Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2012, vol. 21 fasc.2
SGI Code | Article |
45322 | BARCELONA-H., UNGARELLI-C., FAVETTO-A., POMPOSIELLO-C., PERI-V. Audiomagnetotelluric study at the hotsprings of the northern segment of the La Candelaria Range: preliminary results pp. 795 - 796 [PDF] [Buy] |
45323 | BATTAGLINI-A.G., GUERRA-I., UNGARELLI-C. Integrating geology and magnetotelluric data in geothermal exploration: an example from West -Anatolia pp. 797 - 799 [PDF] [Buy] |
45324 | CHIODI-A., TASSI-F., BAEZ-W., MAFFUCCI-R., DI PAOLO-R., VIRAMONTE-J. Chemical and isotope characteristics of the Rosario de la Frontera geothermal fluids, La Candelaria Range (Salta, Argentina) pp. 800 - 801 [PDF] [Buy] |
45325 | COCCHI-L., MUCCINI-F., CARMISCIANO-C., BARTOLUZZI-G., CARATORI TONTINI-F. Deep water hydrothermalism in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea: potential field features of the Marisilii and Palinuro volcanic seamounts pp. 802 - 804 [PDF] [Buy] |
45326 | DE FILIPPIS-L., BILLI-A. Morphotectonics of fissure ridge travertines from geothermal areas of Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming) and Bridgeport (California) pp. 805 - 805 [PDF] [Buy] |
45327 | DE FILIPPIS-L., FACCENNA-C., BILLI-A., ANZALONE-E., BRILLI-M., OZKUL-M., SOLIGO-M., TUCCIMEI-P., VILLA-I.M. Growth of fissure ridge travertines from geothermal springs of Denizli basin, western Turkey pp. 806 - 806 [PDF] [Buy] |
45328 | DI PAOLO-L., ALDEGA-L., CORRADO-S., GIORDANO-G., INVERNIZZI-C. Modelling of organic and inorganic paleo - thermal indicators to constrain the evolution of the geothermal system of Rosario de La Frontera (La Candelaria Ridge, NW Argentina): a new tool for geothermal exploration pp. 807 - 808 [PDF] [Buy] |
45329 | DI SIPIO-E., DESTRO-E., GALGARO-A., CHIESA-S., MANZELLA-A. Shallow geothermal energy use: mapping of geothermal potential and legal status in Italy pp. 809 - 811 [PDF] [Buy] |
45330 | DIPASQUALE-M., MONTELEONE-S. Geothermal, hydro - structural and neo - tectonic features of the Sciacca basin pp. 812 - 814 [PDF] [Buy] |
45331 | GASPARRINI-M., RUGGIERI-G., CHIODINI-G., BROGI-A. From diagenesis to hydrothermalism within the Tuscan Nappe of the Monte Amiata geothermal area (Italy): implications for CO2 geological storage pp. 815 - 817 [PDF] [Buy] |
45332 | GIAMMANCO-S., BONFANTI-P., CARAPEZZA-M.L., PAGLIUCA-N., QUATTROCCHI-F., RICCI-T., SCIARRA-A., SPAMPINATO-L. Preliminary investigation on soil CO2 and soil CH4 effluxes from a geothermal area near Palagonia (Sicily, Italy) pp. 818 - 820 [PDF] [Buy] |
45333 | INVERSI-B., SCROCCA-D., MONTEGROSSI-G., PETRACCHINI-L., LIVANI-M., BRILLI-M., BRANDANO-M., ROMI-A. Characterization of medium enthalpy geothermal resource in the Campania region (South Apenninnes, Italy), within the framework of the VIGOR project: from geological data to resource modeling pp. 821 - 822 [PDF] [Buy] |
45334 | IOVINE-G., GUZZETTI-F., ACETO-L., ANTRONICO-L., BRUNO-C., CALOIERO-D., D’ONOFRIO-D., FRUSTACI-F., GABRIELE-S., GIORDANO-S., GRECO-R., GULLA'-G., IAQUINTA-P., PETRUCCI-O., SANTALOIA-F., SOLERI-S., TERRANOVA-O., VALENTE-E., CHIESA-S., GALGARO-A., LOMBARDO-G., MUTO-F., RIZZO-E., MANZELLA-A. The VIGOR Project - Evaluating the geothermal potential in teh regions of “convergence”. Activities and first results in Calabria pp. 823 - 825 [PDF] [Buy] |
45335 | MAFFUCCI-R., CAFFE-P., CORRADO-S., INVERNIZZI-C., GIORDANO-G., PIERANTONI-P.P., VIRAMONTE-J. La Candelaria Ridge (NW Argentina) as a natural lab for the exploration of the geothermal system of Rosario de La Frontera: methods and preliminary results pp. 826 - 828 [PDF] [Buy] |
45336 | MAFFUCCI-R., BIGI-S., CORRADO-S., DI PAOLO-R., CHIODI-A. Fracture Modeling applied to the geothermal system potential reservoir of Rosario de La Frontera (La Candelaria Ridge, Argentina) pp. 829 - 831 [PDF] [Buy] |
45337 | MORETTI-A., FERRINI-G., DE ROSE-C. Relationships between sinkholes areal distribution, tectonic alignments and recent seismicity in Abruzzo (Central Italy) pp. 832 - 834 [PDF] [Buy] |
45338 | PETRULLO-A.V., PROSSER-G., AGOSTA-F., RIZZO-E., CHIARELLA-D., TAMBURRIELLO-G. The geothermal area of Venosa (Southern Italy): preliminary results of a multi - disciplinary analysis pp. 835 - 836 [PDF] [Buy] |
45339 | QUATTROCCHI-F., SCIARRA-A., PIZZINO-L., VINCIGUERRA-S., PESCIA-A. Hot faults: shallow processes or deep roots? Did past earthquakes leave a hot “path”? The power of fluid geochemistry data in a multidisciplinary approach pp. 837 - 837 [PDF] [Buy] |
45340 | ROSSETTI-F., ALDEGA-L., TECCE-F., ?-?., BILLI-A., BRILLI-M. Hydrothermal mineralisation along the damage zone of the Boccheggiano normal fault , Tuscany, Italy pp. 838 - 838 [PDF] [Buy] |
45341 | TRIPPETTA-F., COLLETTINI-C., BARCHI-M.R., LUPATTELLI-A., MIRABELLA-F. A multidisciplinary study of a natural site for CO2 geological storage in central Italy pp. 839 - 840 [PDF] [Buy] |
45342 | MATTIOLI-M., LUSTRINO-M., RONCA-S., BIANCHINI-G. Alpine subduction imprint in Apennine volcaniclastic rocks. Geochemical - petrographic constraints and geodynamic implications from Early Oligocene Aveto - Petrignacola Formation (N Italy) pp. 909 - 910 [PDF] [Buy] |
45343 | VESPASIANO-G., MUTO-F., APOLLARO-C., DE ROSA-R. Preliminary hydro - geochemical and geological characterization of the thermal aquifer in the Guardia Piemontese area (Calabria, south Italy) pp. 841 - 842 [PDF] [Buy] |
45344 | VIGNAROLI-G., PINTON -A., DE BENEDETTI-A.A., GIORDANO-G., ROSSETTI-F. Structural and morphological features of the Torre Alfina geothermal area (central Italy) pp. 843 - 845 [PDF] [Buy] |
45345 | BLOISE-A., BELLUSO-E., CRITELLI-T., CATALANO-M., APOLLARO-C., MIRIELLO-D., BARRESE-E. Amphibole asbestos and other fibrous minerals in the meta - basalt of the Gimigliano - Mount Reventino Unit (Calabria, south - Italy) pp. 847 - 848 [PDF] [Buy] |
45346 | CALANDRELLI-M.M., CALANDRELLI-R. Monitoring of heavy metal pollution in soils and waters of a Domitian coastline (Northern Campania) pp. 849 - 850 [PDF] [Buy] |
45347 | CIVILE-D., LORETO M.-F., DONDA-F., VOLPI-V., FORLIN-E., ZECCHIN-M., MERSON-B., BOIARDI-B., FANTONI-R. A potential site suitable for CO2 geological storage in th Po Plain (Italy) pp. 851 - 852 [PDF] [Buy] |
45348 | COLTORTI-M., DI GIUSEPPE-D., FACCINI-B., PASSAGLIA-E., MALFERRARI-D., MASTROCICCO-D., COLOMBANI-N. ZeoLIFE, a project for water pollution reduction and water saving using a natural ziolitite cycle pp. 853 - 853 [PDF] [Buy] |
45349 | CRITELLI-T., APOLLARO-C., BLOISE-A., MIRIELLO-D., ARMANO-V., DE ROSA-R. Hydrogeochemical investigation and relationship between mineralogy and groundawater composition. A case study from the Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy) pp. 854 - 855 [PDF] [Buy] |
45350 | CUIULI-E. Contribution to the knowledge of hydrogeological characteristics of plain S. Eufemia Lamezia (Calabria) - first results pp. 856 - 859 [PDF] [Buy] |
45351 | DI GIUSEPPE-D., BIANCHINI-G., NATALI-C., BECCALUVA-L. Environmental geochemistry of Peat - rich sediments in the Po river Delta area (Mezzano lowland , Ferrara) pp. 860 - 860 [PDF] [Buy] |
45352 | DI GIUSEPPE-D., BIANCHINI-G., NATALI-C., BECCALUVA-L. Heavy metals in soils and sedimentary deposits from Vigarano Mainarda (Ferrara, Northern Italy): characterization and biomonitoring pp. 861 - 861 [PDF] [Buy] |
45353 | DI GIUSEPPE-D., MASTROCICCO-M., COLOMBANI-N., FACCINI-B., COLTORTI-M. Ammonium and nitrate zonation below marsh agricoltural soils pp. 862 - 862 [PDF] [Buy] |
45354 | DI LUDOVICO-A., CUCULO-F., MAIORANO-M.V., IZZO-M.P., DI NIRO-A., COCCARO-P., SCOCCA-A. SINTACS method application for assessing the inherent vulnerability of the Venafro alluvial plain aquifer pp. 863 - 865 [PDF] [Buy] |
45355 | FOLINO-GALLO-M., PROCOPIO-S. Relazioni tre la radioattività naturale e i lineamenti geologici nel territorio comunale di Caraffa (CZ) pp. 866 - 868 [PDF] [Buy] |
45356 | IETTO-F., CANTASANO-N., FROIO-R., INFUSINO-E., CALLEGARI-G., CIPRIANI-M.G. Hydrogeological and geochemical assessment of some spring waters in the municipal area of Chiaravalle Centrale (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 869 - 871 [PDF] [Buy] |
45357 | IETTO-F., TALARICO-F., GIGLIO-A. Methodological approach for the assessment of natural alterations at sites used for waste disposal: the case study of Decollatura (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 872 - 874 [PDF] [Buy] |
45358 | MARIN-E., NACHITE-D., NAJIH-M., ANFUSO-G., MARROCCHINO-E., VACCARO-C. The Lagoon of Nador (Morocco): geochemical and petrographic analysis of sediments and environmental conditions pp. 875 - 876 [PDF] [Buy] |
45359 | PAPPALARDO-G. Effects of climate change and anthropic activities on groundwater resources in the south eastern - Sicily pp. 877 - 878 [PDF] [Buy] |
45360 | VESPASIANO-G., APOLLARO-C., MUTO-F., DE ROSA-G. Geochemical and hydrogeological characterization of the metamorphic - serpentinic multi - aquifer of the Scala catchement, Amantea (Calabria, south Italy) pp. 879 - 880 [PDF] [Buy] |
45361 | VIGNA-B., FIORUCCI-A., MARCHIONATTI-F., BANZATO-C., MOITRE-B. Synergic application of different methodologies for the caracterization of aquifers in carbonate rocks pp. 881 - 883 [PDF] [Buy] |
45362 | VOLPI-V., FORLIN-E., SAULI-C., DONDA-F., FACCHIN-L., CIVILE-D., MERSON-B., ZECCHIN-M. Southern Adriatic Sea: a potential site for CO2 geological storage pp. 884 - 885 [PDF] [Buy] |
45363 | CANNATA-C.B., DE ROSA-R., MUTO-F., DAVI’-M. The pyroclastic level of Amantea Basin (Coastal Chain, north - western Calabria) pp. 887 - 888 [PDF] [Buy] |
45364 | CANNATA-D., MILLI-S., MOSCATELLI-M. Architectural style and facies distribution of channel and channel-lobe transition zone in the Lower Messinian turbidite systems of Laga Basin (central Apenninnes, Italy) pp. 889 - 890 [PDF] [Buy] |
45365 | CATUNEAU-O., ZECCHIN-M. High - resolution sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems: autocyclic and allocyclic controls, and implications to the concept of sequence pp. 891 - 892 [PDF] [Buy] |
45366 | CORNAMUSINI-G. Characters and significance of the coarse - chaotic deposits within the deep - sea turbidite systems of the Northern Apenninnes (Oligocene - Miocene, Macigno Fm.) pp. 893 - 895 [PDF] [Buy] |
45367 | CROCITTI-M., DE ROSA-R. The Pleistocenic volcaniclastic layers outcropping along the Southern Tyrrhenian coast pp. 896 - 898 [PDF] [Buy] |
45368 | DE ROSA-R., LE PERA -E., SCHIPANI-M.T., TRINCARDI-F. Nature and provenance of tephra layers of the Paola B (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) pp. 899 - 901 [PDF] [Buy] |
45369 | GIANNANDREA-P., LOIACONO-F., MAIORANO-P., LIRER-F., PUGLISI-D. Unconformity - bounded stratigraphic units approach to a siliclastic turbidite basin: the eastern part of Miocene Gorgoglione Flysch (Southern Apenninnes, Italy) pp. 902 - 904 [PDF] [Buy] |
45370 | GIORDANO-R., SULPIZIO-R., CAGGIANELLI-A. Mineral phases as a tool for robust correlation of proximal - distal ash deposits in the Central Mediterranean area pp. 905 - 905 [PDF] [Buy] |
45371 | MARINI-M., MILLI-S., MOSCATELLI-M., PATACCI-M., MC CAFFREY-W.D. Facies and processes from the confined Salto - Tagliacozzo Basin (Messinian, Central Apenninnes): from the outcrop to tank experiments pp. 906 - 908 [PDF] [Buy] |
45373 | PASCUCCI-V., PANZERI-L., MARTINI-M., MASPERO-F., SECHI-D., ANDREUCCI-S. Is Optically Stimulated Luminescence a reliable tool for dating the Quaternary paleoenvironmental evolution? The case of Argentiera (NW Sardinia, Italy) pp. 911 - 912 [PDF] [Buy] |
45374 | SACCÀ-C., SACCÀ-D., PREZIOSA-N., DE FAZIO-A., GIACOBBE-S. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Gulfs of Patti and Milazzo (NE Sicily,Italy) pp. 913 - 914 [PDF] [Buy] |
45375 | SACCHI-M., MOLISSO-F., PACIFICO-A., RUBERTI-D., VIGLIOTTI-M. Late - Holocene to Recent evolution of Lake Patria, a coastal lagoon within the Volturno River delta system, South Italy pp. 915 - 916 [PDF] [Buy] |
45376 | BRANDANO-M., TOMASSETTI-L., FREZZA-V., CUFFARO-M. The Halimeda dominated prograding wedge of the Pietra di Finale (Middle Miocene, Liguria) pp. 918 - 918 [PDF] [Buy] |
45377 | CHIARELLA-D., LONGHITANO-S.G., MUTO-F. Sedimentary features of the Lower Pleoistocene mixed siliclastic - bioclastic tidal deposits of the Catanzaro Strait (Calabrian Arc, south Italy) pp. 919 - 920 [PDF] [Buy] |
45378 | CHIARELLA-D., LONGHITANO-S.G., SABATO-L., TROPEANO-M. Zonation of a mixed siliciclastic - bioclastic shallow - marine depositional system: Acerenza (Pliocene, Lucanian Apenninne) pp. 921 - 922 [PDF] [Buy] |
45379 | FONTOLAN-G., PILLON-S., BEZZI-A., GORDINI-E. Morphological and sedimentary signatures of tide - dominated coastlines, northern Adriatic Sea pp. 923 - 925 [PDF] [Buy] |
