPPETTA-A. Active tectonics in the Sannio Apennine: insights from the April - July 1990 Benevento seismic sequence pp. 32 - 32 [PDF] [Buy] |
44855 | BINI-M., BRÜCKNER-H., CHELLI-A., PAPPALARDO-M. First remarks on the late Holocene relative sea level from sedimentological palaeo sea level indicators in the lower Magra Valley coastal plain pp. 34 - 35 [PDF] [Buy] |
44856 | CILUMBRIELLO-A., SABATO-L., TROPEANO-M. Contribute of sequence stratigraphy in the study of depositional marine terraces: the Metaponto area example (southern Italy) pp. 36 - 37 [PDF] [Buy] |
44857 | DUGHETTI-F., ROSSATO-L., FEDI-M., BENVENUTI-M.G., TANELLI-G. Preliminary radiocaron dating of Late Quaternary sediments in the Scarlino Plain (Grosseto, Italy) pp. 38 - 39 [PDF] [Buy] |
44858 | FILOCAMO-F., ASCIONE-A., ROMANO-P. The marine terraces of the Policastro Gulf: new insights on the evolution of the southern Apennines Tyrrhennian margin pp. 40 - 41 [PDF] [Buy] |
44859 | PIRAZZOLI-P.A. Geomorphic, biologic and archaeologic indicators of sea - level change: eustatic, tectonic and isostatic interpretations pp. 42 - 43 [PDF] [Buy] |
44860 | ROMANO-P., ASCIONE-A., FILOCAMO-F., SANTANGELO-N. The sea level changes during the MIS 5: eustatic fluctiuation data from the southern Tyrrhenian coasts of Italy pp. 44 - 45 [PDF] [Buy] |
44861 | ROVERE-A., VACCHI-M., FIRPO-M. Submerged shorelines off the Gallinara Island (Ligurian Se, NW Mediterranean) pp. 46 - 47 [PDF] [Buy] |
44862 | SANNA-L., DE WAELE-J., PASINI-G., PASCUCCI-V., ANDREUCCI-S. Sea level changes in the Gulf of Orosei based on continental and marine cave deposits pp. 48 - 50 [PDF] [Buy] |
44863 | SUDIRO-P. Fossil dunes and desert flora along the southern margin of Chott el Jerid (Southern Tunisia) pp. 51 - 52 [PDF] [Buy] |
44864 | VACCHI-M., ROVERE-A., ZOUROS-N., FIRPO-M. Spatial distribution of the paleo - shorelines in Levos Island. Evidence of differential coastal uplift in the area? pp. 53 - 54 [PDF] [Buy] |
44865 | ANGELONI-P., BARBA-S., CARAFA-M., DI BUCCI-D. Low- friction shear zones: the Molise - Gondola case study pp. 56 - 57 [PDF] [Buy] |
44866 | AQUÈ-R. Three dimensional modelling in mineral exploration: a case study from the El Creston porphyry - moly deposit (Sonora, Mexico) pp. 58 - 58 [PDF] [Buy] |
44867 | AQUÈ-R., NOVELLINO-R., BUCCI-F., PROSSER-G., TAVARNELLI-E. 3D modelling and cross - section restoration as tools for imaging geological structures pp. 59 - 60 [PDF] [Buy] |
44868 | ASSES-A., LOUMI-K. Sedimentological and structural analysis of a “tight reservoir” in the Hassi Terfa field (North Algerian Sahara) pp. 61 - 61 [PDF] [Buy] |
44869 | BUTTINELLI-M., VICO-G. 3D reconstruction of the structural setting, reservoir modeling and simulation of an off - shore area from availale seismic reflection data interpretation: evidences and constraints in the research of potential structures for geological storage of CO2 pp. 62 - 62 [Buy] |
44872 | BUTTINELLI-M., VICO-G., BIANCHI-E., SCROCCA-D., PETRACCHINI-L., QUATTROCCHI-F. 3D reconstruction of the structural setting, reservoir modeling and simulation of an - off shore area from available seismic reflection data intepretation: evidences and constraints in the research of potential structures for geological storage of CO2 pp. 62 - 62 [PDF] [Buy] |
44873 | CADOPPI-P., CAMANNI-G., DAMIANO-A., FUSETTI-E., MONTICELLI-F., PEROTTI-L., PERRONE-G. 3D model reconstruction of mineralizations in Alpine context. Examples of geomatics approach on the talc mineralization mine in Germanasca Valley and the Balangero asbestos mine (Western Alps) pp. 63 - 64 [PDF] [Buy] |
44874 | CIOTOLI-G., STIGLIANO-F., MARCONI-F., MOSCATELLI-M., CAVINATO-G.P., CAVUOTO-G., CORAZZA-A., MANCINI-M., PAGLIAROLI-A., PENNICA-F., VALLONE-R. Mapping the anthropic backfill thickness of the historical center of Rome (Italy) by using kriging with external drift pp. 65 - 66 [PDF] [Buy] |
44875 | CONTI-A., CASERO-P., BIGI-S., RUGGIERO-L., RECANATI-R., LIPPARINI-L. 3D reconstruction of the periadriatic portion of the Apennines fold - and - thrust - belt (Marche - Abruzzi onshore) pp. 67 - 68 [PDF] [Buy] |
44876 | D’AMBROGI-C., CONGI-M.P. 3D modeling of multi - scale geological and geophysical data: data integration and model validation pp. 69 - 70 [PDF] [Buy] |
