Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana, 2016, vol. 38
SGI Code | Article |
48016 | BLOISE -A., CATALANO-M., CRITELLI-T., MIRIELLO-D., BARRESE-E. Occurrence and characterization of asbestos minerals in the area of San Severino Lucano (Basilicata, Southern Italy) pp. 3 - 5 [PDF] [Buy] |
48017 | BLOISE -A., CATALANO-M., PUNTURO-R. Occurring asbestos in agricultural soils serpentinite-metabasite derivate (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 6 - 8 [PDF] [Buy] |
48018 | BRUTTO-F., MUTO-F., LORETO M.-F., TRIPODI-V., CRITELLI-S. Transition from strike-slip to extensional tectonics in the Plio-Pleistocene Catanzaro Trough (Calabria, south Italy) pp. 9 - 12 [PDF] [Buy] |
48019 | CANNATA-C.B. Out-door air monitoring in Crotone and Strongoli cities pp. 13 - 16 [PDF] [Buy] |
48020 | CANNATA-C.B., CIANFLONE-G., VESPASIANO-G., DE ROSA-R. Preliminary analysis of sediments pollution of the coastal sector between Crotone and Strongoli (Calabria - southern Italy) pp. 17 - 20 [PDF] [Buy] |
48021 | COMITE-V., RICCA-M. Diagnostic investigation for the study of the fresco “Madonna con il bambino”, from Cosenza, southern Italy: a case study pp. 21 - 24 [PDF] [Buy] |
48022 | CONFORTI-M., BUTTAFUOCO-G. Interplay between land use changes and soil erosion in a small mountainous catchment in southern Italy pp. 25 - 28 [PDF] [Buy] |
48023 | CRITELLI-T., APOLLARO-C. Water-rock interaction in the ophiolitic aquifers of Northern Calabria pp. 29 - 31 [PDF] [Buy] |
48024 | DE FRANCESCO-A.M., SCARPELLI-R., MASTANDREA-A., GUIDO-A., MARINO-D.A. UV Fluorescence as tool to evaluate the biotic encrustation pervasiveness on under water amphorae near Crotone (Calabria-Italy) pp. 32 - 34 [PDF] [Buy] |
48025 | DE LUCA-R., TALARICO-M., TERZI-F. Characterization of artificial materials coming from the Norman- Svevian Castle of Cosenza (Calabria, Italy) to determine the constructive phases of the building pp. 35 - 38 [PDF] [Buy] |
48026 | DOMINICI-R., DONATO-P., BASTA-P., ROMANO-G., DELLE ROSE-M., TENUTA-M., VACCA-C., VERRINO-M., DE ROSA-R. Mineralogical and textural characterization of the Alimini beach sands: implication on their provenance and transport processes pp. 39 - 42 [PDF] [Buy] |
48027 | FIANNACCA-P., LOMBARDO-R., MILITELLO-G.M., CIRRINCIONE-R. Plagioclase microstructures and compositions as tracers of mixing processes in weakly to strongly peraluminous granodiorites and granites from the Serre Batholith (southern Italy) pp. 43 - 46 [PDF] [Buy] |
48028 | FORESTIERI-G., PONTE-M. Mechanical characterization of Trebisacce stone: preliminary results pp. 47 - 50 [PDF] [Buy] |
48029 | GRECO-A., FURCI-D., SBRANA-F., DOMINICI-R. SIGIEC application: an integrated system for management of coastal erosion pp. 51 - 54 [PDF] [Buy] |
48030 | GUAGLIARDI-I., RICCA-N., CICCHELLA-D. From rock to soil: geochemical pathway of elements in Cosenza and Rende area (Calabria, southern Italy) pp. 55 - 58 [PDF] [Buy] |
48031 | GUAGLIARDI-I., RICCA-N., BASTONE-L., CIPRIANI-M.G., CIVITELLI-D., GABRIELE-A.L., BUTTAFUOCO-G. Studying potentially toxic trace elements in soil-plant system: a case study of an olive orchard in southern Italy (Calabria) pp. 59 - 61 [PDF] [Buy] |
48032 | GUIDO-A., ROSSO-A., SANFILIPPO-R., RUSSO-F., MASTANDREA-A. Submarine caves: a laboratory for geomicrobiology studies pp. 62 - 64 [PDF] [Buy] |
48033 | IETTO-F., BERNASCONI-M.P. Evidences of fossil landslides from the Lower Pleistocene on the northwestern margin of the Mesima basin (southern Calabria, Italy) pp. 65 - 68 [PDF] [Buy] |
48034 | IETTO-F., LE PERA-E., MIRIELLO-D., RUFFOLO-S.A., PERRI-F. Behaviour of epoxide resin used to protect the “Rupe di Tropea” (southern Calabria, Italy) pp. 69 - 72 [PDF] [Buy] |
48035 | PERRI-E., BERNASCONI-M.P., CEFALÀ-M. Quaternary carbonate deposition and climate variation (Tyrrhenian coast, Calabria, Southern Italy) pp. 73 - 76 [PDF] [Buy] |
48036 | PERRI-F., CRITELLI-S., MARTIN-MARTIN-M., AMENDOLA-U., MONTONE-S. Compositional signatures of the Cenozoic sedimentary successions of the Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera, Spain) pp. 77 - 80 [PDF] [Buy] |
48037 | RAGO-V., MUTO-F., ARMAS-I., CONFORTI-M. Landslide susceptibility mapping using a spatial multi-criteria methodology in the town of Amendolara (southern Italy) pp. 81 - 84 [PDF] [Buy] |
48038 | RICCA-M., COMITE-V., LA RUSSA-M.F., BARCA-D. Diagnostic analysis of bricks from the underwater archaeological site of Baia (Naples, Italy): preliminary results pp. 85 - 88 [PDF] [Buy] |
48039 | ROVELLA-N., MARABINI-S., CRISCI-G.M., LA RUSSA-M.F. Geology and conservation of cultural heritage: the study case of the Forty Martyrs rupestrian church in Şahinefendi area (Cappadocia, Turkey) pp. 89 - 92 [PDF] [Buy] |
48040 | ROVELLA-N., RUFFOLO-S.A., MACCHIA-A., BELFIORE-C.M. Evaluation of the consolidant efficiency of nanosilica based products on Neapolitan Yellow Tuff pp. 93 - 96 [PDF] [Buy] |
48041 | SANTORO-R., DE PRESBITERIS-D., BARCA-D. Chemical characterization of Roman glasses from archaeological site of Torvajanica (Rome) by LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDX methods pp. 97 - 99 [PDF] [Buy] |
48042 | SCARPELLI-R., ROBUSTELLI-G., TONIOLO-L., DE FRANCESCO-A.M. Preliminary petrographic analysis on common ware from Naples pp. 100 - 101 [PDF] [Buy] |
48043 | SPEZZANO-L. Environmental pollution along the Ionian Coast in Punta Alice area, Cirò Marina (Kr), Italy: preliminary results pp. 102 - 104 [PDF] [Buy] |
48044 | VALENTE-A., ISCARO-C., MAGLIULO-P., RUSSO-F. The flood event in Benevento on 14th-15th October 2015: a short report pp. 105 - 108 [PDF] [Buy] |
48045 | VESPASIANO-G., APOLLARO-C. Preliminary geochemical characterization of a carbonate aquifer: the case of Pollino massif (Calabria, South Italy) pp. 109 - 112 [PDF] [Buy] |