45380 | GAGLIANONE-G., FREZZA-V., MATEU - VICENS-G., BRANDANO-M. Surface sediments of seagrass meadows along the Tyrrhenian continental shelf (Italy) pp. 926 - 928 [PDF] [Buy] |
45381 | GUIDO-A., MASTANDREA-A., DEMASI-F., TOSTI-F., RUSSO-F. Preliminary fatty acid data of microbialite from Kess - Kess Mounds (Hamar Laghdad, Lower Devonian, Morocco) pp. 929 - 932 [PDF] [Buy] |
45382 | GUIDO-A., MASTANDREA-A., ROSSO-A., SANFILIPPO-R., RUSSO-F. Micrite precipitation induced by sulphate reducing bacteria in serpulid bioconstructions from submarine caves (Syracuse, Sicily) pp. 933 - 934 [PDF] [Buy] |
45383 | LEPIDI-A., FERRINI-G., MORETTI-A. Biotic carbonatogenesis and coevolution of Life and Earth surface pp. 935 - 936 [PDF] [Buy] |
45384 | LONGHITANO-S.G. Microtidal straits: outcrops analogues from Calabria, south Italy pp. 937 - 939 [PDF] [Buy] |
45385 | LONGHITANO-S.G., CHIARELLA-D. Nuovi analitici per l’identificazione di paleoambienti deposizionali in areniti miste: il caso studio di Acerenza (Appennino lucano) pp. 940 - 942 [PDF] [Buy] |
45386 | TOSTI-F., GUIDO-A., MASTANDREA-A., DEMASI-F., RUSSO-F. Rare Earth Elements signature in Triassic samples from Punta Grohmann and Alpe di Specie (Dolomites, Italy): evidence of Cyanobacterial vs Sulfate Reducing Bacteria metabolic activities pp. 943 - 944 [PDF] [Buy] |
45387 | CASALBORE-D., ROMAGNOLI-C., BOSMAN-A., CHIOCCI-F.L. Recent - mass wasting processes and related geohazard at Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy) pp. 946 - 947 [PDF] [Buy] |
45388 | CASAS-D., CHIOCCI-F., CASALBORE-D., ERCILLA-G. Size distribution of Submarine Landslides along the Gioia Basin. Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) pp. 948 - 950 [PDF] [Buy] |
45389 | CERAMICOLA-S., SENATORE-M.R., COSTE-M., MEO-A., BOSCAINO-M., COVA-A. Seabed mapping for geohazard in the gulf of Taranto, Ionian Sea (Southern Italy) pp. 951 - 952 [PDF] [Buy] |
45390 | CERAMICOLA-S., TINTI-S., ZANIBONI-F., PRAEG-D., PLANINSEK-P. Reconstruction of a submarine landslide and related tsunami from morpho - bathymetry and sub buttom data on the Ionian Calabrian margin (Mediterranean Sea) pp. 953 - 954 [PDF] [Buy] |
45391 | COSTE-M., CERAMICOLA-S., MIGEON-S., FORLIN-E., COVA-A. Different morpho - structural canyon systems observed on th Ionian margin (Calabria, Italy) pp. 955 - 956 [PDF] [Buy] |
45392 | COSTE-M., MIGEON-S., CERAMICOLA-S. Processes of formation and evolution of submarine canyons on the western margin of the Ligurian margin pp. 957 - 958 [PDF] [Buy] |
45393 | CRITELLI-S., DOMINICI-R., MUTO-F., PERRI-F., TRIPODI-V. Composition and depositional architecture of late Quternary sediments in the deep - water northern Ionian Basin, southern Italy pp. 959 - 961 [PDF] [Buy] |
45394 | D’ACREMONT-E., GORINI-C., BELEN-A., ABDELLAH-A., EL ABBASSI-M., DE BATIST-M., CERAMICOLA-S., DO COUTO-D., ERCILLA-G., GUTSCHER -M.A., LEROY-S., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY-B., MIGEON-S., EL MOUMNI-B., POORT-J., LE POURHIET-L., RABAUTE-A., LE ROY-P., SMIT-J., TAHAYT-A., TEURQUETY-G., VAZQUEZ-J.T., MARLBORO & SARAS-T. Prelimiary results of the Marlboro and SARAS surveys: Past and present active sedimentation and tectonics in South Alboran Sea pp. 962 - 963 [PDF] [Buy] |
45395 | ERCILLA-G., JUAN-.., ESTRADA-.., CASAS-.., ALONSO-.., GARCÍA-.., FARRAN-.., PALOMINO-.., VAZQUEZ-.., LLAVE-.., HERNÁNDEZ - MOLINA-.., MEDIALDEA-.., GORINI-.., D’ACREMONT-E., EL MOUMNI-B., AMMAR-.., CONTOURIBER & MONTERA-T. Recent contourities in the Alboran Sea pp. 964 - 966 [PDF] [Buy] |
45398 | ISADANZA-A., SAMPALMIERI-G., CIPOLLARI-P., COSENTINO-D., MOLA-M. A Messinian analogue for the subsurface plumbing of marine oil seeps (Maiella foreland basin, Central Apenninne) pp. 967 - 969 [PDF] [Buy] |
45399 | JUAN-.., ERCILLA-G., ESTRADA-.., CASAS-.., ALONSO-.., GARCÍA-.., FARRAN-.., PALOMINO-.., VAZQUEZ-.., LLAVE-.., HERNÁNDEZ - MOLINA-.., MEDIALDEA-.., GORINI-.., D’ACREMONT-E., EL MOUMNI-B., AMMAR-.., CONTOURIBER & MONTERA-T. Ther Plio - Quaternary stratigraphy in the Eastern Alboran Sea pp. 970 - 972 [PDF] [Buy] |
45400 | PRAEG-D., CERAMICOLA-S., PIERRE-C., MASCLE-J., DUPRÉ-S., ANDERSON-A.J., CAMERA-L., COVA-A., DE LANGE-G., DUCASSOU-E., FREIWALD-A., HARMEGNIES-F., HEBBELN-D., LONCKE-L., MASTALERZ-V., MIGEON-S., TAVIANI-M. Active mud volcanism and seabed seepage ont the Calabrian accretionary prism, Ionian Sea pp. 973 - 974 [PDF] [Buy] |
45401 | RASHED-H., ROVERE-M., PECCHIONI-E., GAMBERI-F., VASELLI-O., BICOCCHI-G., TASSI-F. Petrographical and mineralogical characterization of marine sediments in the mud diapir province of the Paola Basin (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) pp. 975 - 977 [PDF] [Buy] |
45402 | VIOLANTE-C., DE ALTERIIS-G., PEPE-F., MAZZOLA-S. Large deep - seated slump structure off Ischia volcanic island, Eastern Tyrrhenian sea (Italy) pp. 978 - 979 [PDF] [Buy] |
45403 | ZECCHIN-M., CERAMICOLA-S., GORDINI-E., DE PONTE -E., CRITELLI-S. A cliff overstep model for high - gradient shelves: the cases of the Ionian Calabrian Margin (southern Italy) pp. 980 - 981 [PDF] [Buy] |
45404 | BERGAMI-C., CAPOTONDI-L., DUCASSOU-E., SALVAGIO MANTA-D., SPROVIERI-M., VIGLIOTTI-L. Environment and climate during sapropels deposition in the Mediterranean sea. Planktonic foraminiferal evidences pp. 983 - 984 [PDF] [Buy] |
45405 | BOTTINI-C., ERBA-E., TIRABOSCHI-D. Warming and cooling episodes across the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a: the role of pCO2 on climate changes pp. 985 - 986 [PDF] [Buy] |
45406 | CASELLATO-C.E., ERBA-E. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) (Colle di Sogno section, Southern Alps) and their response to high CO2 concentration: preliminary results pp. 987 - 987 [PDF] [Buy] |
45407 | COLLEONI-F., MASINA-S., NEGRI-A., MARZOCCHI-A. Plio - Pleistocene high - low latitudes climate interplay: a Mediterranean point of view pp. 988 - 988 [PDF] [Buy] |
45408 | DI RITA-F. Possible solar forcing on the fluctuations of the coastal salt - marsh of the Tavoliere Plain (Apulia, Italy) during the Olocene pp. 989 - 991 [PDF] [Buy] |
45409 | FAUCHER-G., ERBA-E. Morphological changes of calcareous nannofossils during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 pp. 992 - 992 [PDF] [Buy] |
45410 | GUGLIOTTI-L., CIRILLI-S., BURATTI-N. The Early Toarcian anoxic event and shale gas potential: the case history of the Marne del Monte Serrone Formation (Central Italy). pp. 993 - 994 [PDF] [Buy] |
45411 | MAGRI-D., CAPOTONDI-L. Which relationship between the development of forest vegetation and the sapropel layers in the Mediterranean Basin? pp. 995 - 997 [PDF] [Buy] |
45412 | PARENTE-M., TRECALLI-A., SPANGENBERG-J., ADATTE-T., FOLLMI-K.B. Carbonate platform evidence of ocean acidification at the onset of the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event pp. 998 - 998 [PDF] [Buy] |
45413 | SPROVIERI-M., SANNINO-G., AGATE-M., SABATINO-N., INCARBONA-A., SPROVIERI-R., RIBERA D’ALCALÀ-M., ARTALE-V., MAZZOLA-S. Dynamics at the sicilian strait and mediterranean sapropels pp. 999 - 999 [PDF] [Buy] |
45414 | WEISSERT-H., GIORGIONI-M., WOHLWEND-S., HUCK-S., MILLAN-I. Paleoceanography and caron - cycle in the Early Cretaceous pp. 1000 - 1001 [PDF] [Buy] |
45415 | BRANDANO-M., GUARINI-G., PETRUNGARO-R., VELOCCI-L., MELONI-D., MASCARO-G., LIPPARINI-L. Digital 3D modeling by laser scanninng technique of Lepidocyclina limestone (Bolognano Formation, Majella) pp. 1003 - 1003 [PDF] [Buy] |
45416 | DI STEFANO-P., MCROBERTS -C., RENDA-P., TRIPODO-A., ZARCONE-G. Middle Triassic carbonate platform - basin system from Sicily. New evidence from the Madonie Mountains pp. 1004 - 1006 [PDF] [Buy] |
45417 | FABBI-S., SANTANTONIO-M. Progradational geometries and early rifting - related extension in the Calcare Massiccio formation (Northern Apenninnes) pp. 1007 - 1009 [PDF] [Buy] |
45418 | JADOUL-F., CASELLATO-C.E., LANFRANCHI-A. Middle - Upper Jurassic stratigraphic evolution of basinal carbonates of Eastern Sardinia (European passive margin) pp. 1010 - 1011 [PDF] [Buy] |
45419 | LECHLER-M., FRIJIA-G., MUTTI-M., PALLADINO-G., PROSSER-G. Stratigraphic setting of a segment from the Eastern margin of the Apennine platform (Monte di Viggiano, Southern Apenninnes) pp. 1012 - 1013 [PDF] [Buy] |
45420 | RICCI-C., JADOUL-F., LANFRANCHI-A., RUSCIADELLI-G., DELLA PORTA-G., LATHUILIERE-B., BERRA-F. Coral - sponge - microencruster - microbialite associations ijn the Upper Jurassic reef: quantitative characterization of a case study from Eastern Sardinia (Italy) pp. 1014 - 1016 [PDF] [Buy] |
45421 | SIRNA-M., KOOCHI-H.H. Mid - Cretaceous evolution of the Ernici Mountains carbonate successions (Latium - Abruzzi, Central Apenninnes) pp. 1017 - 1019 [PDF] [Buy] |
45422 | TODARO-S., ZARCONE-G., MINDSZENTY-A., DI STEFANO-P. Karstic overprint of Upper Triassic peritidal cycles: the examples of the Panormide Carbonate Platform at San Vito lo Capo (Sicily) pp. 1020 - 1022 [PDF] [Buy] |
45423 | BARILARO-F., DELLA PORTA-G., CAPEZZUOLI-E. Depositional geometry and fabric types of hydrothermal travertine deposits (Albegna Valley, Tuscany, Italy) pp. 1024 - 1025 [PDF] [Buy] |
45424 | BERSEZIO-R., MELE-M., GIUDICI-M. Imaging of subsurface alluvial stratigraphy: an electro - stratigraphic traverse across the Po plain in Lombardy pp. 1026 - 1028 [PDF] [Buy] |
45425 | BIANCHI -V., BILLI-P., CORNAMUSINI-G., FEDI-M., GHINASSI-M., IELPI-A., SANDRELLI-F. The Holocene infill of the Adwa Valley (Tigray, Northen Ethiopia): preliminary results pp. 1029 - 1030 [PDF] [Buy] |
45426 | BIANCHI -V., GHINASSI-M., ALDINUCCI-M., BOAGA-J., DEIANA-R. The Plio - Pleistocene luvial deposits of the Ambra valley (Tuscany, Italy): an example of tectonically - controlled valley fill succession pp. 1031 - 1032 [PDF] [Buy] |
45427 | BURATTI-N., BARCHI-M.R., BERTINI-A., CIRILLI-S., GASPERINI-L., MARCHEGIANO-M., PAZZAGLIA-F. Palaeoenvironmental and vegetational changes from the Pleistocene lacustrine sediments of the Trasimeno area (Central Italy): evidences from palynofacies and pollen analysis pp. 1033 - 1034 [PDF] [Buy] |
45428 | CARUSO-C., GIANNANDREA-P., PERRI-E. Preliminary observations on continental carbonate clasts in alluvial/volcanoclastic deposits (Pleistocene, Venosa Basin, southern Italy) pp. 1035 - 1037 [PDF] [Buy] |
45429 | COSTAMAGNA-L.G., CRUCIANI-G., FRANCESCHELLI-M. Late carboniferous to Permian volcano - sedimentary successions in SW Sardinia: a sedimentological, mineralogical and petrographical review pp. 1038 - 1040 [PDF] [Buy] |
45430 | COSTAMAGNA-L.G. Alluvial, aeolian and tidal deposits in the Triassic Buntsandstein of NW Sardinia (Italy) pp. 1041 - 1043 [PDF] [Buy] |
45431 | GHINASSI-M., FIDOLINI-F., MAGI-M., PAPINI-M., SAGRI-M. The Plio - Pleistocene fluvio - lacustrine Upper Valdarno Basin (central Italy): stratigraphy and basin fill evolution pp. 1044 - 1046 [PDF] [Buy] |
45432 | IELPI-A., CORNAMUSINI-G. A progressive unconformity - bounded stratigraphic unit within extensional settings, SE Volterra Basin, Italy pp. 1047 - 1049 [PDF] [Buy] |
45433 | IELPI-A., GHINASSI-M., FIDOLINI-F. Anatomy of falling stage to early transgressive fluvial deltaic deposits: outcrop and berhole data from the lacustrine late Pliocene of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Italy) pp. 1050 - 1052 [PDF] [Buy] |
45434 | PERRI-E., MANZO-E. Carbonate deposition in a fluvial tufa system: processes and products, (Corvino Valley - Southern Italy) pp. 1053 - 1053 [PDF] [Buy] |
45435 | ROSSATO-S., MOZZI-P., MONEGATO-G. LGM glacial retreat in the Astico valley and mismatch with the Adige and Brenta glacial transfluences (NE Italy) pp. 1054 - 1056 [PDF] [Buy] |
45436 | AGNINI-C., DE BERNARDI-C., ERBA-E. From volume estimates to carbonate production of Late Paleocene - Early Eocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages: a first step to reconstruct absolute abundances of calcareous nannoplankton pp. 1058 - 1059 [PDF] [Buy] |
45437 | BALINI-M., NICORA-A., JENKS-J.F., MARTIN-R., BLASI-M., BRAMBILLA-M., CANTINOTTI-S., MENGHIN-R., MOLINO-G., VISCONTI-A. High resolution Upper Ladinian/ Lower Carnian biochronostratigraphic correlations from the western Tethys to North America pp. 1060 - 1061 [PDF] [Buy] |
45438 | BENEDETTI-A. Evolutionary trends in Nephrolepidina: neanic acceleration and Golden Selection pp. 1062 - 1064 [PDF] [Buy] |
45439 | BENEDETTI-A., MARINO-M., PICHEZZI-R.M. Microfacies and biostratigraphical analysis on Paleogene - Neogene formations cropping out near Antrodoco (Central Apenninnes, Italy) pp. 1065 - 1067 [PDF] [Buy] |
45440 | BENEDETTI-A., PIGNATTI-J.S., MATTEUCCI-R. Depth distribution of Amphistegina from Lamu Archipelago (Kenya) pp. 1068 - 1070 [PDF] [Buy] |
45441 | BERNASCONI-M.P., CEFALÀ-M., PERRI-E. The Pleistocene coragal carbonate bioconstruction of Punta Diamante, southern Italy: a preliminary study pp. 1071 - 1071 [PDF] [Buy] |
