Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2012, vol. 22
SGI Code | Article |
44733 | ARGNANI-A., ARMIGLIATO-A., PAGNONI-G., ZANIBONI-F., TINTI-S., BONAZZI-C. Active tectonics along the submarine slope of south - eastern Sicily: the January 11, 1693 earthquake and tsunami pp. 1 - 3 [PDF] [Buy] |
44734 | ?-?., FAORO-I., ALDEGA-L., DE PAOLA-N., STORTI-F. Evidence of coseisemic rupture in poorly lithified sediments of the Crotone basin (Italy): field and friction experimental data pp. 4 - 5 [PDF] [Buy] |
44735 | BARCHI-M.R., LENA-G., COLLETTINI-C. Strike - slip faults with staircase trajectory in anisotropic rocks: fileld dataand mechanical implications pp. 6 - 8 [PDF] [Buy] |
44736 | BARZAGHI-R., MAROTTA-A.M., SPLENDORE-R., BORGHI-A. A new procedure to build a model covariance matrix: first results pp. 9 - 10 [PDF] [Buy] |
44737 | BELLOTTI-F., DEL CONTE-S., FERRETTI-A. Advanced InSAR Techniques to support tectonic settings analyses pp. 11 - 13 [PDF] [Buy] |
44738 | BETTELLI-G., PANINI-F., FIORONI-C., NIRTA-G., REMITTI-F., VANNUCCHI-P., CARLINI-M. Revisiting the Geology of the “Sillaro Line”, Northern Apennines, Italy pp. 14 - 17 [PDF] [Buy] |
44740 | BISTACCHI-A., GRIFFITH-W.A., SPAGNUOLO-E., NIELSEN-S., DI TORO-G., SMITH-S.A.F., JONES-R., MITTEMPERGHER-S. Fault roughness evolution with seismogenic slip in the Gole Larghe Fault Zone: 3D imaging, spectral analysis and forward modeling pp. 18 - 19 [PDF] [Buy] |
44741 | BOLOGNESI-F., DONGHI-V., BISTACCHI-A. The Simplon Line faults rocks: reworking of inherited mechanical anisotropy and weakening mechanisms pp. 20 - 21 [PDF] [Buy] |
44742 | BONINI-M., CORTI-G., SANI-F., AGOSTINI -A. Quaternary faulting in the Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa, and its implications for rift evolution pp. 22 - 22 [PDF] [Buy] |
44743 | BONINI-L., DI BUCCI-D., TOSCANI-G., SENO-S., VALENSISE-G. Reversed hierarchy of active normal faults highlighted by the 6 April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake pp. 23 - 25 [PDF] [Buy] |
44744 | BRESCIANI-I., PEROTTI-C.R. Evoluzione plio - quaternaria dell’anticlinale di Romanengo (CR) pp. 26 - 29 [PDF] [Buy] |
44745 | BUTTAU-C., FUNEDDA-A., PASCI-S. Ricostruzione tridimensionale di una zona d’interferenza complessa nell’avampaese varisico della Sardegna SW (miniera di Monteponi) pp. 30 - 32 [PDF] [Buy] |
44746 | CADOPPI-P., CAMANNI-G., PERRONE-G., DAMIANO-A., MONTICELLI-F. Geometry reconstruction of the Fontane talc mineralization (Germanasca Valley, Italian Western Alps): integration of geological - structural analysis and geomatics methods pp. 33 - 35 [PDF] [Buy] |
44747 | CARLINI-M., CLEMENZI-L., ARTONI-A., CHELLI-A., VESCOVI-P., BERNINI-M., TELLINI-C., TORELLI-L., BALESTRIERI-M.L. Late orogenic thrust - related antiforms in the western portion of Northern Apennines (Parma Province , Italy): geometries and late Miocene to Recent activity constrained by structural, thermochronological and geomorphologic data pp. 36 - 39 [PDF] [Buy] |