44877 | GIBBS-A. Mapping in 4 dimensions - raising the game in geology for the 21st century pp. 71 - 71 [PDF] [Buy] |
44878 | LIVANI-M., SCROCCA-D., CARMINATI-E., BIANCHI-E., NEWMAN-R. Three - dimensional geological and geomechanical modeling of the northern Apennine front in the Po Plain pp. 72 - 73 [PDF] [Buy] |
44879 | LOUMI-K., KELKOULI-M. Analysis and modeling of the fracturing of the oil field area 4 of Hassi Messaud (Algeria) pp. 74 - 74 [PDF] [Buy] |
44880 | MAESANO-F.E., D’AMBROGI-C., BURRATO-P., TOSCANI-G. Long therm geological slip rates of the Emillia thrust front (Northern Apennines) from 3D modeling of key buried horizons pp. 75 - 76 [PDF] [Buy] |
44881 | MONTANARI-D., CORTI-G., SIMAKIN-A. Analogue experiments and numerical modeling exploring the relationship between volcanoes and thrusting pp. 77 - 78 [PDF] [Buy] |
44882 | PASCULLI-A., DI DOMENICA-A., CALAMITA-F. A FEM numerical modelling of the polyphase inversion tectonics in Central Apennines (Italy) pp. 79 - 80 [PDF] [Buy] |
44883 | PETRACCHINI-L., SCROCCA-D., D’AMBROGI-C., ANTONELLINI-M., BILLI-A. 3D - Modelling of the Cingoli Anticline pp. 81 - 82 [PDF] [Buy] |
44884 | ROMI-A. Petrel as an open and unified platform to accurately model the subsurface and its uncertainties, beyond the oil industry pp. 83 - 84 [PDF] [Buy] |
44885 | TRUMPY-E., BOSCHI-C., DINI-A. 3D geological reconstruction of serpentinite bodies in Tuscany: insights for in - situ CO2 sequestration pp. 85 - 86 [PDF] [Buy] |
44886 | BECCALUVA-L., BIANCHINI-G., ELLAM-R.M., NATALI-C., SANTATO-A., SIENA-F., STUART-F.M. Peridotite xenoliths from Ethiopia: inferences on mantle processes from Plume to Rift settings pp. 88 - 89 [PDF] [Buy] |
44887 | BECCALUVA-L., BIANCHINI-G., NATALI-C., SIENA-F. Geodynamic control on orogenic and anorogenic magmatic cycles in the Cenozoic evolution of the Western Mediterranean pp. 90 - 91 [PDF] [Buy] |
44888 | BUTTINELLI-M., BIANCHI-I., ANSELMI-M., CHIARABBA-C., DE RITA-D. Crustal structure of Tolfa domes complex of Tolfa domes complex (northern Latium - Italy) inferred from receiver functions analysis: an interplay between tetonics and magmatism pp. 92 - 92 [PDF] [Buy] |
44889 | CIRRINCIONE-R., DE VUONO-E., FAZIO-E., FIANNACA-P., ORTOLANO-G., PEZZINO-A., PUNTURO-R. The composite framework of the southern sector of the Calabrian Peloritani Orogen pp. 93 - 94 [PDF] [Buy] |
44890 | IBHI-A., NACHIT-H., TOUCHNT-A.A., ABIA-E.A., VACCARO-C., MARROCCHINO-E. Nature of the upper mantle and metasomatic processes on Eastern Anti - Atlas Moroccan pp. 95 - 96 [PDF] [Buy] |
44891 | LANGONE-A., BRAGA-R., MASSONNE-H.J., TIEPOLO-M. Relations between grain size and Th - Pb ages of monazite: examples from high - grade metapelitic gneiss from th Ulten Zone , eastern Alps pp. 97 - 98 [PDF] [Buy] |
44892 | MATRANGOLO-G., LIBERI-F., MARTIN - ROJAS-I., PILUSO-E. Basic magmatism in the Triassic sequences from the Alpujarride Complex (Betic Cordillera, Spain) and the Lungro - Verbicaro Unit (Southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 99 - 99 [PDF] [Buy] |
44893 | PERRI-F., RIZZO-G. Combining zircon chemical composition and geochronology (Pb/Pb dating) to characterize the Southalpine and the Austroalpine quartzphylllite complexes from the eastern Alps pp. 100 - 101 [PDF] [Buy] |
44894 | PILUSO-E., LIBERI-F. Magmatic and metamorphic processes in late - Hercynian lower crust section from the Northern Calabria pp. 102 - 102 [PDF] [Buy] |
44895 | PUNTURO-R. Contribution to the knowledge of the Hybleanlithosphere (south - eastern Sicily, Italy): the petrophysical approach pp. 103 - 104 [PDF] [Buy] |
44896 | RIZZO-G., PILUSO-E. Hybridization of the peridotite layers from the Serre lower - crust section (Calabria) pp. 105 - 105 [PDF] [Buy] |
44900 | CRISTI SANSONE-M.T., RIZZO-G. Rodingites from Frido Unit: evidences for metasomatic alteration pp. 106 - 107 [PDF] [Buy] |
44901 | TIEPOLO-M., TRIBUZIO-R., LANGONE-A. Evidence for a hidden subduction - related igneous activity in the Alps during Early Eocene pp. 108 - 109 [PDF] [Buy] |
44902 | BONCIO-P.P., GALLI-P., NASO-G., PIZZI-A. Surface Fault Rupture Hazard Zoning: insights from the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake (Mw 6.3, central Italy) pp. 8 - 9 [Buy] |