45442 | BRIGUGLIO-A., BENEDETTI-A. X - ray microtomography as a tool to present and discuss new taxa: the example of Risananeinza sp. from the late Chattian of Porto Badisco pp. 1072 - 1074 [PDF] [Buy] |
45443 | CHERIN-M., BIZZARRI-R., BURATTI-N., CAPONI-T., GROSSI-F., KOTSAKIS-T., PANDOLFI-L., PAZZAGLIA-F., BARCHI-M.R. Multidisciplinary study of a new Quaternary mammal - bearing site from Ellera di Corciano (central Umbria, Italy): preliminary data pp. 1075 - 1077 [PDF] [Buy] |
45444 | CIUMMELLI-M., GARZARELLA-A., RAFFI-I. Evolutionary patterns of genus Discoaster in selected time intervals and correlation to paleoenvironmental changes pp. 1078 - 1079 [PDF] [Buy] |
45455 | COSTANZO-A., MC NULTY-E., FEELY-M., LOWENSTEIN-T., DOMINICI-R., MELGAREJO-J.C. Evidence for microbial life in deep time: a geomicrobiological investigation using fluid inclusio studies pp. 1080 - 1082 [PDF] [Buy] |
45456 | FREZZA-V., CARBONI-M.G., DI BELLA-L. Late Holocene paleoenvironmental evidences from foraminiferal assemblages in the Northern Tyrhhenian Sea (Southern Tuscany, Italy) pp. 1083 - 1085 [PDF] [Buy] |
45457 | FREZZA-V., D'AMICO-C., AIELLO-G., BARRA-D., BRACONE-V., DI BELLA-L., ESU-D., ROSSKOPF-C.M. Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental evolution of the central Adriatic coast in the Trigno mouth area (Molise Region) pp. 1086 - 1088 [PDF] [Buy] |
45458 | GROSSI-F., GLIOZZI-E. Palaeeonvironmental evolution of the post - evaporitic Messinian sequence of Eraclea Minoa (Sicily) by means of ostracods: preliminary results pp. 1089 - 1090 [PDF] [Buy] |
45459 | GROSSI-F. The cretaceous gastropod Trochactaeon matensis (Fittipaldi, 1901): first occurrence in the central Apenninnes (Rocca di Cave, Prenestini Mts.) pp. 1091 - 1091 [PDF] [Buy] |
45460 | GROSSI-F., PANDOLFI-L. Investigation of the vertebrate remains from Monte delle Piche (Rome, Central Italy) pp. 1092 - 1093 [PDF] [Buy] |
45461 | MONACO-P. Stratinomy and taphonomy of trace fossils from Eocene to Miocene turbidites in Northern Apenninnes (Central Italy) pp. 1094 - 1095 [PDF] [Buy] |
45462 | SCARPONI-D., RAFFI-S., CAPRARO-L., GHINASSI-M. Palaeocologic signatures of fossil assemblages in a candidate GSSP section of the Middle Pleistocene Stage at San Mauro Marchesato (Crotone, Southern Italy) pp. 1096 - 1097 [PDF] [Buy] |
45463 | SOMMA-R., NAVAS - PAREJO-P., MARTIN ALGARRA-A., MARTÍNEZ - PÉREZ-C., PERRONE-V., RODRÍGUEZ - CAÑERO-R. Vincoli biostratigrafici sull’età del vulcanismo alcalino paleozoico dei monti Peloritani (Sicilia nord - orientale) pp. 1098 - 1100 [PDF] [Buy] |
45464 | ASCIONE-A., CAPALBO-A., CAPOLONGO-D., MAZZOLI-S., PAZZAGLIA-F.J., VALENTE-E., ZATTIN-M. Uplift vs. denudation in the southern Apenninnes: geomorphologic evidence and constraints from terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides and apatite (U - Th)/ He data pp. 1102 - 1104 [PDF] [Buy] |
45465 | AUCELLI-P.P.C., AMATO-V., SCORPIO-V., BRACONE-V., ROSSKOPF-C.M. Palaeo - landscape reconstruction and assessment of long - term erosion rates through DEM analysis: preliminary results from the Molise Apennine (Central - Southern Italy) pp. 1105 - 1107 [PDF] [Buy] |
45466 | CATALANO-S., BONFORTE -A., GUGLIELMINO-F., ROMAGNOLI-G., TARSIA-C., TORTORICI-G. The effects of the interaction between ground deformation and the erosion on the visibility of Permanent Scatterrers Features on SAR interferograms: an example from Mount Etna (Eastern Sicily) pp. 1108 - 1110 [PDF] [Buy] |
45467 | DOGLIONI-A., SIMEONE-V. Geomorphic numerical analysis based on wavelet transform pp. 1111 - 1113 [PDF] [Buy] |
45468 | FACCENNA-C., BECKER-T.W., FUNICIELLO-F., HUSSON-L., ROZEL-A. Dynamic topography: processes, uncertainties and possible application in the Mediterranean pp. 1114 - 1114 [PDF] [Buy] |
45469 | GIACHETTA-E., CAPOLONGO-D., REFICE-A. Numerical modeling of drainage network development on active mountains belts pp. 1115 - 1115 [PDF] [Buy] |
45470 | GIACHETTA-E., SCOTTI-V.N., FACCENNA-C., MOLIN-P. Investigating the Plio - Quaternary lanscape evolution of the Iberian Chain: a numerical approach pp. 1116 - 1116 [PDF] [Buy] |
45471 | SIRNA-M., KOOCHI-H.H. Mid - Cretaceous evolution of the Ernici Mountains carbonate successions (Latium - Abruzz Central Apenninnes) pp. 1117 - 1119 [PDF] [Buy] |
45472 | MELELLI-L., SACCUCCI-L., FIORUCCI-L., BARCHI-M., MIRABELLA-F., PAZZAGLIA-F., PUCCI-S. Geomorphological quantitative analysis of High Tiber Valley drainage network (Umbria, Italy) pp. 1120 - 1121 [PDF] [Buy] |
45473 | NINFO-A., ZANONER-T., MASSIRONI-M., CARTON-A. Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations geomorphometry. The case of Schlinig valley (Eastern Alps) pp. 1122 - 1124 [PDF] [Buy] |
45474 | OLIVETTI-V., CYR-A., MOLIN-P., FACCENNA-C. Spatial variability on the erosion rates and river profiles along the Calabrian Arc pp. 1125 - 1126 [PDF] [Buy] |
45475 | PIACENTINI-T., MICCADEI-E. Morphometric and morphotectonic analysis of the Aventino - Sangro area (south eastern Abruzzi, central eastern Apennines). pp. 1127 - 1228 [PDF] [Buy] |
45476 | RISTUCCIA-G.M., SANTORO-E., BENEDETTI-L., BRAUCHER-R., FERRANTI-L., GUELI-A.M., MONACO-C., STELLA-G., TROIA-S.O. Integrating geochronological methods to constrain the age of uplifted marine terraces, Ionian coast of Northern Calabria pp. 1129 - 1131 [PDF] [Buy] |
45477 | SANTORO-E., FERRANTI-L., PASSARO-S., BURRATO-P., MORELLI-D. Morphometric analysis in the offshore of the southern Taranto Gulf: unveiling the structures controlling the Late Pleistocene - Holocene bathymetric evolution pp. 1132 - 1135 [PDF] [Buy] |
45480 | SCHIATTARELLA-M., GIANO-S.I., GIOIA-D. Age and properties of the summit palaeosurface of southern Italy pp. 1136 - 1138 [PDF] [Buy] |
45481 | SCOTTI-V.N., FACCENNA-C., MOLIN-P., SOLIGO-M. The topographic signature of tectonics and surface processes in landscape evolution: the case of the Iberian Chain (Spain) pp. 1139 - 1139 [PDF] [Buy] |
45482 | ZANONER-T., SEPPI-R., CARTON-A., NINFO-A. Solar radiation and ground temperature as factors affecting the transition from glacial to periglacial processes in the Dolomites: the case of Cima Uomo glacier pp. 1140 - 1142 [PDF] [Buy] |
45483 | BIANCHI-FASANI-G., BOZZANO-F., BRETSCHNEIDER-A., ESPOSITO-C., MARTINO-S., MAZZANTI-P., MONTAGNA-A., PRESTININZI-A., SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA-G. Thematic mapping of the Tyrrhenian coast between Villa San Giovanni and Palmi (Reggio Calabria, Italy) pp. 1144 - 1146 [PDF] [Buy] |
45484 | CARTON-A. Geomorphological mapping in Italy from the first essays to present pp. 1147 - 1148 [PDF] [Buy] |
45485 | CIARCIA-S., AMATO-L., CESTARI-A., SALA-D. Geological and geomorphological model for wide area monitoring of environmental risk pp. 1149 - 1151 [PDF] [Buy] |
45486 | CONFORTI-M., PASCALE-S., PASTORE-V., PEPE-M., SDAO-F., SOLE-A. Geomorphology and GIS analysis for mapping landslide in the Camastra basin (Basilicata, South Italy) pp. 1152 - 1154 [PDF] [Buy] |
45487 | GUIDA-D., SIERVO-V., CESTARI-A., PALMIERI-V. Application of “GmIS_Unisa” geomorphological mapping system to regional planning. pp. 1155 - 1157 [PDF] [Buy] |
45488 | GUIDA-D., CESTARI-A., DRAMIS-F., PARON-P., PALMIERI-V., SIERVO-V. Oro - Hydrographic Map of Western Europe pp. 1158 - 1160 [PDF] [Buy] |
45490 | VALENTE-A., MAGLIULO-P. A GIS - based geomorphological mapping of the Calore River alluvial plain in Benevento area (Campania, Italy) pp. 1161 - 1163 [PDF] [Buy] |
45492 | ANTONIOLI-F., MONTAGNA-P., CARUSO-A., RUGGIERI-R., LO PRESTI-V., SILENZI-S., FRANK-R., PIERRE-C. Investigation of marine and continental layers in a stalactite older than 1 milion years (Custonaci, north - western sector of Sicily) pp. 1165 - 1166 [PDF] [Buy] |
45493 | ANTONIOLI-F., LO PRESTI-V., MORTICELLI-M.G., MANNINO-M.A., LAMBECK-K., FERRANTI-L., BONFIGLIO-L., MANGANO-G., SANNINO-G., FURLANI-S., SULLI-A., PALOMBO-M.R., CANESE-S.P. The land bridge etween Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens pp. 1167 - 1169 [PDF] [Buy] |
45494 | ANZIDEI-M., ANTONIOLI-F., BENINI-A., GERVASI-A., GUERRA-I., BALDI-P., FABRIS-M. Evidence of relative sea level change and vertical motion of the land along the coast of Calabria inferrred from maritime archaeological indicators pp. 1170 - 1170 [PDF] [Buy] |
45496 | FURLANI-S., CUCCHI-F. Field surveying of interdital limestone erosion susceptibility in the Gulf of Trieste: the “GeoSwim Project” pp. 1171 - 1173 [PDF] [Buy] |
45497 | LODOLO-E. When the Sicily Channel was an archipelago pp. 1174 - 1175 [PDF] [Buy] |
45498 | MASTRONUZZI-G., ARTUSA-C., FONTOLAN-G., LONGO-D., MILELLA-M., PIGNATELLI-C., PISCITELLI-A. Underwater surveys in the reconstruction of Upper Pleistocene - Holocene sea level changes in the Taranto seas pp. 1176 - 1178 [PDF] [Buy] |
45499 | MASTRONUZZI-G., PIGNATELLI-C. The boulder berm of Punta Saguerra (Taranto, Italy): a morphological imprint of the Rossano Calabro tsunami of April 24, 1836 pp. 1179 - 1181 [PDF] [Buy] |
45501 | ORRU'-P., DEIANA-G., TAVIANI-M., TODDE-S. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum coastline ont on the San Pietro continental shelf (Sardinia SW) pp. 1182 - 1184 [PDF] [Buy] |
45502 | ORRU'-P., MASTRONUZZI-G., PIGNATELLI-C., PISCITELLI-A., SOLINAS-E. Sea level changes and geoarchaeology etween Malfatano Bay and Piscinnì Bay (SW Sardinia) in the last 3 ky pp. 1185 - 1187 [PDF] [Buy] |
45503 | PROCOPIO-F., CARRA’-D., CEFALÌ-A., PISCIUNERI-A., STAMILE-A., STRATI-G. First outcomes of the coastal erosion and marine geology working group activity , Ordine Regionale dei Geology della Calabria (O. G. R. C.) pp. 1188 - 1188 [PDF] [Buy] |
45504 | PUTIGNANO-M.L., ORRU'-P., SCHIATTARELLA-M. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Holocene coastline of Procida Island, Bay of Naples pp. 1189 - 1191 [PDF] [Buy] |
45507 | SACCHI-M., PEPE-F., CORRADINO-M., DUARTE-H. Volcaniclastic Deposition and migration of basin depocentres after the eruption of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff: the Pozzuoli Bay (Naples , Italy) pp. 1192 - 1193 [PDF] [Buy] |
45508 | SACCHI-M., PEPE-F., MOLISSO-F., INSINGA-D. The submerged structure and stratal architecture of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) caldera, offshore the Campi Flegrei, Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin): new insights from high resolution seismics and gravity core data pp. 1194 - 1195 [PDF] [Buy] |
45509 | VECCHIO-A., ANZIDEI-M., CARBONE-V., CAPPARELLI-G., GUERRA-I., ARENA-G. Sea level fluctuation in the Mediterranean after the March 11th, 2011 Japan tsunami from Italian tidal records pp. 1196 - 1197 [PDF] [Buy] |
45510 | AUCELLI-P.P.C., CONFORTI-M., DELLA SETA-M., DEL MONTE-M., D’UVA -L., ROSSKOPF-C.M., VERGARI-F. Quantitative assessment of soil erosion rates: results from direct monitoring and digital photogrammetric analysis on the Landola catchment in the Upper Orcia Valley (Tuscany, Italy) pp. 1199 - 1201 [PDF] [Buy] |
45511 | CONFORTI-M., BUTTAFUOCO-G., LEONE-A.P., AUCELLI-P.P.C., ROBUSTELLI-G., SCARCIGLIA-F. Soil erosion assessment using proximal spectral reflectance in VIS - NIR - SWIR region in sample area of Calabria region (southern Italy) pp. 1202 - 1204 [PDF] [Buy] |
45512 | DELLA SETA-M., DEL MONTE-M., DI LEO-P., PULICE-I., ROBUSTELLI-G., SCARCIGLIA-F., VERGARI-F. Parent material properties of two Mediterranean badland sites: the impact on erosion dynamics pp. 1205 - 1207 [PDF] [Buy] |
45513 | MAERKER-M., DELLA SETA-M., VERGARI-F., DEL MONTE-M. Process - Based Assessment of Erosion Dynamics in the Upper Orcia Valley (Southern Tuscany, Italy): a New Semi - Quantitative Integrated Approach pp. 1208 - 1211 [PDF] [Buy] |
45514 | PELLE-T., SCARCIGLIA-F., NATALI-E., TINÉ-V. The case study of “San Michele Cave” of Saracena (northern Calabria, Italy): late Pleistocene to mid - Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction and human impact through a pedological and geoarchaeological approach pp. 1212 - 1214 [PDF] [Buy] |
45515 | SCARCIGLIA-F., CONFORTI-M., BUTTAFUOCO-G., ROBUSTELLI-G., AUCELLI-P.P.C., MORRONE-F., CASUSCELLI-F., PALUMBO-G. Integrated study of a soil catena in the Turbolo watershed (Calabria, southern Italy): soil processes, hydrology and geomorphic dynamics pp. 1215 - 1217 [PDF] [Buy] |
45516 | TANGARI-A.C., CARACCIOLO-L., GARZANTI-E., LE PERA -E., SCARCIGLIA-F. Weathering of crystalline bedrock in Sila Massif and Catena Costiera (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 1218 - 1220 [PDF] [Buy] |
45517 | VIGLIOTTI-M., VERDE-R., DI NATALE-M., RUBERTI-R. The USLE model applyed to the Volturno River catchment (southern Italy) using GIS pp. 1221 - 1223 [PDF] [Buy] |