44748 | CAROSI-R., MONTOMOLI-C., IACCARINO-S., VISONA'-D. The Mangri shear zone in central Himalayas: the role of tectono - metamorphic discontinuities in the exhumation of crystalline units pp. 40 - 42 [PDF] [Buy] |
44749 | CASINI-L., FUNEDDA-A. From power - law to viscous linear procecces in the Baccu Locci mylonites: on the way to steady - state pp. 43 - 43 [PDF] [Buy] |
44750 | CATALANO-S., PAVANO-F., ROMAGNOLI-G., TORTORICI-G. Active tectonic along the Nerodi - Peloritani bounday (NE Sicily): A new potential seismogenic source pp. 44 - 47 [PDF] [Buy] |
44751 | CIFELLI-F., MATTEI-M. The use of AMS (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility) in the estimation of tectonic farics pp. 48 - 50 [PDF] [Buy] |
44752 | CILONA-A., FAULKNER-D., BAUD-P., RUSTICHELLI-A., TONDI-E., AGOSTA-F., VINCIGUERRA-S., ARZILLI-F. Compaction localization in the porous carbonates of Bolognano Formation (Majella Mountain, Italy) pp. 51 - 52 [PDF] [Buy] |
44753 | CLEMENZI-L., MOLLI-G., BOTTI-F., UNGARI-A., STORTI-F. Low angle extensional faulting in the Northern Apennines: the examples of the Lima Valley pp. 53 - 54 [PDF] [Buy] |
44754 | COCCO-F., FUNEDDA-A., PATACCA-E., SCANDONE-P. Preliminary note on the structural setting of the central - southern Plio - Quaternary Casmpidano graben (Sardinia) pp. 55 - 57 [PDF] [Buy] |
44755 | CODEGONE-G., FESTA-A., PINI-G.A. Tectonic evolution of the Ligurian accretionary wedge in Monferrato (NW Italy): new data from the analysis of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges pp. 58 - 61 [PDF] [Buy] |
44756 | COLLETTINI-C., CHIARALUCE-L., CARPENTER-W.B., DI STEFANO-G., TESEI-T., MOLLO-S., SCARLATO-P., VITI-C., MARONE-C., TRIPPETTA-F., BARCHI-M., VALOROSO-L., ROMEO-G. The European Research Council Starting Grant GLASS: infrastructure development and early results pp. 62 - 64 [PDF] [Buy] |
44757 | DECARLIS-A., MAINO-M., DALLAGIOVANNA-G., TOSCANI-G., SENO-S. Ther role of the structural inheritance in the evolution of the thrust system in the foreland basin of the SW Alps (Ventimiglia area) pp. 65 - 68 [PDF] [Buy] |
44758 | DELLEANI-F., SPALLA-M.I., REBAY-G., ZUCALI-M. Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Ivozio complex (Sesia - Lanzo Zone, Western Apls) pp. 69 - 72 [PDF] [Buy] |
44759 | DI DOMENICA-A., CALAMITA-F. Geological and structural approach along oblique thrust ramps: the Central - Northern Apennines pp. 73 - 75 [PDF] [Buy] |
44760 | ESTEBAN-F., TASSONE-A., LODOLO-E., MENICHETTI-M. The South America - Scotia plate boundary from 67° W to 56° W (Southermost Atlantic ocean) pp. 76 - 79 [PDF] [Buy] |
44761 | FEDERICO-L., TORCHIO-S., VIGO-A., POGGI-E., CRISPINI-L., PIAZZA-M., CAPPONI-G. Mapping polydeformed HP ophiolites: The new gis - based geological map “Spigno Monferrato” 212 quadrangle pp. 80 - 82 [PDF] [Buy] |
44762 | FEDERICO-L., FACCINI-F., TORCHIO-S., ROCCATI-A., CRISPINI-L., VIGO-A., POGGI-E., FIRPO-M., CAPPONI-G. Deep seated gravitational slope deformation in an alpine ophiolites massif: the case of “Badia di Tiglieto” (Voltri Massif, northern Italy) pp. 83 - 85 [PDF] [Buy] |