45518 | AMATO-V., AUCELLI-P.P.C., ERMOLLI-E.R., ROSSKOPF-C.M., CESARANO-M., PAPPONE-G. Quaternary morpho - evolution, tectonic and environmental changes in the Boiano intermontane basin (central - southern Italy) pp. 1225 - 1227 [PDF] [Buy] |
45519 | ARINGOLI-D., FARABOLLINI-P., GALINDO-ZALDIVAR-J., GENTILI-B., GIANO-S.I., LOPEZ GARRIDO-A.C., MATERAZZI-M., PAMBIANCHI-G., PEDRERA-A., RUARO-P., RUIZ - COSTÀN-A., SANZ DE GALDEANO-C., SAVELLI-D., TONDI-E., TROIANI-F. Morphotectonic and sedimentary infill of the Colfiorito, Norcia, Castelluccio and Leonessa basins (Central Apenninnes, Italy) pp. 1228 - 1230 [PDF] [Buy] |
45520 | AZAÑON-J.M., RODRIGUEZ FERNANDEZ-J., ROLDÁN - GARCÍA-F.J., AZOR-A., DELLA SETA-M. Tectonic history and subsidence of the Betic intramontane basin: a key to record timing and exhumation rates in the Alboran domain pp. 1231 - 1231 [PDF] [Buy] |
45521 | CARTOJAN-E., MASSA-B., VALENTE-A. The evolution of Tammaro River Basin (Southern Apenninnes, Italy): tectonics and morphometric analysis pp. 1232 - 1233 [PDF] [Buy] |
45522 | CHIARINI-E., LA POSTA-E., D’AMBROGI-C., EULILLI-V., FERRI-F., MARINO-M., PUZZILLI-L.M. A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the Montereale intermountain basin (Central Apenninnes) pp. 1234 - 1236 [PDF] [Buy] |
45523 | FUBELLI-G., DELLA SETA-M., AMATO-G. Geospatial reconstruction of the paleo Farfa River catchment and relict landscape in the Tyrrhenian drainage system (Central Italy) pp. 1237 - 1238 [PDF] [Buy] |
45524 | GIANO-S.I., SCHIATTARELLA-M. The connected Auletta, Vallo di Diano, and Sanza basins, southern Apennines, Italy: opening kinematics and morphostructural evolution pp. 1239 - 1241 [PDF] [Buy] |
45525 | LABELLA-R., GIANNANDREA-P. Arrangement of terraced surfaces and middle Pleistocene to Holocene geomorphological evolution of the Ofanto Basin (southern Apennines) pp. 1242 - 1244 [PDF] [Buy] |
45526 | SARDELLA-R., SQUAZZINI-E., MANCINI-M. The late Villafranchian vertebrate faunal assemblages from southern Umbria (central Italy): an useful tool for reconstructing intramontane basin infill evolution pp. 1245 - 1248 [PDF] [Buy] |
Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2012, vol. 21 fasc.1
SGI Code | Article |
44964 | JENKYNS-H.C. Oceanic Anoxic Events: the record from Italy and beyond pp. 8 - 10 [PDF] [Buy] |
44965 | MALINVERNO-A. Evolution of the Tyrrhenian Sea - Calabrian Arc system: the past and the present pp. 11 - 15 [PDF] [Buy] |
44966 | MASCLE-J., MASCLE-G. Toward morphologic and morpho - tectonic syntheses of the Mediterranean Sea pp. 16 - 16 [PDF] [Buy] |
44967 | MUTTI-E. The importance of climate in controlling high - frequency cyclic stacking patterns in fluvio - deltaic systems of tectonically - active basins pp. 17 - 17 [PDF] [Buy] |
44968 | ROURE-F. Formation and deformation of sedimentary basins: the feed - back from deep seismic (crustal) imagery and mantle tomographies pp. 18 - 19 [PDF] [Buy] |
44969 | STANLEY-D.J. New Geoarchaeological Approaches to Assess Relatives Sea - Level Rise On Recently Submerged Egyptian and Italian Coastal Margins pp. 20 - 23 [PDF] [Buy] |
44970 | CALAMITA-F., SENO-S., TAVARNELLI-E. Deformazioni oblique nel sistema orogenico Alpi - Appennino: vincoli cinematici pp. 25 - 25 [PDF] [Buy] |
44971 | COCO-G., CORRAO-M., DIPASQUALE-M., OCCHIPINTI-R., PETRALIA-M., TAVARNELLI-E. L’ influenza della Linea Scicli - Ragusa sulla Tettonica Quaternaria e la pericolosità Geologica presso l’abitato di Scicli (Sicilia sud - orientale) pp. 26 - 28 [PDF] [Buy] |
44972 | DALLAGIOVANNA-G., DECARLIS-A., MAINO-M., SENO-S., TOSCANI-G. Structural setting of the easternmost Dauphinois: stratigraphic and tectonic characters from the Ventimiglia area. pp. 29 - 29 [PDF] [Buy] |
44973 | DI DOMENICA-A., TURTÙ-A., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F. Inherited discontinuities in curved belt development: the oblique thrust front of the Central Northern Apennines pp. 30 - 32 [PDF] [Buy] |
44974 | GIORGIANNI-A., LUZIO-D., SULLI-A., GIUNTA-G., CAPIZZI-P., MARTORANA-R. Nuovi contributi sismologici e geologico - strutturali a supporto di un modello sismotettonico della zona di cerniera tra la Sicilia settentrionale ed il Tirreno meridionale pp. 33 - 34 [PDF] [Buy] |
44975 | GIUNTA-G., GIORGIANNI-A. Il contributo delle faglie longitudinali e trasversali nell’evoluzione delle Magrhebidi siciliane e dei margini peri - caraibici pp. 35 - 36 [PDF] [Buy] |
44976 | LENA-G., BARCHI-M.R., ALVAREZ-W., FELICI-F. Structural analysis of foliated fault zones of the Umbria - Marche Apennines (Central Italy) pp. 37 - 39 [PDF] [Buy] |
44977 | LESLIE-A.G., KRABBENDAM-M., KELLY-M., GOODENOUGH-K., CLARK-S., WILLIAMS -G. Cross - strike Discontinuities in the Mione Thrust Belt of NW Scotland; their identity, tectonic significance, and evolution pp. 40 - 41 [PDF] [Buy] |
44978 | MANTOVANI-E., VITI-M., BABBUCCI-D., CENNI-N. Seismotectonic implications of transversal discontinuities in the Apennines belt pp. 42 - 43 [PDF] [Buy] |
44979 | PACE-P., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F. Along - strike variation of fault - related folding in a curve - shaped foreland fold - and - thrust belt: a case from the Northern Apennines pp. 44 - 46 [PDF] [Buy] |
44980 | PACE-P., SCISCIANI-V., CALAMITA-F., PALTRINIERI-W. Positive flower structures as reactiveted normal faults along oblique thrust ramps: examples from the Apulian structures, Central Southern Apennines pp. 47 - 49 [PDF] [Buy] |
44981 | PACE-P., SCISCIANI-V., CALAMITA-F. Structural inheritance in two circum - Mediterranean fold - and - trhust belts: Preliminary results from a comparison pp. 50 - 52 [PDF] [Buy] |
44982 | PIETROSANTE-A., BERTI-D., DI STEFANO-R. Structural analysis of some tectonic lines within 348 “Antrodoco” sheet pp. 53 - 54 [PDF] [Buy] |
44983 | TURTÙ-A., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F. Oblique vs. frontal thrust shear zones: The curve - shaped Olevano - Antrodoco - Sibillini thrust (Central - Northern Apennines, Italy) pp. 55 - 57 [PDF] [Buy] |
44984 | ALBINO-I., CAVAZZA-W., ZATTIN-M., OKAY-A.I., ADAMIA-S., SADRADZE-N. Apatite fission - track analysis of the tectonic effects of the Arabia - Eurasia collision pp. 59 - 60 [PDF] [Buy] |
44985 | ARGNANI-A. The Apulian platform and the structural styles along the front of the Hellenide fold belt (south - eastern Adriatic) pp. 61 - 62 [PDF] [Buy] |
44986 | CAMPAGNONI-V., TOMASSETTI-L., BRANDANO-M., LIPPARINI-L., ROMI-A. 3D Outcrop Modeling: the Oligo - Miocene Carbonate System of the Maiella Mountain area - Abruzzo Region, Italy pp. 63 - 64 [PDF] [Buy] |
44988 | CAPRARO-L., CAROBENE-L., GHINASSI-M. The Crosia - Calopezzati basin (Cosenza, Calabria): a paradigm of coastal to open - marine correlation pp. 65 - 66 [PDF] [Buy] |
44989 | CATALANO-R., VALENTI-V., ALBANESE-C., SULLI-A., MORTICELLI-M.G., ACCAINO-F., TINIVELLA-U., GIUSTINIANI-M., ZANOLLA-C., AVELLONE-G., BASILONE-L. Crustal structures of the Sicily orogene along the SIRIPRO seismic profile pp. 67 - 68 [PDF] [Buy] |
44990 | CENTAMORE-E., DRAMIS-F., FUBELLI-G. Plio - Pleostocene tectonics in the Marche - Abruzzi peri - Adriatic belt pp. 69 - 70 [PDF] [Buy] |
44991 | CIANFLONE-G., DOMINICI-G., SONNINO-M. Studio preliminare delle facies evaporitiche e carbonatiche del Messiniano della Stretta di Catanzaro (Calabria Centrale) pp. 71 - 73 [PDF] [Buy] |
44992 | CIARCIA-S., VITALE-S. Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Pliocene Ariano wedge - top basin (southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 74 - 76 [PDF] [Buy] |
44993 | CIARCIA-S., TRAMPARULO-F.D., VITALE-S. Structural analysis and stratigraphy of Internal units (Calabria - Lucania boundary, Southern Italy) pp. 77 - 79 [PDF] [Buy] |
44994 | CIPOLLARI-P., COSENTINO-D., RADEFF-G., SCHILDGEN-T.F., FARANDA-C., GLIOZZI-E., GROSSI-F., SMEDILE-A., GENNARI-R., DARBAS-G., DUDAS-F.O., GÜRBÜZ-K., NAZIK-A. Evidence of the Mediterranean early Zanclean flooding in the Adana Basin (southerm Turkey) pp. 80 - 82 [PDF] [Buy] |
44995 | DONDA-F., CIVILE-D., FORLIN-E., VOLPI-V., ZECCHIN-M., GORDINI-E., MERSON-B., DE SANTIS-L. Evidences of recent tectonics in the Northern Adriatic sea? pp. 83 - 85 [PDF] [Buy] |
44996 | FABBI-S., GALLUZZO-F., PICHEZZI-R.M., SANTANTONIO-M. Calcarenites in the upper Miocene terrigenous units of Central Apennines: composition, age and paleogeographic significance pp. 86 - 88 [PDF] [Buy] |
44997 | FABBI-S. Late Miocene extension in the Central Apennines: field evidence from the Simbruini Mts. pp. 89 - 91 [PDF] [Buy] |
44998 | FAMIANI-F., PIERANTONI-P.P., MACHIAVELLI-C., BALDANZA-A., TURCO-E. Stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of Crati basin: extension along strike of northern part of Calabrian Arc pp. 92 - 93 [PDF] [Buy] |
44999 | GUGLIOTTA -C., AVELLONE-G., MORTICELLI-M.G., AGATE-M., BARCHI-M.R. Tectono - sedimentary evolution of Miocene - Pliocene wedge - top basins in the North - Western Sicilian Maghrebides (Italy) pp. 94 - 96 [PDF] [Buy] |
45000 | MASSA-B., GRAZIANO-R., D’ONOFRIO-M. Tectonic evolution of southern Matese Mounts (Southern Apennines) pp. 97 - 97 [PDF] [Buy] |
45001 | MUTO-F., CRITELLI-S., TRIPODI-V. Tectono - stratigraphic relations along a transect between the Neogene Ionian foreland and Tyrrhenian backarc basins (Northern Calabria) pp. 98 - 100 [PDF] [Buy] |
45002 | POZZOVIVO-V., GALBIATI-M., BARCHI-M.R., ROCCHINI-P., CAIRO-E. Interpretation of 3D seismic survey of an anticline in the Po Plain subsurface: Seismic Geomorphology analysis and reconstruction of the Plio - Pleistocene syn - tectonic depositional systems pp. 101 - 102 [PDF] [Buy] |
45003 | RADEFF-G., COSENTINO-D., CIPOLLARI-P., SCHILDGEN-T.F., STRECKER-M.R., DARBAS-G., GÜRBÜZ-K. Uplift of the SE margin of the Central Anatolian plateau: Temporal constraints from the Adana Basin, southern Turkey pp. 103 - 105 [PDF] [Buy] |
45004 | SENATORE-M.R., BOSCAINO-M., ROBERTO-A., PINTO-F. The evaporitic succession of Monte Castello (Savignano Irpino, Campania). Strastigraphy and facies analysis pp. 106 - 108 [PDF] [Buy] |
45005 | TRIPODI-V., MUTO-F., CRITELLI-S. Tetctono - stratigraphic evolution of the Siderno Basin, southern Calabrian Arc, Italy pp. 109 - 111 [PDF] [Buy] |
45006 | ZECCHIN-M., CAFFAU-M., CIVILE-D., CRITELLI-S., DI STEFANO-A., MANISCALCO-R., MUTO-F., STURIALE-G., RODA-C. The Plio - Pleistocene evolution of the Crotone Basin (southern Italy) pp. 112 - 113 [PDF] [Buy] |
45007 | CAGGIANELLI-A., FESTA-V., LANGONE-A., PROSSER-G. Effects of incremental growth of granite plutons on the thermal evolution of the continental crust exposed in Calabria pp. 115 - 116 [PDF] [Buy] |
45010 | CAIRONI-V. Petrogenetic meaning of zircon growth stages in metasediments pp. 117 - 118 [PDF] [Buy] |
45011 | CARMINATI-E., LUSTRINO-M., DOGLIONI-C. Geodynamic evolution of the central and western Mediterranean: Tectonics vs. igneous petrology constraints pp. 119 - 120 [PDF] [Buy] |
45013 | CASINI-L., MAINO-M., CUCCURRU-S., PUCCINI-A., LONGO-V., TESTONE-V., OGGIANO-G., EDEL-J.B. Crustal melting in the Corsica Sardinia Batholit : where the heat came from? pp. 121 - 122 [PDF] [Buy] |
45014 | CIRRINCIONE-R., FIANNACA-P., LO PÒ-D., ORTOLANO-G., PEZZINO-A. Tectono - metamorphic evolution of middle crustal metapelites from the greenschist facies basement of the Peloritani Mountains (North eastern Sicily) pp. 123 - 125 [PDF] [Buy] |
45015 | CIRRINCIONE-R., FAZIO-E., FIANNACA-P., ORTOLANO-G., PEZZINO-A., PUNTURO-R. Quartz annealing microstructures in sheared rocks from the Serre Massif (Calabria, Italy) pp. 126 - 128 [PDF] [Buy] |
45017 | FESTA-V., SPIESS-R., LAVECCHIA-A., PROSSER-G., CAGGIANELLI-A. The ammount of thinning recorded in the Hercynian continental crust exposed in the Serre Massif (Calcabria, southern Italy) pp. 129 - 130 [PDF] [Buy] |
45018 | FIANNACA-P., WILLIAMS-I.S., CIRRINCIONE-R., PEZZINO-A. Late Cadomian and late Variscan granitoid magmatism in the southern Calaria - Peloritani Oroigen (southern Italy) pp. 131 - 132 [PDF] [Buy] |
45019 | LANGONE-A., MICHELETTI-F. Provenence of Hecynian medium low - grade metasediments in northern Calabria (southern Italy): evidence from LA-ICP-MS- U-Pb data of detrital zircons from the Mandatoriccio complex pp. 133 - 135 [PDF] [Buy] |
45022 | LIBERI-F., PILUSO-E. Permo - Triassic grabbroic magmatism whitin the lower Variscan continental crust section of the Northern Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy pp. 136 - 137 [PDF] [Buy] |
45023 | MUSCHIETIELLO-A., FORNELLI-A., MICHELETTI-F. Basic magmatism in the lower crust of the Serre (Calabria): petrographic and geochemical study pp. 138 - 140 [PDF] [Buy] |
45024 | PICCARRETA-G., FORNELLI-A., LANGONE-A., MICHELETTI-F. Memory of the pre - Triassic events in rhe Calabrian Terrane pp. 141 - 143 [PDF] [Buy] |
45025 | PUNTURO-R. Contribution to a possible reconstruction of the Hyblean lithospheric column on the basis of deep - seated xenoliths from Miocene tuff breccias pp. 144 - 145 [PDF] [Buy] |
45026 | PUNTURO-R., CIRRINCIONE-R., FAZIO-E., FIANNACA-P., KERN-H., MENGEL-K., ORTOLANO-G., PEZZINO-A. Quartz deformation mechanisms in shear zones inferred by quantitative microstructural investigation : the case of study of Kavala (Rhodope Massif, north - eastern Greece) pp. 146 - 147 [PDF] [Buy] |
45027 | ROMANO-V., CIRRINCIONE-R., FIANNACA-P., TRANCHINA-A., VILLA-I. Petrologic constraints on post - Variscan andesite dyke magmatism in the Sila Massif (northern Calabria) pp. 148 - 150 [PDF] [Buy] |
45028 | SACCO-V., CIRRINCIONE-R., ORTOLANO-G., PEZZINO-A. Structural and petrological investigations on a crustal - scale ductile shear zone in the Sila Piccola Massif: new geodynamic implications for the Castagna Unit (Northern Calabria, Southern Italy) pp. 151 - 152 [PDF] [Buy] |
45029 | CRISTI SANSONE-M.T.T., PROSSER-G., RIZZO-G. Orogenic metamorphism recorded in amphibolites from Liguride accretionary wedge (Southern Apennines - Italy) pp. 153 - 154 [PDF] [Buy] |
45030 | SCICCHITANO-M.R., LIBERI-F., PILUSO-E. Migmatization processes in the Sila Unit of the Northern Catena Costiera (Calabria, Southern Italy) pp. 155 - 156 [PDF] [Buy] |
45031 | ZUCALI-M., MANZOTTI-P., DIELLA-V., PESENTI -C., SPALLA-M.I., GOVETTO-L. Migmatite Structures development in the Austroalpine continental basement (Valpelline unit) during Permian extension pp. 157 - 157 [PDF] [Buy] |
45032 | BROZZETTI-F., CIRILLO-D., LIBERI-F., FARACA-E., PILUSO-E. The Crati Valley Extensional System: field and subsurface evidences pp. 159 - 161 [PDF] [Buy] |
45033 | CAPUTO-R., RANA-R., SINGH-R.N. Morphometric analyses and morphotectonic investigations in the Romagna Apennines: preliminary results pp. 162 - 163 [PDF] [Buy] |
45034 | CESARANO-M., CASCIELLO-E., ESESTIME-P., PAPPONE-G. Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Ofanto thrust-top basin pp. 164 - 165 [PDF] [Buy] |
45035 | CIANFARRA-P., SALVINI-F. Geodynamic constraints of the peri - Tyrrhenian orogen (Tyrrhenian Sea - Apennines) from lineaments swarm analysis pp. 166 - 166 [PDF] [Buy] |
45036 | DI NACCIO-D., BONCIO-P.P., BROZZETTI-F., PAZZAGLIA-F.J. The active faults bordering the Lunigiana and Garfagnana grabens (Northern Apennine): new constraints from knickpoint analysis pp. 167 - 169 [PDF] [Buy] |
45037 | GENNARO-C., CONTINO-A., AVELLONE-G., DI MAGGIO-C. A Multidisciplinary approach to the define th e Plio - Quaternary tectonics in the Termini Imerese Mts. (Northern central Sicily) pp. 170 - 171 [PDF] [Buy] |
45038 | MANCINELLI-P., MINELLI-G., GUGLIOTTA -C. Estern Adriatic Magnetic anomaly: an evidemce for a Thetian thinned crust pp. 172 - 175 [PDF] [Buy] |
45039 | MUSCA-C., GENNARO-C. Integrated analysis of quantitative geomorphic and structural geology: case study of the Caltanissetta Basin pp. 176 - 177 [PDF] [Buy] |
45040 | NAPOLI-G., NIGRO-F., RENDA-P. The interation of compressional and extensional tectonics during the Sicily Chain building pp. 178 - 180 [PDF] [Buy] |
45041 | PRINCIPI-G., BORTOLOTTI-V., PANDELI-E.E., GARFAGNOLI-F., MENNA-F., NIRTA-G. Setting - up for late Cretaceous - late Neogene evolutive model of “Alpine” Corsica - Northern Apenninne orogenic system: possible suggestions for Sardinia - south Tyrrhenian Sea - Calabria System pp. 181 - 182 [PDF] [Buy] |
45042 | SALVINI-F., CIANFARRA-P., MAGGI-M. Preliminary Geodynamic Section of Central Italy between the 41° and 42° N parallels pp. 183 - 184 [PDF] [Buy] |
45043 | TORTORICI-L., CATALANO-S., ROMAGNOLI-G., TORRISI-S., TORTORICI-G. Origin and significance of the strike - slip tectonics in the Plio - Quaternary evolution of the Sicily collision belt pp. 185 - 187 [PDF] [Buy] |
45044 | TURCO-E., SCHETTINO-A., MACCHIAVELLI-C., PIERANTONI-P.P. A kinematic model of the Tyrrhenian - Apenninne system pp. 188 - 188 [PDF] [Buy] |
45045 | CARICCHI-C., CORRADO-S., ALDEGA-L. Burial history of the southern portion of the Tuscan Nappe (Northern Apennines) constraints by means of organic and inorganic paleo - thermal indicators: implications for the orogenic wedge evolution pp. 190 - 192 [PDF] [Buy] |
45046 | CARLINI-M., ARTONI-A., VESCOVI-P., BERNINI-M., REMITTI-F., BETTELLI-G., VANNUCCHI-P., ALDEGA-L., BALESTRIERI-M.L., CORRADO-S., TORELLI-L. Late orogenic deformation of the shallowest portion of an orogenic wedge: coeval activity of extensional and compressional tectonics in the western Northern Apennines (Italy) pp. 193 - 194 [PDF] [Buy] |
45047 | CAVALCANTE-F., BELVISO-C., FIORE-S. Transformation of smectite in I/S mixed layers : Solid - State Transformation or Dissolution - Crystallization? Preliminary data pp. 195 - 197 [PDF] [Buy] |
45048 | DI PAOLO-S., CORRADO-S., OLIVETTI-V., ALDEGA-L., BALESTRIERI-M.L., MANISCALCO-R. Stepwise behavior of the Eastern Sicily thrust belt: propagation vs thickening y means of thermal and thermochronological constraints pp. 198 - 200 [PDF] [Buy] |
45049 | OLIVETTI-V., BALESTRIERI-M.L., MONTEGROSSI-G. 3 - D thermo kinematic modeling and evolution of topography in the Sila Massif, southern Italy pp. 201 - 202 [PDF] [Buy] |
45050 | PERRI-F., GRECO-A., ALDEGA-L., CORRADO-S., CRITELLI-S., DI PAOLO-L. Composition, provenance and thermal history of sedimentary successions from the Cilento Group (southern Apennines) pp. 203 - 205 [PDF] [Buy] |
45051 | PERRI-F., MUTO-F., BELVISO-C. Chemical - mineralogical and geological features of siliciclastic deposits from Mesozoic succession (western Calabrian, Southern Italy): regional implications pp. 206 - 208 [PDF] [Buy] |
45052 | VIGNAROLI-G., MINELLI-L., BALESTRIERI-M.L., ROSSETTI-F., FACCENNA-C. Miocene thrusting i the eastern Sila Massif: constraints from structural and AFT data pp. 209 - 211 [PDF] [Buy] |
45053 | PIANA AGOSTINETTI-N., MARGHERITI-L., CHIARABBA-C. The transition from continental to oceanic subduction across the Southern Apenninnes - Calabrian Arc boundary: insights from Receiver Function Analysis pp. 213 - 213 [PDF] [Buy] |
45055 | ALOISI-M., BRUNO-V., CANNAVO’-S., FERRANTI-L., MATTIA-M., MONACO-C., PALANO-M. Are the source models of the M. 7. 1 1908 Messina Straits earthquake reliable? Insights from a novel inversion and a sensivity analysis of Loperfido (1909) leveling data pp. 214 - 216 [PDF] [Buy] |
45056 | CHIARABBA-C., PIANA AGOSTINETTI-N., BIANCHI-I., GIACOMUZZI-G. The Southern Tyrrhenian suduction zone: an upgraded view from seismological studies pp. 217 - 217 [PDF] [Buy] |
45057 | DE ROSE-C., GUERRA-I., GERVASI-A., TAFARO-A.F., MUCCIARELLI-M. Site effect in Messina amd Reggio Calabria Area using HVSR technique pp. 218 - 220 [PDF] [Buy] |
45058 | DOGLIONI-A., LIGI-M., SCROCCA-D., BIGI-S., BARTOLUZZI-G., CARMINATI-E., CUFFARO-M., D’ORIANO-F., FORLEO-V., MUCCINI-F., RIGUZZI-F. On the active tectonics along the Messina Strait pp. 221 - 221 [PDF] [Buy] |
45059 | FERRANTI-L., PEPE-F., BURRATO-P., SANTORO-E., MAZZELLA-M.E., MORELLI-D., PASSARO-S., VANNUCCI-G. Geometry and modeling of an active offshore thrust - related fold system: the Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, southern Italy pp. 222 - 224 [PDF] [Buy] |
45061 | MACRI’-P., SPERANZA-F., RIO-D., FORNACIARI-E., CONSOLARO-C. Paleomagnetic evidence for a post - 1. 2 Ma disruption of the Calabria terrane: Consequences of slab break - off on orogenic wedge tectonics pp. 225 - 226 [PDF] [Buy] |
45062 | MUCCINI-F., COCCHI-L., POLONIA-A., CARMISCIANO-C. Off - shore gravity investigation across the Calabrian Arc pp. 230 - 231 [PDF] [Buy] |
45063 | MUSSONI-P., TORELLI-L., POLONIA-A., GASPERINI-L., ARTONI-A., KLAESCHEN-D. Pre - stack depth migrated (PSDM) seismic transects across the Calabrian Arc: a Miocene - Pleistocene arcuate complex accretionary wedge in the Ionian sea pp. 232 - 232 [PDF] [Buy] |
45064 | ORECCHIO-B. An effort addressed to integration of geophysical evidences and new seismological data in the Calabrian Arc subduction area pp. 233 - 234 [PDF] [Buy] |
45065 | PANIERI-G., POLONIA-A., LUCCHI-R., TORELLI-L. Mud volcanoes along the inner deformation front of the Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge (Ionian Sea) pp. 238 - 240 [PDF] [Buy] |
45066 | PAVANO-F., CATALANO-S., ROMAGNOLI-G., TORTORICI-G. Dynamics and seismotectonics of NE Sicily pp. 241 - 243 [PDF] [Buy] |
45067 | PEPE-F., BERTOTTI-G., SULLI-A. The transition between the Marsilii oceanic crust and the W Calabria rifted and drifting in the upper plate of the Ionian subduction zone pp. 244 - 244 [PDF] [Buy] |
45068 | PEPE-F., SACCHI-M., BERTOTTI-G., COLLURA-A. Measuring magnitude and rate of vertical movements in the offshore Capo Vaticano (W Calabria) using lowstand coastal prisms and wave - built terraces pp. 245 - 246 [PDF] [Buy] |
45069 | POLONIA-A., GASPERINI-L., PANIERI-G., TORELLI-L., GASPAROTTO-G., MUSSONI-P. Active Faults, Historical Earthquakes and Turbidites in the Messina Straits Region pp. 247 - 248 [PDF] [Buy] |
45070 | POLONIA-A., TORELLI-L., MUSSONI-P., GASPERINI-L., ARTONI-A. The Calabrian Arc Subduction Complex in the Ionian Sea: Structure, Evolution and Seismic Hazard pp. 249 - 250 [PDF] [Buy] |
45071 | RANERO-C.R., SALLARÉS-V., ZITELLINI-N., GREVEMEYER-I., GUZMAN-M., PRADA-M., MOELLER-S., DE FRANCO-R., THE MEDOC CRUISE PARTY-.. The tectonic structure of the Tyrrhenian Basin, a complex interaction among faulting and magmatism pp. 251 - 252 [PDF] [Buy] |
45072 | SALLARÉS-V., RANERO-C.R., ZITELLINI-N., GREVEMEYER-I., GUZMAN-M., PRADA-M., MOELLER-S., DE FRANCO-R., THE MEDOC CRUISE PARTY-.. The structure of the Tyrrhenian from integration of multichannel seismic images, wide - angle seismic data, and gravity modeling pp. 253 - 254 [PDF] [Buy] |
45073 | SANTORO-E., FERRANTI-L., BURRATO-P., MAZZELLA-M.E., MONACO-C. Deformed Pleistocene marine terraces along the Ionian sea margin of southern Italy: Unveiling blind fault - related folds contribution to coastal uplift. pp. 255 - 257 [PDF] [Buy] |
45077 | TANSI-C., MARTINI-G., FOLINO-GALLO-M., IOVINE-G. Active and recent transpressive strike - slip tectonics along the NE border of the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy) pp. 258 - 260 [PDF] [Buy] |
45078 | CARUSO-V., MACAIONE-E., MESSINA-A. Royal Roads Military Architectural Elements in the Peloritani Mts. (NE Sicily, Italy): Conservation and Valorization Projects pp. 262 - 264 [PDF] [Buy] |
45079 | COSENZA-E., AYUSO-R.A., FOLEY-N., ALBANESE-S., LIMA-A., MESSINA-A., DE VIVO-B. The geogenic vs anthropogenic source of harmful element anomalies in the eastern - central sector of Peloritani Mountains (Sicily, Italy) pp. 265 - 267 [PDF] [Buy] |
45080 | DHOERTY-A.L., BODNAR-R., DE VIVO-B., MESSINA-A. Toward understanding the origin and evolution of the parent magmas of the Grey Porri, Island of Salina , Aeolian Islands pp. 268 - 270 [PDF] [Buy] |
45081 | LENTINI-F., CARBONE-S., MACAIONE-E., MESSINA-A. The CARG - PROJECT in Sicily: a contribution to the knowledge of the Geology of the Southern Calabrian - Peloritani Orogen pp. 271 - 274 [PDF] [Buy] |
45082 | MACAIONE-E., MESSINA-A., RENNA-M.R., BELKIN-H.E., DHOERTY-A.L., LANGONE-A. Aspromonte Unit Variscan Migmatites (Southern Calabria - Peloritani Arc): Petrology and U - Th - Pb Zircon and Monazite pp. 275 - 277 [PDF] [Buy] |
45083 | MACAIONE-E., RENNA-M.R., MESSINA-A., COMPAGNONI-R., BORGHI-A., LANGONE-A. The peculiar metamorphic history of the Mela Unit within the frame of the Variscan basement of the Calabria - Peloritani Arc, Southern Italy pp. 278 - 280 [PDF] [Buy] |
45084 | MASSACCI-G., MESSINA-A., MOTTANA-A., PERRONE-V., MATTIAS-P.P., SPIGO-U., COPPOLINO-P. Archaeological and Archaemetric Study of Musive and Tecnological Materials of the Patti Marina Roman Villa (Southern Sicily, Italy) pp. 281 - 283 [PDF] [Buy] |
45085 | MAZZITELLI-M., MACAIONE-E., NATOLI-R. Archaeology vs Geology: the Native - Greek Apollonia Acropolis on San FratelloMt., in the Nebrodi Natural Park (Central - Northern Sicily, Italy) pp. 284 - 286 [PDF] [Buy] |
45086 | NOVELLINO-R., BUCCI-F., VITI-C., GUGLIELMI-P., PROSSER-G., TAVARNELLI-E. Bedding - parallel veining and fluid overpressure at the base of the Lagonegro sequence , Southern Apennines, Italy pp. 287 - 288 [PDF] [Buy] |
45087 | TORRE-R. The Role of the Geodiversity in the historical evolution of the Milazzo - Santa Lucia del Mela Territory (NE Siciliy, Italy) pp. 289 - 291 [PDF] [Buy] |
45088 | SACCA'-C., SACCA'-D., NUCERA-P., DE FAZIO-A. A preliminary study of heavy metal contamination in marine sediments of the western Calabria (Southern Italy) pp. 292 - 292 [PDF] [Buy] |
45089 | SACCA'-C., SACCA'-D., NUCERA-P., DE FAZIO-A. The iron content of sphalerites from the polymetallic ore deposits in the Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily, Italy) pp. 293 - 294 [PDF] [Buy] |