44763 | FESTA-A., CODEGONE-G., PINI-G.A. Ploygenetic mélanges: the interplay of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric processes in exhumed acrretionary wedges pp. 86 - 89 [PDF] [Buy] |
44767 | FONDRIEST-M., SMITH-S.A.F., DI TORO-G., NIELSEN-S. Mirror - like slip surfaces in dolostone: natural and experimental constraints on a potential seismic marker pp. 90 - 92 [PDF] [Buy] |
44768 | FONTANA-E., TARTAROTTI-P. Caratterizzazione strutturale e petrofisica della sezione vulcanica sommitale di una crosta oceanica intatta pp. 93 - 96 [PDF] [Buy] |
44769 | FRASSI-C. Microstructural and Qtz - petrografic constraints on the ductile Main Central thrust zone, Dolpo region, western Nepal pp. 97 - 98 [PDF] [Buy] |
44770 | GALUPPO-C., TOSCANI-G., BONINI-L., TORRINI-C., SENO-S. Studio mediante modellazione analogica della fratturazione associata ad una fault - propagation fold: risultati preliminari pp. 99 - 101 [PDF] [Buy] |
44771 | GIACOMETTI-F., REBAY-G. Deformation - metamorphism relationships in the metabasites at Beth - Ghinivert (Piedmont Schistes Lustrés Zone - Western Alps pp. 102 - 104 [PDF] [Buy] |
44772 | GIACOMINI-L., MASSIRONI-M., MARCHI-S., MARTELLATO-E., DI ACHILLE-G. Dating lobate scarps on Mercury pp. 105 - 107 [PDF] [Buy] |
44773 | GUALLINI-F., BROZZETTI-F., MARINANGELI-L. Large - scale Deformational Systems in the South Polar Layered Deposits (Promethei Lingula, Mars): “Soft - Sediment” and Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations Mechanisms pp. 108 - 111 [PDF] [Buy] |
44776 | IACOPINI-D., BUTLER-R. Imaging thrust and fault zones using 3D seismic image processing techniques pp. 112 - 114 [PDF] [Buy] |
44779 | KORNEVA-I., TONDI-E., AGOSTA-F., RUSTICHELLI-A., DI CUIA-R., BITONTE-R., GIORGIONI-M., SPINA-V. The architecture and permeability structures of the faults crosscutting Cretaceous platform carbonates (Murge Plateau, Southern Italy) pp. 115 - 117 [PDF] [Buy] |
44780 | LAVECCHIA-G.G., CIRILLO-D., BONCIO-P.P., DE NARDIS-R., BROZZETTI-F. Coseismic ground rupture during the 20 and 29 May 2012 Ferrara earthquake: morpho-lithologic control, tectonic origin or both? pp. 118 - 119 [PDF] [Buy] |
44781 | LAVECCHIA-G.G., DE NARDIS-R., BONCIO-P.P., BROZZETTI-F., CIRILLO-D. THe Ferrara Basal Thrust (northern Italy): geological and seismological evidence for a multi - layered crust - scale seismogenic source pp. 120 - 122 [PDF] [Buy] |
44782 | LIBERI-F., BROZZETTI-F., CIRILLO-D., IEZZI-F. New constraints on the ductile deformation associated to the Apenninic orogenesis in the carbonatic Pollino unit, Southern Apennines pp. 123 - 125 [PDF] [Buy] |
44783 | LIVIO-F., BERLUSCONI-A., ZERBONI-A., TROMBINO-L., SILEO-G., MICHETTI-A.M., SPÖTL-C., RODNIGHT-H. Active Fold Growth constrained by a Loess - Paleosols Sequence (Monte Netto, Southern Alps) pp. 126 - 129 [PDF] [Buy] |