45091 | SANTANTONIO-M. Mesozoic evolution of the Caloveto Group, NE Calabria pp. 295 - 297 [PDF] [Buy] |
45092 | BORTOLOTTI-V. Ophiolites: their first steps pp. 299 - 299 [PDF] [Buy] |
45093 | FILICE-F., LIBERI-F., CIRILLO-D., PANDOLFI-L., MARRONI-M., PILUSO-E. Tectonometamorphic ansd structural evolution of the ophiolitic sequences from the central sector of the Catena Costiera (Northern Calabria) pp. 300 - 302 [PDF] [Buy] |
45094 | MATRANGOLO-G., LIBERI-F., MARTIN - ROJAS-I., PILUSO-E. Basic magmatism in the Triassic sequences from the Alpujarride Complex (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) and the Lungro - Verbicaro Unit (Southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 303 - 304 [PDF] [Buy] |
45095 | MERLINI-A., TARTAROTTI-P., GRIECO-G., SANSONE-M.T.C., RIZZO-G., PROSSER-G. Coupled ferrithromites and cheomian - chlorite in mantle rocks: a comparison from circum - mediterranean ophiolites pp. 305 - 307 [PDF] [Buy] |
45097 | PRINCIPI-G., TREVES-B., MENNA-F. The Levanto - Bracco ophiolitic units as a Core Complex of a Tethyan Jurassic slow spreading ridge pp. 311 - 312 [PDF] [Buy] |
45098 | REBAY-G., SPALLA-M.I., MARTIN-S., POWELL-R. On the metamorphic ophiolites of the western Alps: 40 years after the Penrose Conference pp. 313 - 314 [PDF] [Buy] |
45099 | TRIBUZIO-R., RENNA-M.R., ZANETTI-A., DALLAI-L. Magmatic - hydrothermal interactions at a fossil slow - spreading centre (Internal Ligurian ophiolites, Italy) pp. 315 - 315 [PDF] [Buy] |
45100 | BONFORTE -A., CATALANO-S., MANISCALCO-R., ROMAGNOLI-G., STURIALE-G., TORTORICI-G. Active deformation along the northern margin of the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily) from GPS and geological data pp. 317 - 319 [PDF] [Buy] |
45102 | CAPUTO-R., PAVLIDES-S., OTTAVIANI-M., SOTIRIS-S., THEODOROS-T., ELENI-K. Geologically - based seismic zonation of Greece pp. 320 - 320 [PDF] [Buy] |
45103 | CARAFA-M. Long - term seismicity predicted by crustal low in the Mediterranean region pp. 321 - 322 [PDF] [Buy] |
45104 | COWIE-P.A., VISINI-F., ROBERTS-G.P., BULL-J.M.V. Relationships between fault geometry , slip rate variability and earthquake recurrence in extensional settings pp. 323 - 323 [PDF] [Buy] |
45105 | D’AMATO-D., DI NICOLA-L., PACE-B., VISINI-F., STUART-F.M., AZZARO-R. Cosmogenic He exposure dating as a tool to calculate slip rates: examples from the Pernicana faulr system (Mt. Etna) pp. 324 - 326 [PDF] [Buy] |
45106 | FINOCCHIO-D., BARBA-S. Fault locking as an indicator of seismogenic potential pp. 327 - 329 [PDF] [Buy] |
45107 | GÜLENT-L. October 23, 2011 Van Earthquake (Mw=7.1), Turkey: Was it improbable or unexpected? pp. 330 - 330 [PDF] [Buy] |
45108 | PUGLISI-S., PALANO-M., MONACO-C., TAVARNELLI-E., ALPARONE-S. Multi - disciplinary Approach to the Study of the Pernicana Fault System, Mt. Etna, Sicily: Integration of Structural, Geodetic and Seismological Data pp. 331 - 331 [PDF] [Buy] |
45109 | RIGUZZI-F., BARBA-S., CARMINATI-E., CRESPI-M., DEVOTI-R., DOGLIONI-C., PIETRANTONIO-G., PISANI-A.R. The brittle - ductile transition as the witch for earthquakes pp. 332 - 333 [PDF] [Buy] |
45110 | ROBERTS-G.P., COWIE-P.A., PHILLIPS-R., MCCAFFREY-K.J.W., SAMMONDS-P., MCCLOSKEY-J., NALBANT-S., FREEMAN-S. Earthquake hazard from in situ 36 Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer pp. 334 - 334 [PDF] [Buy] |
45111 | BARBANO-M.S., DE MARTINI-P.M., PANTOSTI-D., PIRROTTA-C., SMEDILE-A., PINZI-S. Historical tsunamis and paleotsunami deposits on eastern Sicily pp. 336 - 338 [PDF] [Buy] |
45112 | BONADEO-L., MICHETTI-A.M., BRUNAMONTE-F., FIORASO-G., LIVIO-F., FERRARIO-F., SERVA-L., VITTORI-E. The seismic landscape of the Monferrato Arc - NW Po Plain (N Italy) pp. 339 - 342 [PDF] [Buy] |
45113 | BONCIO-P.P., GALLI-P., NASO-G., PIZZI-A. Zoning Surface Rupture Hazard along Normal Fualts pp. 343 - 343 [PDF] [Buy] |
45114 | CINTI-F.R., CUCCI-L. Downtown faults pp. 344 - 344 [PDF] [Buy] |
45115 | CIVICO-R., PANTOSTI-D., PUCCI-S., DE MARTINI-P.M. The contribution of airborne LiDAR data to the assessment of surface faulting hazard pp. 345 - 347 [PDF] [Buy] |
45116 | GORI-S., FALCUCCI-E., MORO-M., SAROLI-M., CHIARABBA-C., FUBELLI-G., GALADINI-F. Active normal faulting, rupture segmentation and structural “complexities”: insight from geological, paleoseismological and seismological data along the middle Aterno river valley, in the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake region (Central Italy) pp. 348 - 350 [PDF] [Buy] |
45120 | LIVIO-F., BERLUSCONI-A., MICHETTI-A.M., SILEO-G., ZERBONI-A., TROMBINO-L., SPÖTL-C., RODNIGHT-H. Late Pleistocene to Holocene activity of a blind thrust deduced from surface secondary faulting: preliminary paleoseismological results on the Monte Netto site (N Italy) pp. 351 - 353 [PDF] [Buy] |
45121 | PIRROTTA-C., BARBANO-M.S., PANTOSTI-D., DE MARTINI-P.M. Sub - bottom Chirp analysis for active tectonics and seismo - induced features investigation: application in the Augusta Bay (italy) pp. 354 - 356 [PDF] [Buy] |
45122 | BOZZANO-F., ESPOSITO-C., MARTINI-G., MARTINO-S., PRESTININZI-A., RINALDIS-D., ROMEO-R.W., SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA-G. Seismically - inducted re - activation of landslides along the Southern Calabria Tyrrhenian coast: co - seismic displacemets computed by a spectrum compatibility approach pp. 358 - 360 [PDF] [Buy] |
45124 | FACCINI-F., FIRPO-M., ROBBIANO-A., ROCCATI-A. A large - scale landslide in the recently uplifted coastal area between Moneglia and Punta Rospo (Eastern Liguria, Italy) pp. 364 - 366 [PDF] [Buy] |
45125 | GUERRICCHIO-A., DOGLIONI-A., SIMEONE-V. Tctonic - gravitational deep - seated failures and macro - landslides in Scilla and Punta Pozzo area (Southern Calabria - Italy) pp. 367 - 369 [PDF] [Buy] |
45126 | GUERRICCHIO-A., SIMEONE-V. Preliminary remarks on gravitational tectonic deformations and DSGD in mount Poro headland (Calabria - South Italy) pp. 370 - 371 [PDF] [Buy] |
45127 | PONTE -M., GUERRICCHIO-A., FORTUNATO-G. DSGD and big landslides between the territories of Paola - San Lucido and Rende - Cosenza (Calabria Region - Italy) pp. 372 - 373 [PDF] [Buy] |
45128 | SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA-G., PRESTININZI-A., BOZZANO-F., MARTINO-S., ESPOSITO-C., BIANCHI-FASANI-G., BRETSCHNEIDER-A. Deep Seated Slope Deformations and Large Rockslides: from geological modeling to risk management pp. 374 - 375 [PDF] [Buy] |
45129 | ALIPERTA-A., INFANTINO-S., LA TORRE-A., MANDAGLIO-G., MANDAGLIO-M.C., PELLEGRINO-A. Rock slopes: from the analysis to the definition of the risk mitigation works. The “Scilla Rupe” case (RC Italy) pp. 377 - 378 [PDF] [Buy] |
45130 | BASSO-A., LONIGRO-T., POLEMIO-M. The improvement of historical database on damaging hydrogeological events in the case of Apulia (Southern Italy) pp. 379 - 380 [PDF] [Buy] |
45131 | BRUNO-C., BUTTAFUOCO-G., FALCONE-G., GRECO-R., GUAGLIARDI-I., IOVINE-G.G.R., TALLARICO-A. Soil Gas Radon concentrations in three study areas of Calabria (Southern Italy) pp. 381 - 383 [PDF] [Buy] |
45132 | CEVASCO-A., PEPE-G., BRANDOLINI-P. Shallow landslides induced by heavy rainfall on terraced slopes: the case study of the October, 25, 2011 event in the Vernazza catchement (Cinque Terre, NW Italy) pp. 384 - 386 [PDF] [Buy] |
45133 | CONFORTI-M., FILOMENA-L., MUTO-F. Integrating geological, geomorphological and GIS analysis to evaluate the spatial distribution of landslides in the Cino stream catchment (Calabria, south Italy) pp. 387 - 389 [PDF] [Buy] |
45134 | GABRIELE-S., CHIARAVALLOTTI-F. Using meteorological information and orography to characterize maximum rainfall in South Italy pp. 393 - 395 [PDF] [Buy] |
45135 | GARIANO-S., IOVINE-G.G.R., BRUNETTI-M.T., PERUCCACCI-S., LUCIANI-S.M., BARTOLINI-D., PALLADINO-M.R., VESSIA-G., VENNARI-C., ANTRONICO-L., DEGANUTTI-A., LUINO-F., PARISE-M., TERRANOVA-O., TERRANOVA-G., GUZZETTI-F. Populating a catalogue of rainfall events that triggered shallow landslides in Italy pp. 396 - 398 [PDF] [Buy] |
45136 | GHAFOORI-M., SALEHI-R., LASHKARIPOUR-G.R., DEHGHANI-M. Investigation of land subsidence in Southern Mahyar Plain in Isfahan province , Iran pp. 399 - 400 [PDF] [Buy] |
45137 | GRECO-R., TERRANOVA-O.G., PELLEGRINO-A.D., GARIANO-S.L., IAQUINTA-P., MANDAGLIO-G., LA TORRE-A., IOVINE-G. Shallow - landslide susceptibility evaluation by means of Logostic Regression. The Costa Viola case study (Southern Calabria, Italia) pp. 401 - 403 [PDF] [Buy] |
45138 | IAQUINTA-P., TERRANOVA-O.G., GARIANO-S.L., GRECO-R., IOVINE-G. Hyfrological modelling to predict the timing of landslide activations. Calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis of GA SAKe. pp. 407 - 409 [PDF] [Buy] |
45139 | INFANTINO-S., LA TORRE-A., MANDAGLIO-G., PELLEGRINO-A. Interventi di mitigazione del rischio da colata rapida, nell’area di Favazzina (RC, ITALY) pp. 410 - 412 [PDF] [Buy] |
45140 | LAVIOLA-S., GABRIELE-S., MIGLIETTA-M.M., CATTANI-E., LEVIZZANI-V. Meteo - hydrological analysis of intense flasjh - food events over Southern Italy pp. 413 - 415 [PDF] [Buy] |
45141 | MANDAGLIO-M.C., MANDAGLIO-G., INFANTINO-S. Investigation results for the improvement design of the foundation rocks of the Amandolea Castle (Condofuri, Reggio Calabria, Italy) pp. 416 - 416 [PDF] [Buy] |
45143 | MELONI-F., NISIO-S., CIOTOLI-G., LIPERI-L., FINOIA-M.G., ZIZZARI-P. The regional Catalog of Latium sinkholes and susceptibility map construction using geospatial analysis pp. 417 - 419 [PDF] [Buy] |
45144 | MUREDDU-A., CORDA-A.S., VIRDIS-G. Aquaresi valley - Problems of geological instability of underground voids and safeguard of roads pp. 420 - 422 [PDF] [Buy] |
45145 | PETRUCCI-O., PASQUA-A.A. Effects of Landslides and floods on people: a classification of damage scenarios obtained from the analysis of past events pp. 423 - 423 [PDF] [Buy] |
45146 | PIZZONIA-A. Pianificazione ordinaria e governo del territorio: nuove strategie di prevenzione e mitigazione dei rischi idrogeologici pp. 424 - 424 [PDF] [Buy] |
45147 | RAMARAJU-H.K. Role of engineers in prediction, prevention and Mitigation of natural disaster pp. 425 - 427 [PDF] [Buy] |
45148 | SABATINO-M., BAMBINA-A., MONTELEONE-S. The flood of October 2009 and the effect on the Messina area pp. 428 - 430 [PDF] [Buy] |
45149 | SCOPESI-C., RELLINI-I., MAERKER-I., FIRPO-M. Effects of landcover changes on flood generation in a small Mediterranean catchment (T. Teiro, Italy) pp. 431 - 433 [PDF] [Buy] |
45151 | CUSIMANO-G., SOTTILE-R. Sinkholes hazard. Case study: Palermo pp. 434 - 434 [PDF] [Buy] |
45152 | SURIANO-S., PARISE-M., CALOIERO-T., LANZA-G., IOVINE-G. Sinkhole phenomena at San Basile, Northern Calabria pp. 435 - 437 [PDF] [Buy] |
45153 | TANSI-C., MARTINI-G., GRECO-V.R. Reactivation of a dormant landslide due to cut of the foot pp. 438 - 440 [PDF] [Buy] |
45154 | TORRI-D., BORSELLI-L., GARIANO-S.L., GRECO-R., IAQUINTA-P., IOVINE-G., POESEN-J., TERRANOVA-O.G. Identifying gullies in the Mediterranean environment by coupling a complex threshold model and a GIS pp. 441 - 443 [PDF] [Buy] |
45164 | VENNARI-C., BRUNETTI-M.T., PERUCCACCI-S., LUCIANI-S., VALIGI-D., ANTRONICO-L., GARIANO-S.L., IAQUINTA-P., IOVINE-G., TERRANOVA-O.G., GUZZETTI-F. Prelimiary rainfall thresholds for shallow lanslides in Calabria pp. 444 - 446 [PDF] [Buy] |
45165 | ANTRONICO-L., GRECO-R., ROBUSTELLI-G., SORRISO VALVO-M. Basin - and - fan system morphodynamics and related hazards. S. Lorenzo, Calabria, Italy pp. 448 - 449 [PDF] [Buy] |
45166 | ARONICA-G.T., PUGLISI-C., NASO-S., FALCONI-L., LEONI-G. An integrated stochastic methodology coupling geomorphologic and hydraulic modelling for debris flow risk assessment pp. 450 - 452 [PDF] [Buy] |
45167 | BOZZANO-F., ESPOSITO-C., SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA-G. Shallow landslides in the southern Messina province (north - eastern Sicily, Italy): inventory map, historical records and susceptibility assessment pp. 453 - 455 [PDF] [Buy] |
45168 | CHIRICO-G.B., DI CRESCENZO-G., SANTANGELO-N., SANTO-A., SCORPIO-V. Alluvial fan flooding hazard: the study case of Teglia (San Gregorio Magno, Salerno) pp. 456 - 458 [PDF] [Buy] |
45169 | CIARAVINO-G., CIARAVINO-L. Simplified assessment of risk and alarm levels in Debris Flow pp. 459 - 461 [PDF] [Buy] |
45170 | GIANO-S.I., PUTIGNANO-M.L. Factors influencing the alluvial/colluvial fans development of the Caserta Plain (southern Apenninnes, Italy) pp. 462 - 464 [PDF] [Buy] |
45171 | NIKOLKINA-I., PELINOVSKY-E. Gravity and pyroclastic flows on sea coasts: analytical solutions and estimations for the Carribbean pp. 465 - 465 [PDF] [Buy] |
45172 | TERMINI-D. Experimental study on parameters affecting propagation of a channelized debris - flow pp. 466 - 466 [PDF] [Buy] |
45173 | VIOLANTE-C., ESPOSITO-E., PORFIDO-S., SACCHI-M., MOLISSO-F., MAZZOLA-S. Debris - flows dominated fan delta system at Amalfi Coast, Southern Italy pp. 467 - 469 [PDF] [Buy] |
45174 | ZUCCARO-G., SANTO-A., CACACE-F., DE GREGORIO-D., DI CRESCENZO-G. Building vulnerability assessment under landslides actions: Castellammare di Stabia case study pp. 470 - 472 [PDF] [Buy] |
45181 | BENASSAI-G., DI PAOLA-G., AUCELLI-P.P.C., MAFFUCCI-A. The response of Sele coastal plain to storm ipmacts pp. 474 - 476 [PDF] [Buy] |
45182 | CALABRESE-L., FONTANA-D., LANDINI-M., LUCIANI-P., MARUCCI-F., MONTI-S., PERINI-L., SALERNO-G. The Sea - storms Database: a project for the governance of coastal areas pp. 477 - 478 [PDF] [Buy] |
45183 | CASALBORE-D., BOSMAN-A., CHIOCCI-F.L., SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA-G., TOMMASI-P., SPOSATO-A. Messina Strait 1st October 2009 flash - flood generated submarine landslides pp. 479 - 480 [PDF] [Buy] |
45184 | CEFALÌ-A., PISCIUNERI-A., STAMILE-A., CARRA’-D., STRATI-G., PROCOPIO-F. Comparison between different approaches in granulometric analysis applied to Roccella Jonica longshore sediments (South Calabria) pp. 481 - 483 [PDF] [Buy] |
45185 | IETTO-F., LE PERA-E., CARACCIOLO-L. Geomorphology and sand provenance of the Tyrrhenian coast between Capo Suvero and Gizzeria (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 487 - 488 [PDF] [Buy] |
45187 | DEIANA-G., ORRU'-P., PALIAGA-E., TODDE-S. Morfologia e dinamica delle frane sottomarine piotenzialmente tzunamogeniche del margine meridionale sardo (Progetto MAGIC) pp. 484 - 486 [PDF] [Buy] |
45188 | LO PRESTI-V., SULLI-A., ANTONIOLI-F. Future coastal hazard scenarios. A case study in Sicily (Italy) pp. 489 - 491 [PDF] [Buy] |
45189 | NONNIS-O., PAGANELLI-D., NICOLETTI-L., GABELLINI-M. The effects of relict sand dredging for beach nourishment on sediment composition at a dredge site in the central Tyrrhenian Sea pp. 492 - 494 [PDF] [Buy] |
45190 | NONNIS-O., PAGANELLI-D., NICOLETTI-L., GABELLINI-M. The role of seabled mapping techniques in environmental monitoring related to relict sand dredgins forb beach nourishment: the Anzio case pp. 495 - 497 [PDF] [Buy] |
45191 | PAGANELLI-D., NONNIS-O., LA VALLE-P., MAGGI-C., NICOLETTI-L., GABELLINI-M. ISPRA’s experience in environmental studies related to relict sand dredgins for beach nourishment pp. 498 - 500 [PDF] [Buy] |
45192 | PERINI-L., CALABRESE-L., SALERNO-G., LUCIANI-P. Mapping of flood risk in Emilia Romagna coastal areas pp. 501 - 502 [PDF] [Buy] |
45193 | AVOLIO-M.V., CALIDONNA-C.R., DELLE ROSE-M., DI GREGORIO-S., LUPIANO-V., PAGLIARA-T.M., SEMPREVIVA-A.M. Integration of an empirical cellular model for sand coastal erosion and an experimental contrast method pp. 504 - 506 [PDF] [Buy] |
45194 | AVOLIO-M.V., LUPIANO-V. A New Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Landslides pp. 507 - 509 [PDF] [Buy] |
45195 | BIANCHI-FASANI-G., DI LUZIO-E., BOZZANO-F. Geological investigation in the Se neighbourhoods of Rome aimes to an evolutionary model of cavity networks for hazard zonation pp. 510 - 512 [PDF] [Buy] |
45196 | DESSÌ-B., LUCARINI-M., TROCCOLI-A., VIZZINI-G. Buried streams or underground artificial channels? Two Case Study in Liguria (Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare, SP) pp. 513 - 514 [PDF] [Buy] |
45197 | DOGLIONI-A., SIMEONE-V. Data - driven modeling of earth science issues pp. 515 - 517 [PDF] [Buy] |
45198 | GALEANDRO-A., SIMEONE-V. Infiltration processes in fractured and swelling soils and their influence on the stability of surficial covers pp. 518 - 520 [PDF] [Buy] |
45199 | LUCÀ-F., ROBUSTELLI-G., RONGO-R., SPATARO-W. Evaluation of landslide invasion hazard through Cellular Automata at Gragnano (Sorrento Peninsula) pp. 521 - 523 [PDF] [Buy] |
45200 | BORRELLI-L., GULLA'-G. Modello geologico - tecnico della frana di Serra di Buda (Acri - Cs) pp. 525 - 527 [PDF] [Buy] |
45201 | BORRELLI-L., COFONE-G., GULLA'-G. Procedura speditiva per la redazione di una carta del grado di alterazione a scala regionale pp. 528 - 530 [PDF] [Buy] |
45202 | BORRELLI-L., CRITELLI-S., GULLA'-G., MUTO-F. Cartografia del grado di alterazione in rocce cristalline: l’esempio della carta del grado di alterazione redatta per la porzione centro - occidentale del bacino del Fiume Mucone (Calabria, Italia) pp. 531 - 533 [PDF] [Buy] |
45203 | BORRELLI-L., GIOFFRÈ-D., GULLA'-G., MORACI-N. Suscettibilità alle frane superficiali e veloci in terreni di alterazione: un possibile contributo della modellazione della progettazione pp. 534 - 536 [PDF] [Buy] |
45204 | BORRELLI-L., COFONE-G., CRITELLI-S., GRECO-S., GULLA'-G. Carta del grado di alterazione e categorie di frane nell’alta valle del Fiume Trionto (Calabria, Italia) pp. 537 - 539 [PDF] [Buy] |
45205 | CALCATERRA-S., GAMBINO-P., GULLA'-G. Movimenti in massa nelle rocce degradate e alterate del versante de Greci (Lago - CS): monitoraggio integrato degli spostamenti superficiali e profondi pp. 540 - 542 [PDF] [Buy] |
45206 | CASCINI-L. Landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk zoning in wheatered gneiss of the Silla massif pp. 543 - 545 [PDF] [Buy] |
45207 | DI NOCERA-S., MATANO-F. Weatering surveys and mapping in landslide hazard analysis : studies on weathered gneiss in Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy). pp. 546 - 547 [PDF] [Buy] |
45208 | GULLA'-G., ACETO-L., BORRELLI-L. Terreni di alterazione da rocce cristalline pp. 548 - 550 [PDF] [Buy] |
45209 | IETTO-F., PARISE-M., PONTE -M., CALCATERRA-D. Geotechnical characterization and landslides in the wheathered granitoids of Calabria (southern Italy) pp. 551 - 552 [PDF] [Buy] |
45210 | MAIORANO-S.C., GULLA'-G. Una frana profonda in rocce alterate: modellazione numerica per la calibrazione del modello geotecnico pp. 553 - 555 [PDF] [Buy] |
45211 | MANDAGLIO-M.C., MORACI-N., CRÉMER-C. Geomechanical analysis of the rock masses outcropping in the slope between Scilla and Bagnara Calabra (RC) pp. 556 - 556 [PDF] [Buy] |
45213 | PERRI-F., BORRELLI-L., CRITELLI-S., GULLA'-G. Investigation of weathering rates and processes affecting plutonic and metamorphic rocks of Sila Massif (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 557 - 559 [PDF] [Buy] |
45214 | SORBINO-G. Groundwater modelling in weathered gneissic slopes pp. 560 - 562 [PDF] [Buy] |
45215 | BERTI-M., CRUCIL-G., DEGETTO-M., DE VIDO-G., GREGORETTI-C., MARTINA-M., SIMONI-A. Hydrologic response in the initiation area of the Dimai debris flow (Dolomites, Italian Alps) pp. 564 - 566 [PDF] [Buy] |
45216 | CAPPELLARI-G., DE LUCA-D.L.L., VERSACE-P. Development of an hydrological landslide model at regional scale. Applications in the central part of Calabria region (southern Italy) pp. 567 - 568 [PDF] [Buy] |
45217 | DE LUCA-D.L.L., CEPEDA-J.M. Models for landslides induced by precipitation in Norway pp. 569 - 571 [PDF] [Buy] |
45218 | FUBELLI-G., TONONI-M., VALERI-F. Evaluation of the rainfall threshold for shallow and middle - deep landslide triggering: the case of middle - Aniene basin pp. 572 - 573 [PDF] [Buy] |
45219 | GUERRICCHIO-A., DOGLIONI-A., FORTUNATO-G., GALEANDRO-A., GUGLIELMO-E., VERSACE-P., SIMEONE-V. Landslide hazard connected to deep seated gravitational slope deformations and prolonged rainfall: Maierato landslide case history pp. 574 - 576 [PDF] [Buy] |
45220 | OLIVARES-L., DAMIANO-E., CAPPELLARI-G. A complete model for landslide prediction. Validation for the analysis of infiltration processes in pyroclastic soils pp. 577 - 579 [PDF] [Buy] |
45221 | PERES -D.J., CANCELLIERE-A. Development of rainfall thresholdsfor landslide early warning in Sicily: a method based on the use of rainfall annual maxima series pp. 580 - 582 [PDF] [Buy] |
45222 | STANCANELLI-L.M., LA ROCCA-C., MUSUMECI-R.E., NICOLOSI-V., FOTI-E. Debris flows events in the Messina Province: non structural hydrogeological risk mitigation measures pp. 583 - 585 [PDF] [Buy] |
45223 | VERSACE-P., CAPPARELLI-G., LEONE-S., ARTESE-G., COSTANZO-S., CORSONELLO-P., DI MASSA-G., MENDICINO-G., MALETTA-D., MUTO-F., SENATORE-A., TRONCONE-A., CONTE-E., GALLETTA-D. LEWIS Project: an integrated system of monitoring, early warning and mitigation of landslides risk pp. 586 - 587 [PDF] [Buy] |
45224 | BATTISTI-G. Teaching Geography Outdoor. The Case of Ce. P. E. A. pp. 589 - 590 [PDF] [Buy] |
45225 | CASAROTTO-C. Glaciers one - time. A century of climate change on glaciers of Italy. One popular project with direct involvement of the society that becomes protagonist and share in research pp. 591 - 593 [PDF] [Buy] |
45226 | GIURCO-G. The Discovery of Landscapes Based on Geological Boundaries. A Study Visit in the Regional Reserve of Rosandra Valley (Trieste) pp. 594 - 596 [PDF] [Buy] |
45227 | LA PORTA -R. The Discovery of Mineral Resources. A Geo - Science Itinerary School pp. 597 - 599 [PDF] [Buy] |
45228 | STOPPA-M. Fields Activities in the Training of Teachers pp. 600 - 602 [PDF] [Buy] |
45229 | TODESCO-R., CASAROTTO-C., FERRETTI-P., CECCATO-F., TRENTINI-D., MATASSONI-I., CAINELLI-G., VALENTI-V. The role of geological outing to face visual impairpment: the experience of Museo delle Scienze of Trento pp. 603 - 603 [PDF] [Buy] |
45230 | TRENTO-S. Discovering an Open - Air Geological Workshop. The Regional Natural Reserve of the Rosandra Valley near Trieste pp. 604 - 606 [PDF] [Buy] |
45231 | DE WAELE-J., FERRARESE-F., SAURO-F., GRANGER-D.E. Timing of river incision and speleogenesis in the Tacchi area (Central - East Sardinia) pp. 608 - 610 [PDF] [Buy] |
45232 | FACCINI-F., BENEDETTINI-A., FIRPO-M., PERASSO-L., POGGI-F. Land - management and planning in karst areas: the Ligurian case - study (Italy) pp. 611 - 613 [PDF] [Buy] |
45234 | GUEGUEN-E., CAFARO-S., SCHIATTARELLA-M., PARISE-M. A new methodology for the analysis of morpho - structural data of karstic caves in the Alburni Mountains of southern Italy pp. 614 - 616 [PDF] [Buy] |
45235 | GUEGUEN-E., FORMICOLA-W., MARTIMUCCI-V., PARISE-M., RAGONE-G. Geological controls in the development of palaeo - karst systems of High Murge (Apulia) pp. 617 - 619 [PDF] [Buy] |
45236 | MORETTI-A., FERRINI-G., MARI-A.M., DE ROSE-C., TROHA-A., KRZIC-M. Natural radioactvity in Krizna jama (Slovenija): origin, distribution and health risk pp. 620 - 622 [PDF] [Buy] |
45237 | PARISE-M., MONTENEGRO-V. Pozzo Cucù cave (Castellana - Grotte, Apulia): karst research and considerations on the karst disturbance pp. 623 - 625 [PDF] [Buy] |
45238 | PARISE-M., MARTIMUCCI-V., PENTIMONE -N., PEPE-P. New data on cave along the coast of Polignano a Mare (Apulia) by means of geological, geophysical and speleological research pp. 626 - 628 [PDF] [Buy] |
45240 | PEPE-M., PARISE-M. Integration of geomorphological and speleological datasets in karst terrains pp. 629 - 631 [PDF] [Buy] |
45241 | RUGGIERI-R., MESSINA PANFALONE-D., ANTONIOLI-F., ROSSO-A., SANFILIPPO-R., MANISCALCO-R. The Rumena flank margin cave and its implications in support of the paleogeographic evolution of the Monti di Capo San Vito (North - western Sicily) pp. 632 - 633 [PDF] [Buy] |
45242 | SANNA-L., DE WAELE -J., CALAFORRA-J.M., ROSSI-A., CABRAS-S., MUNTONI-A. Allogenic contact caves in Central East Sardinia (Italy): their speleogenensis and evolution pp. 634 - 636 [PDF] [Buy] |
45243 | VATTANO-M., AUDRA-P., BIGOT-J.-.Y., DE WAELE -J., MADONIA-G., NOBÉCOURT-J.-.C. Acqua Fitusa Cave: an example of inactive water - table sulphuric acid cave in Central Sicily pp. 637 - 639 [PDF] [Buy] |
45247 | ANZIDEI-M., ANTONIOLI-F., BENINI-A., AURIEMMA-R., SOLINAS-E. Archaeological sites and relative sea level changes: recent results in the Mediterranean: a review pp. 641 - 641 [PDF] [Buy] |
45248 | APOLLARO-C., MIRIELLO-D., BLOISE-A., CRITELLI-T., DOTSIKA-E., MARABINI-S., MIROCLE CRISCI-G. New geochemical data relating to the interactions between thermal waters and the archaeological site of Hierapolis (Turkey) pp. 642 - 643 [PDF] [Buy] |
45250 | BARCA-D., BELFIORE-C.M., CRISCI-G.M., LA RUSSA-M.F., PEZZINO-A., RUFFOLO-S.A. Genesis of black crusts on building stones from three Italian cities: relations with environmental pollution pp. 644 - 645 [PDF] [Buy] |
45251 | BENEDUCE-P., GUARINO-P.M., LONGHITANO-S.G., SCHIATTARELLA-M. New insights on the possible location of the Roman Harbour of Pompeii pp. 646 - 648 [PDF] [Buy] |
45252 | CAPIZZI-P., MARTORANA-R., MESSINA-P., SCHIAVONE-S. A constrained geophysical model of the landslide that affects the Agrigento Cathedral pp. 649 - 650 [PDF] [Buy] |
45253 | CEFALÀ-M., PERITO-B., PERRI-E. Nano - structural analysis of bio - mediated Ca - carbonate in B. subtilis cultures pp. 651 - 651 [PDF] [Buy] |
45254 | COMITE-V., BARCA-D., BELFIORE-C.M., BONAZZA-A., CRISCI-G.M., LA RUSSA-M.F., PEZZINO-A., SABBIONI-C. Potentialities of spectometric analysis for the evaluation of pollution impact in deteriorating sone heritage materials pp. 652 - 653 [PDF] [Buy] |