44784 | MANZOTTI-P., RUBATTO-D., DARLING-J. From Permo - Triassic lithospheric thinning to Jurassic rifting at the Adriatic margin: petrological and geochronological record in Valtournenche (Western Italian Alps) pp. 133 - 136 [PDF] [Buy] |
44785 | MANZOTTI-P., RUBATTO-D., DARLING-J., ZUCALI-M., ENGI-M. From Permo - Triassic lithospheric thinning to Jurassic rifting at the Adriatic margin: petrological and geochronological record in Valtournenche (Western Italian Alps) pp. 133 - 136 [Buy] |
44786 | MAROTTA-A.M., SPALLA-M.I., RODA-M. Effects of shear heating and mantle hydratation on the thermal state of the Variscan subduction in the Alps pp. 137 - 138 [PDF] [Buy] |
44787 | MARTIN-S., CARBONIN-S. The Cogne magnetite: a key to understand the origin of the serpentine in the Cogne mélange pp. 139 - 140 [PDF] [Buy] |
44788 | MARTIN-S., CARBONIN-S., GODARD-G., TARTAROTTI-P., TUMIATI-S. The Cogne magnetite: a key to understand the origin of the serpentinite in the Cogne mélange pp. 139 - 140 [Buy] |
44794 | MENEGHINI-F., FAGERENG-A., KISTERS-A., BUICK-I. A Late Neoproterozoic ridge - trench encounter: evidence from the Khomas accretionary complex, Damara Belt, Central Namibia pp. 141 - 142 [PDF] [Buy] |
44795 | MENEGHINI-F. The processes of underthrusting and underplating in the geologic record: structural diversity between the Franciscan Complex (California), the Kodiak Complex (Alaska) and the Internal Ligurian Units (Italy) pp. 143 - 143 [PDF] [Buy] |
44796 | MONTOMOLI-C., CAROSI-R., VISONA'-D. Decoupling of Tibetan sedimentary sequence and Higher Himalayan Crystallines: strain and paleotemperature constrains for the South Tibetan detachment system pp. 146 - 148 [PDF] [Buy] |
44797 | NESTOLA-Y., CAVOZZI-C., CAPPELLETTI-A., DAVOLI-G., SALVI-F., MEDA-M., SPADINI-G., STORTI-F. Rift fualt activtity at passive margins driven by lithosphere necking evolution : insight from analogue models pp. 149 - 150 [PDF] [Buy] |
44798 | NESTOLA-Y., CAVOZZI-C., CAPPELLETTI-A., CELLA-M., SALVI-F., MAGISTRONI-C., SPADINI-G., STORTI-F. Role of structural inheritance in sandbox analogue models of strike - slip crustal shear zones pp. 151 - 152 [PDF] [Buy] |
44799 | NOVELLINO-R., BUCCI-F., VITI-C., GUGLIELMI-P., PROSSER-G., TAVARNELLI-E. Structural and mineralogy of bedding - parallel fibrous veins (’beef’) in the Lagonegro basin succession, Southern Apennine, Italy pp. 153 - 154 [PDF] [Buy] |
44801 | NOVELLINO-R., AGOSTA-F., TAVARNELLI-E., PROSSER-G., BUCCI-F. Nucleation of low angle normal faults within the carbonates of the Lagonegro succession, (Southern Apennines, Italy) pp. 155 - 157 [PDF] [Buy] |
44802 | OGATA-K., PINI-G.A., TINTERRI-R., MUTTI-E. Mass transport processes and related deformation mechanisms in sedimentary mélanges pp. 158 - 161 [PDF] [Buy] |
44803 | PACE-P., SATOLLI-S., CALAMITA-F. The control of mechanical stratigraphy and inversion tectonics on thrust - related folding along the curved Northern Apennines thrust front pp. 162 - 165 [PDF] [Buy] |