45255 | DE FRANCESCO-A.M., SCARPELLI-R., PERRI-F. New evidence for sub - geometric ceramics from Baragiano and Torre di Satriano archaeological sites pp. 654 - 656 [PDF] [Buy] |
45256 | DE LUCA -R., MIRIELLO-D., CRISCI-G.M., BLOISE-A., APOLLARO-C., D’ ANDRIA-F. The Roman mortars of the archaeological site of Hierapolis (Turkey): petrographic - mineralogical and chemical characterization pp. 657 - 658 [PDF] [Buy] |
45257 | FICHERA -G.V., BARCA-D., BELFIORE-C.M., LA RUSSA-M.F., PEZZINO-A. Technological and geochemical study of historical mortars from the Roman “Villa dei Quintili” (Rome, Italy) pp. 659 - 660 [PDF] [Buy] |
45258 | FUGAZZOTTO-M., BRAGA-R. A petrographic gateway to the Barcellona Pozzo di Giotto (NE Sicily) built environment pp. 661 - 663 [PDF] [Buy] |
45259 | GATTUSO-C., RECCHIA-B. Il ruolo della geologia e la gestione della complessità pp. 664 - 664 [PDF] [Buy] |
45260 | PERRI-E. Multi - scale study of the role of the biofilm in the formation of minerals and fabrics in calcareous ambient - water travertine pp. 665 - 665 [PDF] [Buy] |
45261 | PEZZINO-A., DE FRANCESO-A., MONTANA-G., AZZARO-E., BELFIORE-C.M., FAZIO-E., LA RUSSA-M.F., POLITO-A.M., PUNTURO-R., RANDAZZO-L. Innovative experimental approaches applied to the study of ceramics from underwater archaeological excavations pp. 666 - 668 [PDF] [Buy] |
45262 | ROVELLA-N., LA RUSSA-M.F., RUFFOLO-S.A., CRISCI-G.M. Characterization of Cappadocian tuff cave churches: preliminary results. pp. 669 - 671 [PDF] [Buy] |
45263 | SCARPELLI-R., DE FRANCESCO-A.M., COTTICA-D. Archaeometric characterization of votive materials from the sanctuary of Apollo at Pompeii pp. 672 - 673 [PDF] [Buy] |
45264 | SOMMA-R., BONFIGLIO-L., LANZA-S., MANGANO-G., MICCICHÈ-R., PAVIA-G., RANDAZZO-G., SINEO-L., TIGANO-G., ZAFFINO-G. The new finding of a Mycenaen tholos in the alluvial deposits of the Messina coastal plain (north - eastern Sicily): stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental consequences pp. 674 - 674 [PDF] [Buy] |
45265 | TESTONE-V., LONGO-V., ALGERI-G., BOTTACCHI-M.C., CAMPO-D. Ground Penetrating Radar and Geoelectrical Surveys to investigate the Santa Filitica Archaeological Complex (Northern Sardinia) pp. 675 - 677 [PDF] [Buy] |
45266 | VOLA-G., CAVALLO-G., CORREDIG-G. Geo - petrographic and litho - applicative characterization of the Sarnico Stone, Lombard Southern Alps, Italy pp. 678 - 680 [PDF] [Buy] |
45267 | ALFIERI-A., CARRA’-D., MONTELEONE-D., NAPOLI-S., PELLE-T., SAMMARTINO-B., VARACALLI-A., ZAPPIA-E. Gypsum outcrops in the Benestare village: a geological, architectural and anthropological treasure of the Locride area (South Calabria). pp. 682 - 684 [PDF] [Buy] |
45268 | ALIPERTA-A., LA TORRE-A., MANDAGLIO-G., MANDAGLIO-M.C., PELLEGRINO-A. The “Scilla Rupe”: heritage and resource (RC, Italy) pp. 685 - 687 [PDF] [Buy] |
45269 | ALOIA-A., GUIDA-D., VALENTE-A. Geodiversity in the Geopark of Cilento and Vallo di Diano as heritage and resource development pp. 688 - 690 [PDF] [Buy] |
45270 | AMATO-V., CIARCIA-S., FILOCAMO-F., FRAENZA-L., PELLINO-R., VALLETTA-M., VERRILLO-C. Geotourism and wine in Castelvenere (BN): the Vth edition of the G&Tday in Campania, South Italy) pp. 691 - 693 [PDF] [Buy] |
45271 | ARGONDIZZA-M.A., DISTILO-D., GACCIONE-M., GRECO-G., SALERNO-G., SPINA-C. Geological landscape and crowdsourcing pp. 694 - 695 [PDF] [Buy] |
45273 | BARBARO-G., FOTI-G., MANDAGLIO-M.C., SICILIA-C.L. Stima della capacità di trasporto solido nel bacino della Fiumara Annunziata (RC) pp. 696 - 697 [PDF] [Buy] |
45274 | CIARCIA-S., AMATO-V., PELLINO-R., BENEDETTO-L., CAMPANELLI-L. Geoheritage, professional updating and geotourism paths in the Campania Region (southern Italy) pp. 698 - 700 [PDF] [Buy] |
45275 | CRISCI-G.M., CRITELLI-S., DE ROSA-R., MARABINI-S., PROCOPIO-F., VAI-G.B. Adding geological criterion VIII to the dossier for nominating the sila national park to the unesco world heritahe list pp. 701 - 702 [PDF] [Buy] |
45276 | CRITELLI-S., CRISCI-G.M., DOMINICI-R., MUTO-F., PISCIUNERI-A., PROCOPIO-F. The memory of mountains using Geosites. A tool for understanding natural culture and learning Earth Science. A geologic archive in the Mediterranean Puzzle (Calabria) pp. 703 - 705 [PDF] [Buy] |
45277 | MANDAGLIO-G., MANDAGLIO-M.C. Naftah: a town in the region of mirages, between brittle morphotypes and geological - technical prolebms pp. 706 - 706 [PDF] [Buy] |
45278 | MANDAGLIO-G., MANDAGLIO-M.C., AMBROGIO-C. The recovery of the San Niceto Castle between geostatic instabilities and geoenvironmental singularity pp. 707 - 707 [PDF] [Buy] |
45279 | PANIZZA-M. Geodiversity: concepts, methods, examples and management pp. 708 - 709 [PDF] [Buy] |
45280 | SACCA'-C., SACCA'-D., CIRRINCIONE-R., FIANNACA-P., MILITELLO-G., NUCERA-P., ORTOLANO-G. The San Carlo mine: an archaeological tour in the Sicilian mining industry (Peloritani Mountains, NE Sicily) pp. 710 - 711 [PDF] [Buy] |
45281 | SOMMA-R., CICERO-N., DUGO-G., PANDOLFO-C., SABATINO-G., SALVO-A. The effects of the different chemical - physical properties of the natural and artificial soils on the nutrinational quality, flavour, and yeld of the PGI Pachino cherry tomatoes (south - eastern Sicily) pp. 712 - 712 [PDF] [Buy] |
45282 | BALESTRO-G., PIANA-F., FIORASO-G., PERRONE-G., TALLONE-S. Sharing data and interpretations of geological maps ont he web: the example of the CNR - IGGTO geoportal pp. 714 - 715 [PDF] [Buy] |
45283 | CAMPO-V., CIPOLLONI-C., CONGI-M.P., DELOGU-D. The Research of geological data for thematic channels in the metadata catalog of Geological Survey of Italy pp. 716 - 718 [PDF] [Buy] |
45284 | CARA-P., CORAZZA-A., DURO-A., PAGLIARA-P., PROIETTI-C., VALGIMIGLI-G. The application of the INSPIRE Directive on hydrogeological risk data for civil protection activities: the case of the DORIS Project pp. 719 - 719 [PDF] [Buy] |
45285 | CIPOLLONI-C., PANTALONI-M. GeoSciML: il modello dati per l’armonizzazione e condivisione delle informazioni geologiche pp. 720 - 722 [PDF] [Buy] |
45286 | D’ANASTASIO-E., CECERE-G., D'AMBROSIO-C., ZARRILLI-L., CARDINALE-V., MINICHIELLO-F., D'AGOSTINO-N., AVALLONE-A., FALCO-L., SETTE-G.A. RING and ReCal GPS networks: two Italian geodetic infrastructures and their data management, sharing and dissemination pp. 723 - 725 [PDF] [Buy] |
45287 | ORTOLANO-G., ZAPPALÁ-L. Management and deployment of rock - analysis data from thin section - to field - scale pp. 726 - 728 [PDF] [Buy] |
45288 | PARTESCANO-E. Geodatabase: a tool for managing geological and geophysical data pp. 729 - 730 [PDF] [Buy] |
45289 | BELLOTTI-P., CALDERONI-G., DALL'AGLIO-P.L., DAVOLI-L., D'OREFICE-M., FERRARI-K., MAZZANTI-M., TORRI-P. Lanscape evolution around Minturnae pp. 732 - 734 [PDF] [Buy] |
45290 | BIANCHI-FASANI-G., BRETSCHNEIDER-A., DI LUZIO-E. The “Geological Heritage” of the Palatino Hill (Rome , Italy): landscape evolution, rock slope instability and anthropic modifications pp. 735 - 737 [PDF] [Buy] |
45291 | CIARALLO-A., DE CAROLIS-E., SENATORE-M.R. Water supply and water circulation in ancient Pompeii: resource management and catastrophic events in the past as in the present pp. 738 - 740 [PDF] [Buy] |
45293 | CIRILLO-C., ACAMPORA-G., SCARPA-L., ZANNINI-U. Exploring the landscape of Northern Campania in Roman times and the route pf the Appian Way from Sinuessa to Capua pp. 741 - 742 [PDF] [Buy] |
45294 | CUBELLIS-E., DELIZIA-I., LUONGO-G., OBRIZZO-F. Sea level changes, ground deformations, human settlements in the bay of Naples pp. 743 - 745 [PDF] [Buy] |
45295 | DEL GAUDIO-S., CIRILLO-A., DI BERNARDO-G., GALDERISI-U., THANASSOULAS-T., PITSIOS-T., CIPOLLARO-M. Molecular analysis of ancient Greek human remains pp. 746 - 747 [PDF] [Buy] |
45296 | FERRANTI-L., PAGLIARULO-R., ANTONIOLI-F., RANDISI-A. Holocene episodic subsidence and steady tectonic motion at the ancient Sybaris (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 748 - 749 [PDF] [Buy] |
45297 | FLORENZANO-A., MERCURI-A.M. Palinology of archaeological sites: the examples of economy and human impact of the Metaponto area (6th - 1st century BC ) pp. 750 - 752 [PDF] [Buy] |
45298 | GRECO-G., FERRARA-B., TOMEO-A. South - western area of the Forum Cumae. Analysis of fabrics and pottery productions pp. 753 - 755 [PDF] [Buy] |
45299 | GRECO-G., PATERNOSTER-G., FERRARA-B., FRANCO-M., GIACCO-M.L. The Sanctuary Hera at the mouth of the river Sele: non destructive analysis of archaeological finds pp. 756 - 758 [PDF] [Buy] |
45300 | IETTO-F., SALVO-F. Methodological approach for the evaluation of the sustainibility of man made environments pp. 759 - 760 [PDF] [Buy] |
45301 | MARABINI-S., SCARDOZZI-G. Geo - archaeological research in Hierapolis of Phrygia (Turkey): preliminary results pp. 761 - 764 [PDF] [Buy] |
45302 | PIRRERA-G., GRECO-V.R. Ancient Landscape in Sicily: a net of experiences for ecological restoration in archaeological sites pp. 765 - 767 [PDF] [Buy] |
45303 | STANLEY-D.J., BERNASCONI-M.P. Did powerful land uplift and offshore subsidence events displace ancient Hipponion’s port facilities on Calabria’s trainiti Coastal margin? pp. 768 - 772 [PDF] [Buy] |
45304 | ZANNINI-U., SCARPA-L., CIRILLO-C., ACAMPORA-G. Changes to the routes of Appian Way in northern Campania: subsidence and waterlogging of coastal areas pp. 773 - 774 [PDF] [Buy] |
45305 | BACCHESCHI-P., DE GORI -P., MARGHERITI-L., STECKLER-M.S., CHIARABBA-C. Seismic attenuation tomography and anisotropy beneath the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea subduction system (Italy) pp. 776 - 777 [PDF] [Buy] |
45306 | D’AMICO-S., GERVASI-A., GUERRA-I., NERI-G., ORECCHIO-B., PRESTI-D., TOTARO-C. Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms at the Calabro - Lucanian boundary along the Apennine chain (southern Italy) pp. 778 - 779 [PDF] [Buy] |
45307 | LORETO M.-F., SANDRON-D., FRANZO-A., DEL NEGRO-P., ZGUR-F., FACCHIN-L., FRACASSI-U., RIDENTE-D., ITALIANO-F., ISCAN-Y. A multidisciplinary approach to the 8 September 1905 earthquake study (offshore Eastern Calabria), the ISTEGE project pp. 780 - 783 [PDF] [Buy] |
45308 | POLONIA-A., GASPERINI-L., DEL BIANCO-F. A multiscale/multiparameters study of the seismogenic North Anatolian Fault system in Sea of Marmara (Turkey) pp. 784 - 785 [PDF] [Buy] |
45316 | PRESTI-D., BILLI-A., ORECCHIO-B., TOTARO-C., FACCENNA-C., NERI-G. Earthquake focal mechanisms, seismogenic stress, and seismotectonics of the Calabrian Arc, Italy pp. 787 - 787 [PDF] [Buy] |
45317 | SALIMBENI-S., PONDRELLI-S., MARGHERITI-L., LEVIN-V., PARK-J. Distribution of seismic anisotropy beneath central Italy and geodynamic implications for Northern Apenninnes pp. 788 - 788 [PDF] [Buy] |
45318 | SOLARINO-S., DESSA-J.X., SIMON-S., BESLIER-M.O., DESCHAMPS-A., BETHOUX-N., SAGE-F., EVA-E., BELLIER-O. Three dimensional refraction tomography and accurate seismic locations in the Ligurian Sea from the GROSMarin experiment . pp. 789 - 791 [PDF] [Buy] |
45319 | STECKLER-M.S., GUERRA-I., AMATO-A., BACCHESCHI-P., DILUCCIO-F., GERVASI-A., GU-Y., LERNER - LAM-A., MARGHERITI-L., PIANA AGOSTINETTI-N., SEEBER-L. Results from the seismological component of CAT/SCAN, the Calabria - Apenninne Tyrrhenian/Subduction - Collision - Accretion - Network pp. 792 - 792 [PDF] [Buy] |
45320 | TOTARO-C., ORECCHIO-B., PRESTI-D., GERVASI-A., GUERRA-I., NERI-G. Seismological contribution to STEP fault detection in the Calabrian subduction zone, south Italy pp. 793 - 793 [PDF] [Buy] |
45579 | GULLO-N., MARTINI-G., TANSI-C. A.M.A.Mi.R: an expert system for sensor network management and landslides monitoring over a wide area with enhanced features for the uncertainty assessment in the measurement samples pp. 404 - 406 [PDF] [Buy] |
45580 | CONFORTI-M., PASCALE-S., MUTO-F., ROBUSTELLI-G., SDAO-F. Neural Network model for predicting landslide susceptibility: a case study from Crotone Province (Calabria, South Italy) pp. 390 - 392 [PDF] [Buy] |
45581 | CHELLI-A., TELLINI-C., RUFFINI-A., VESCOVI-P. Large landslides and recently uplifted antiforms in the Northern Apennines (Italy): the Ossella landslide (T. Mozzola Valley) pp. 361 - 363 [PDF] [Buy] |
45582 | PICCARDO-G.B. The Voltri Massif: Hic sunt leones? pp. 308 - 310 [PDF] [Buy] |
45583 | PALANO-M., FERRANTI-L., MONACO-C., MATTIA-M., ALOISI-M., BRUNO-V., CANNAVO’-F., SILIGATO-G. GPS velocity and strain fields in Sicily and southern Calabria, Italy: updated geodetic constraints on tectonic block interaction in the central Mediterranean pp. 235 - 237 [PDF] [Buy] |
45584 | MAZZELLA-M.E., FERRANTI-L., D’AMBROGI-C. 3D modeling of an active offshore thrust-related fold system: the Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, southern Italy pp. 227 - 229 [PDF] [Buy] |