44804 | PALAZZIN-G. Evoluzione geologico - strutturale dell’alta valle del F. Aventino (Majella orientale, Appennino Centrale) pp. 166 - 169 [PDF] [Buy] |
44805 | PALOTTI-P.F., MENICHETTI-M., CERREDO-M.E., TASSONE-A. A New U -Pb zircon age determination for the Lemaire Formation of Fuegian Andes, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina pp. 170 - 173 [PDF] [Buy] |
44806 | PAVANETTO-P., FUNEDDA-A., LOI-A., MATTEINI-M. The Ordovician Magmatism puzzle: a preliminary comparison of samples from Calabria and Sardinia volcanites pp. 174 - 176 [PDF] [Buy] |
44807 | PELLEGRINI-C., MARCHESE DI MONTEROSATO-M.D.M., BISTACCHI-A., SAVINI-A. 3D modeling of an active normal fault network in the Apulian Plateau (offshore Capo Santa Maria di Leuca., Puglia, Italy) pp. 177 - 179 [PDF] [Buy] |
44808 | PERRONE-G., MORELLI-M., FIORASO-G., PIANA-F., CADOPPI-P., BALESTRO-G., TALLONE-S., MALLEN-L., NICOLÒ-G. Current tectonic activity and differential uplift along the inner central Western Alps/Po Plain boundary as derived by PS - InSAR data pp. 180 - 182 [PDF] [Buy] |
44809 | PESENTI -C., ZUCALI-M., MANZOTTI-P., DIELLA-V., RISPENDENTE-A. Linking U - Th - Pb monazite dating to partial melting microstructures: application to the Valpelline Series (Austroalpine domain, Western Alps) pp. 183 - 185 [PDF] [Buy] |
44810 | PIERANTONI-P.P., INVERNIZZI-C., GIORDANO-G., SVEVA-C., MAFFUCCI-R., CHIODI-A., TASSI-F., VIRAMONTE-J. The Geothermal System of Rosario de la Frontera (Salta, Argentina): preliminary geochemical and hydrogeological results pp. 186 - 189 [PDF] [Buy] |
44811 | PINZANI-A. A practical approach for the evaluation of tunnel water inflow by means geostructural field survey pp. 190 - 193 [PDF] [Buy] |
44812 | POZZOBON-R., BISTACCHI-A., MAZZARINI-F., MASSIRONI-M., MARINANGELI-L. FEM modelling and fractal analysis of concentric and radial structures on Ascraeus Mons (Mars) pp. 194 - 196 [PDF] [Buy] |
44813 | REBAY-G., SPALLA-M.I., ZANONI-D. Multi - scale structural analysis of the serpentinites of the upper Valtournache pp. 197 - 200 [PDF] [Buy] |
44814 | REMITTI-F., VANNOLI-P., BETTELLI-G. Inherited structures and lateral variability along a plate boundary shear zone in a convergent margin: the Sestola - Vidiciatico Tectonic Unit and the Subligurian Units of the Northern Apennines of Italy pp. 201 - 202 [PDF] [Buy] |
44815 | MARRONI-M., MOLLI-G., PANDOLFI-L., PERTUSATI-P.C. Ricordo di Piero Elter pp. i - iv [PDF] [Buy] |
44816 | RUSTICHELLI-A., AGOSTA-F., TONDI-E., GALINDO-ZALDIVAR-J., DI CELMA-C., SPINA-V. Fault growth as a key control on the sedimentary architecture and depositional environments of extensional basins: the case study of the Tablate area (Granada Basin, Spain) pp. 203 - 206 [PDF] [Buy] |
44817 | SOMMA-R., MARTIN - ROJAS-I., DELGADO-F., ESTÉVEZ-A. Triassic tectono - stratigraphic record of the Alpujarride Gador - Turon unit (Beltic Internal Zone, SE Spain) pp. 211 - 214 [PDF] [Buy] |
44820 | SCARAMUZZO-E., CODEGONE-G., FESTA-A., ZANELLA-E. Magnetic and structural fabric of tectonic and sedimentary mélanges in Northern Apennines (Oltrepo pavese) pp. 207 - 210 [PDF] [Buy] |
44821 | SPAMPINATO-C.R., ANTONIOLI-F., FERRANTI-L., MONACO-C., SCICCHITANO-G. Holocen co - seismic deformation at Capo Vaticano (Calabria): new data from raised paleo - shorelines pp. 215 - 217 [PDF] [Buy] |
44822 | TORCHIO-S., FEDERICO-L., CRISPINI-L., CAPPONI-G., VIGO-A., POGGI-E., PIAZZA-M. Deformation styles and late orogenic evolution at the western limit of the HP Voltri Massif (western Alps, Italy) pp. 218 - 220 [PDF] [Buy] |
44823 | TOSCANI-G., BONINI-L., DI BUCCI-D., SENO-S. Inherited structures and active tectonics at the Po Plain - Northern Apennines boundary: the 2012 Emilia earthquake pp. 221 - 222 [PDF] [Buy] |
44824 | TRAMPARULO-F.D., OUARAGLI-B.E., VITALE-S., ZAGHLOUL-M.N. Tectonic evolution of the Dorsale Calcaire, Pre - Dorsalian and Massylian units in the Chefchaouen area (Northern Rif, Morocco) pp. 223 - 224 [PDF] [Buy] |
44825 | TRAMPARULO-F.D., VITALE-S., FEDELE-L., CIARCIA-S., NOVELLINO-A. The Frido Unit (Calabria - Lucania boundary, Italy): deformation, petrology and geodynamic evolution pp. 225 - 226 [PDF] [Buy] |
44826 | TRIPPETTA-F., COLLETTINI-C., BARCHI-M.R., LUPATTELLI-A., MIRABELLA-F. A multidisciplinary study of a natural example of a CO2 geological reservoir in Central Italy pp. 227 - 229 [PDF] [Buy] |
44827 | TRIPPETTA-F., MOLLO-S., CARPENTER-W.B., COLLETTINI-C. Physical-transport transport properties variations within carbonate - bearing fault zones: insights from the Monte Maggio Fault (Central Italy) pp. 230 - 231 [PDF] [Buy] |
44828 | VANNUCCHI-P. The role of subduction erosion in material transfer at convergent margins pp. 232 - 232 [PDF] [Buy] |
44829 | VIGANO’-A., SCAFIDI-D., MARTIN-S., SPALLAROSSA-D. Linking crustal tomographic images and surface geology around the Giudicarie and Schio - Vicenza fault systems (Southern Alps, Italy) pp. 233 - 234 [PDF] [Buy] |
44830 | VIVALDI-V., PEROTTI-C.R. Analisi strutturale di un settore del Martin Crater (Marte), attraverso l’utilizzo di immagini HiRISE pp. 235 - 238 [PDF] [Buy] |
44831 | ZANCHI-A., ZANCHETTA-S., ANGIOLINI-L., VEZZOLI-G. Is SE - Pamir a Cimmerian Block? pp. 239 - 242 [PDF] [Buy] |
44832 | ZEGERS -T.E., RODA-M. Chaotic Terrains on Mars: testing the subsurface lake hypothesis pp. 243 - 246 [PDF] [Buy] |
44833 | ZUCALI-M., CANTÚ-M., SPALLA-M.I. Contrasting tectonometamorphic evolutions in the southern Sesia - Lanzo Zone (Rocca Canavese Thrust Sheets, Western Austroalpine domain) inferred by multi scale structural analysis pp. 247 - 250 [PDF] [Buy] |
44834 | MALATESTA-C., GERYA-T.V., CRISPINI-L., FEDERICO-L., SCAMBELLURI-M., CAPPONI-G. Oblique Alpine subduction at the Ligurian transect: evidence from 3D numerical models pp. 130 - 132 [PDF] [Buy] |
45578 | MONTANARI-D., DOVERI-M., MONTELEONE-S., MINISSALE-A., GOLA-G., CATALANO-R., MANZELLA-A. The Mazara del Vallo area, a key site to understand the regional geothermal system of Western Sicily pp. 144 - 145 [PDF] [Buy] |